one's door

Chapter 822

Chapter 822
Once the business is negotiated, there is no need for Zhang Yan's "Bow See" talisman to stay in the Changming World.He left behind a thick stack of fifty high-level talismans as a reward to Changming World this time, and promised to have the same amount when he came next time.

And Zhang Yan privately gave Bu Zhongxun a copy of the secret method of comprehension from the profound realm to the immortal.

According to this secret method, Bu Zhongxun can completely impact the human fairyland for three or nine days.

As for whether the crossing robbery can be successful, Zhang Yan thinks it is not a big problem.After all, Bu Zhongxun had stayed in the Tongxuan Realm for too long, and he had already accepted the reality, his mind was peaceful, and his obsessions had been smoothed out piece by piece.Even if it is dangerous and reluctant to cross the catastrophe, there is a high probability that it can be successfully dealt with.

The stronger Bu Zhongxun is, the better it is for Zhang Yan.As for whether there will be any internal filth in the Tiandaomen because of Bu Zhongxun's rise in the future, Zhang Yan doesn't care, he is even willing to help Bu Zhongxun clear the obstacles.It's just the world of the human fairyland, where the rune soldiers are crushing existences, and even as long as he is willing, it is not impossible to break through that world.

And when Bu Zhongxun got the secret method, besides surprise, there was obvious caution on his expression.That's a smart guy who would never do anything stupid.Zhang Yan firmly believed in this.

60 yuan of gold leaf, this amount is much more than what Zhang Yan originally imagined.He originally thought that with Da Hongtian's status in the pastoral school, it would be difficult to obtain the gold leaf smoothly, and it must be done under relatively concealed conditions.So it's not bad to get back more than a dozen yuan for the first time, and the time even has to be calculated on an annual basis.

But in fact, not only did Da Hongtian bring the quantity far beyond Zhang Yan's expectation, but the time it took was extremely short, just over half a year, and 60 yuan was neatly placed in front of him.

This also means that Zhang Yan needs to pay six copies of the secret method of the human fairyland and two copies of the secret method of the earth fairyland for the 60 yuan gold leaf.

Just like Da Hongtian doesn't care what secrets are inside the gold foil, but pays more attention to the usefulness brought by Zhang Yan's secret method of the Great Desolate World.For the time being, Zhang Yan paid more attention to the gold leaf than the secret methods he took out.Both sides belong to what they need.

Zhang Yan has plenty of secret techniques.There are thousands of ways to practice in the prehistoric world, and in each way, there are countless secret methods involving every small realm.Among them, even if you pick out the ones that are not repeated, it is enough to meet Da Hongtian's needs.Even more than enough.

So as Zhang Yan said, this is another win-win situation.It's just that he doesn't have much confidence in how long this situation can last.

I kept thinking about it, took away 60 yuan of gold foil, and agreed that the next delivery time would be one and a half years later.It seems that Da Hongtian is not easy to collect, and it takes a lot of time to run around secretly.

Return to the area agreed with Huang Tianyu.Fu Bing "Gongjian" fell into silence again after finishing the delivery, and was placed by Zhang Yan in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain to accompany "Longshi", and at the same time accept the refinement from "Ball".After all, "Yuanqiu" also had a full meal this time, so he should put in some effort when he comes back.

The 60 yuan gold foil once again brought the good news Zhang Yan longed for.

In addition to raising the degree of reshaping of the prototype of the four-handed killing sword again, the biggest surprise comes from the fact that the star map hidden on the two pieces of gold leaf and the one spliced ​​into pieces in Zhang Yanyu's bamboo slips have a new one. The joint nodes appeared, and another star map of nearly 20 yuan scattered or spliced ​​in threes and twos was pierced, and connected to the largest piece of the spliced ​​star map to form a new splicing result with more information.

After the continuation of the previous splicing, five void turbulent streams are concentrated outside the special geographical mark of an area, and a void scene similar to a landmark appears in the new splicing part: void desert.

In fact, Zhang Yan is no stranger to the void desert.This kind of scene in the void is not as dangerous as the flare storm and void turbulence, and it can even be said to be "not dangerous".The word "desert" is only used to describe "there is nothing" there.Unlike elsewhere, either there are worlds stationed or passed by, or some scenes in the void are located.

The place where Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan chose to meet in private was actually a desert of void, but that desert was much smaller than what Zhang Yan discovered from the star map at this time.

A huge piece of specially marked lines almost occupied the content of nearly ten star maps.It is extremely conspicuous on the whole piece that is spliced ​​together.

"Such a large empty desert is definitely not a common thing. In addition to the five intertwined void turbulence not far from this desert, this area should be able to be found!"

What Zhang Yan felt in his heart at this moment was that he was holding a broken treasure map and suddenly found a clue spelled out, so he was inevitably a little excited.

But the problem is that these places marked on the star map are not within the scope of Zhang Yan's knowledge.

Zhang Yan is no longer the first brother who just came into contact with the void world.He has wandered around a lot in the void world, and he will record every time he goes along the road, and whether he is in the Chaos School or the Pastoral School, he is collecting star maps as much as possible, and he has all the places he has been to or passed by so far. Star map identifiers for all void regions in .

Even so, there is still nothing that can match the star map rubbed on the gold leaf.

Zhang Yan even asked Li Dianchuan, who claimed to be "traveling north and south", if he knew where the largest empty desert was after obtaining the new star map.The other party swears that he knows, and shows Zhang Yan a star map of the Chaos Sect with a jade sword.But after reading it, Zhang Yan was speechless.The "largest empty desert" that Li Dianchuan said was only slightly more than half the size of the empty desert on the gold foil star map, which was still far behind.

Could it be that it is in the territory of the Pastoral School?But this idea was not confirmed by Zhang Yan.He still needs to ask Bu Zhongxun or Li Yan next time to be sure.But I hope he doesn't realize that much.Because he has also obtained many star charts from Changming World and Da Hongtian, although they are not exhaustive, they are still quite a lot.According to the logic of the similar size of the Chaos faction and the pastoral faction, it is impossible for the pastoral faction to have a void desert as large as the gold foil star map.

If, as Zhang Yan speculated, the mark on the gold foil star map is not in the territory of the Pastoral Sect or the Chaos Sect, then where is it?

In an unknown domain?
This inference is not good news for Zhang Yan.He has also been to the unknown domain once, that is, when the sword mound ruins were opened, he went to the outer area of ​​the unknown domain.Zhang Yan felt much more troublesome there than in the void.If you go deep, you don't know how many variables there are.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the gold foil star map is too large and belongs to the "road map", and the unknown domain is only a part of it, and the possibility of the pastoral and chaotic areas cannot be ruled out right now.

(End of this chapter)

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