one's door

Chapter 828 1 Nets

Chapter 828 One Net

The power structure of the Yuhao Great World Alliance is actually rare in the pastoral school. They are not supported by a single sect at the top of the power, but two families together.

Yuxu Hall and Haori Gate.The combination of these two is called Yuhao Great World Alliance.

It is precisely because of this top-level power structure with a somewhat "patchwork" flavor that the Yuhao Great World Alliance is not so efficient in uploading and distributing.A lot of things appear to be inked.After all, no matter how united the two families are, they don’t just do whatever they want like one family does. Instead, they need to communicate back and forth and confirm repeatedly before they can finally be implemented.

Recently, the most important thing in the Yuhao Great World Alliance, and the most test of their efficiency, is the breakthrough of Xue E, the head of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen, breaking through the fairyland.

There are many chain reactions brought about by this incident, the most direct one is that Yuhao Great World Alliance's idea of ​​"picking up cheap" on Da Hongtian directly fell through.Because the power of a Heavenly Wonderland powerhouse is bound to seek greater and more resource acquisition.and a rise in status.This means that the Yuhao Great World Alliance needs to "cut the flesh" to stabilize the opponent.

In the final analysis, there is no meat to eat, and it will be divided into bowls.How does this work?

For the Yuhao Great World Alliance, the best way to deal with it is to kill this Dahongtian Alliance who refuses to obey and divide the flesh.And you can't learn from the unknown, you need to find a suitable excuse and timing.

Fortunately, Xue E has just made a breakthrough recently, and it will take at least several years or even more than ten years to consolidate his cultivation, and the Yuhao Great World Alliance can cope with it fairly well.So after several rounds of discussions, we basically have a unified framework.When the details in the frame are filled, then you can make Da Hongtian look good.

Although the efficiency is extremely slow, there is time to carefully craft the details, and generally the final plan will not be wrong.

In the central hall of Haori Gate, all the high-level officials of Haori Gate and Yuxu Hall gathered here.In order to speed up the implementation of the plan, they agreed to sit together and meet every other month to discuss and finalize new opinions and consensus.

The reason why Haorimen was chosen is because it is Haorimen's turn to handle the daily affairs of the Yuhao Great World Alliance in the past 100 years, and of course this includes the unexpected incident of Dahongtian.

"If you directly link the news of Da Hongtian's collection of gold leaf with the Chaos faction, no matter how you look at it, we will be blamed. After all, it is not a day or two for Da Hongtian to collect gold leaf. When the time comes, the Yanshan Alliance will blame it. Is it going to take a lot of effort?"

"Afraid? If you can't avoid it, just accept it. You don't want to accept the harsh criticism of the Yanshan Alliance, and you want to destroy Dahongtian in a legitimate way. How can everything go well? Now that it's decided, don't worry about the main context. Let’s talk about the details.”

"Where is this not a business?"

"Why did the things that were agreed last time happen again?"

"Because it's not suitable, of course it needs to be changed. How can a mere Da Hongtian use us to carry harsh criticisms? Do it directly, or it will be cleared up in a day. Then Xue E is only in the early days of the fairyland, and the realm has not even stabilized yet. Can you stand it?"

"Hmph! How many times have I said it, it would be too damaging to the reputation of our Yuhao Great World Alliance to easily attack the underworld..."

It is in such trivialities that the dispute lies.It seems to be preoccupied, but in fact it is an undercurrent.The rivalry between Haori Gate and Yuxu Palace has never stopped.It's just that the balance between the two sides showed signs of being out of balance after the master of the Haori Gate broke through to the middle stage of the Celestial Wonderland.

A dispute like this one is also an extension of this imbalance.Both sides are happy to see the following winners and losers.Of course, this kind of dispute should not affect the bottom line of the Yuhao Great World Alliance.Otherwise it will not be allowed.

"It's such a waste of time."

"Waste? Then Xue E has at least a few years before he can pass through the tribulation successfully. There is plenty of time. So we still have to think things through..."

Halfway through the speech, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point suddenly, and even a chill appeared, like a icy sword light piercing down from the top of the head, tearing all the original atmosphere to pieces in an instant, leaving only a piece of The stiff body after being invaded by the cold air, and the primordial spirit that seems to be trembling from the bottom!

At the beginning, all the immortals in the hall all turned their gazes to the three angels sitting at the top, and they would subconsciously think that the sudden situation at this time was caused by those three angels.Perhaps whose words offended?Or because of other reasons?
But when everyone's eyes moved to the three celestial beings, they realized that things were not as simple as they thought.Because the expressions of the three angels they were looking at at this moment were no different from theirs, with the same horror and bewilderment.

But the momentary confusion was quickly replaced by the reaction of "enemy attack".Although I don't understand at all why the enemy was attacked in the hinterland of Haorimen's sect and why there was no warning in advance, the fact that I don't know the reason will not affect the timely response of everyone in the hall.

But when attack methods that most of them have never encountered before appeared out of thin air, all reactions became weak.

"Sword Intent?!" The immortal who had seen this strange method shouted in horror.Even the people around who hadn't seen the shape but only heard the name also understood what they were facing.It turned out to be those sinister methods that only existed in the legendary Sword Tomb ruins.But why did it suddenly appear here? !
"Everyone moves closer to me, we are trapped in the formation!"

The master of the Haori Gate, who was the one with the highest cultivation in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, was the first to react.At this time, abnormal space rules had appeared in the entire hall, and he only noticed it after the appearance of those sword intents.This situation is different from being trapped by the enemy in a simple space rule method.The rules means will not be so stable, there will be ups and downs.But now this situation can only happen to a large formation.

The judgment is correct, and the coping method chosen at the same time seems to be okay.After all, not everyone here has experienced the attack method against the consciousness of Jianyi.It was easy to get used to it at first, and this is not the ruins of the Sword Tomb, a little carelessness is not just an injury, but fatal.

Huddle together, the experienced ones stand in front, save the effort of those behind, and then ponder the loopholes in the formation to seek opportunities to break the formation.

But the problem is that the sword intents don't look the same in size and sharpness, and the killing intent can almost be compared with the ones in the ruins of the sword mound.

The sword intent in the ruins of the sword mound is a wandering existence without an owner and unconsciousness.It's like a dagger in free fall.At this time, the sword intent is not free falling, but controlled by human hands.The gap between the two is unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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