one's door

Chapter 827 New Tea

Chapter 827 New Tea
Bu Zhongxun didn't accept the delivery of tea, so he went there himself.The excuse used was that Chang Ming World wanted to keep half of the high-level talismans this time, and hoped to explain the reason to Da Hongtian in person.

From the perspective of Tiandaomen, Bu Zhongxun was fighting for the interests of the sect.In Da Hongtian's view, it wasn't too abrupt.So no one thought that the can of new tea in Bu Zhongxun's storage bag was the main purpose of his trip.

Li Yan received Bu Zhongxun in his palace.It's not easy for people in this kind of matter to decide, and Li Yan has frequent contact with Bu Zhongxun, so it's embarrassing for him not to give it up, so he feels a bit reluctant.

But when Li Yan saw the pot of tea that Bu Zhongxun handed over and said the words on his behalf, his eyes narrowed sharply. Where is the previous unhappiness?Immediately jumped up from the chair.

"Is this tea sent by the envoy Gongjian?"

"Back to Elder Li, no."

Hearing this, Li Yan took a deep breath and sat down again.After a while of silence, he said, "I would like to ask Elder Bu to go back and tell that person that I have been looking forward to this tea for a long time. There will be an invitation back soon, so I ask that person to wait for a few more days."

"That's no problem. I must help Elder Li bring the words verbatim." Bu Zhongxun couldn't tell that the other party must have already made an agreement with Duan Yashan.I am nothing more than a megaphone and cover used to cover people's ears on both sides.

As soon as Bu Zhongxun left here, Li Yan didn't stay in his hall for a moment at all, he turned around and went to the Haoxue Hall on the top of the mountain.

"Master, Cliff Mountain has replied."

"How to say?"

"It should be Zhang Yan who came in person. The attitude is directly in the clear!"

Xue E didn't show up at this time, but stayed behind the stone wall to retreat.I just kept my mind out for emergency.Hearing Li Yan's report at this time, he also laughed.

"That's great! Go find all the elders in the gate, I have something important to announce. Also let Haoxuewei set up an formation outside my hall to listen to my orders at any time."

"Yes!" Li Yan trembled slightly when he heard the last sentence.But he didn't talk too much, and immediately turned and left after bowing to accept the order.

In less than a stick of incense, the nine elders of Haoxuemen were all present.Several of them were called out by Li Yan during the retreat with "urgent" emergency measures.Sitting in the hall at this time, the atmosphere was dull.And Xue E also came out of the retreat, and sat in the top seat that belonged to him.

"Everyone, the critical moment for Haoxuemen's life and death has come."

Bu Zhongxun didn't know that after he left, Haoxuemen's senior management would suddenly make such a big fight.He didn't know that Hao Xuemen had been preparing for this battle since ten thousand years ago.They have seen clearly the meaning of the pastoral class early on, but any forces that do not want to get along will make similar preparations.The only difference is that not everyone can wait for the right opportunity.

Four days later, Zhang Yan saw Li Yan in the void outside the Changming World, and Xue E who secretly left Dahongtian with Li Yan.

"Master Zhang, it's been a long time since I've seen you, it's really impressive!" Xue E cupped his fists and saluted first from a distance.No one knew what kind of shock was hidden under his smile.The person who was even a whole level lower than him at the beginning has now surpassed him in terms of cultivation.How long has it been?What's more, his current breakthrough is only achieved by the opportunity given by the other party.

As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, this is absolutely true.Fortunately, when Huang Tianyu was calculated by the top forces of the Muge faction, Xue Eduo secretly reminded him, and he never participated in it.Otherwise, today's gathering will definitely not happen again.Even Xue Etian's breakthrough in the fairyland is a delusion.

"Sect Master Xue is flattering you, and congratulations to Sect Master Xue for stepping into the Heavenly Wonderland and bringing a new turning point for Dahongtian!" Zhang Yan also bowed his hands back with a smile.At the same time, speech is also equivalent to expressly guiding the subsequent dialogue.

Seeing that Zhang Yan was straight to the point, Xue E was naturally unambiguous.His time is much more tense than Zhang Yanke's.Especially in such a rare time window recently.

"Master Zhang's coming is a turning point for our Dahongtian." After answering, Xue E continued: "Master Zhang, I'll just say it straight. The best opportunity for Dahongtian this time is later. Within half a year. Generally speaking, three to five years is the necessary time to sort out after entering the Heavenly Wonderland. For the Yuhao Great World Alliance, it is a window in which they can prepare with absolute peace of mind. If they attack them at this time, they will definitely not Unexpected.

So I want to hear what sect master Zhang means. How sure are you that you can kill the three Heavenly Immortals from the Yuhao Great World Alliance with me in the first place? "

Xue E felt that there was no need to bring up the redundant words here.As far as Cliff Mountain is concerned, it is impossible to return to the Pastoral School, maybe they will do better in the Chaos School.So since we start with "transactions", we are limited to "transactions".He now wants to determine whether Zhang Yan is capable of completing the transaction.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "You don't need Xuemen to take the initiative, I can do it alone. I can guarantee that they will die cleanly and silently in the middle and early stages of a fairyland. Master Xue still reserves his strength to do the follow-up Well organized."

Xue E looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously for a while, and finally laughed and said, "Master Zhang, I'm talking to you with my wealth and lives and the heads of countless creatures. Don't be impetuous!"

"Master Xue, I'm also talking to you about the gold foil business that I don't know how much in the future, so I won't be impetuous at all. It's up to the master to decide whether to believe it or not." Zhang Yan's meaning was very clear, and he dealt with it One middle stage of Wonderland and two early stages of Wonderland are just like playing.In this way, there is no need to waste Xue E, who is an important combat power that can be crushed by being placed among the earth immortals even though he has just entered the heavenly immortal.Can be used in more effective places.

As for whether Xue E dares to gamble again, Zhang Yan will not persuade him.

Xue E did not hesitate after waiting for Zhang Yan's answer.Just like what he said just now, the moment he decided to act first, he had already put his head on the waistband of his trousers. His life was already hanging by a thread, so why bother to gamble a bit more?Anyway, if you lose, the result will not get worse.What are you afraid of?
Moreover, Xue E also had to admit that once Zhang Yan could kill the three immortals alone, he would be able to withdraw, which would definitely greatly improve the subsequent gathering plan.

"Okay! Master Zhang has this confidence, so I can rest assured that I will hand everything over to Master Zhang! But I don't know what price Master Zhang wants?"

"Of course it's still gold foil. If the quantity can be three to five hundred, then I will be very satisfied."

"Okay! I can't guarantee [-] gold foils, but I will never use [-] to fool Master Zhang. Then let's talk about the details?"

"Of course, everything is arranged by Master Xue."

(End of this chapter)

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