one's door

Chapter 826 Undercurrent

Chapter 826 Undercurrent
Bu Zhongxun has been enjoying himself recently, as if he went back hundreds of years ago.At that time, Huangtianyu was still in Dahongtian, and by winning the talisman business, he reversed the situation that Changming World was unable to make ends meet, and became a man of the world.

The situation is as it was then.There are even some more variables that Bu Zhongxun can't speak to others.

"Miscellaneous Senses of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" is a variable that Bu Zhongxun cannot speak to others.This is a freshly made jade slip, and the content inside does not need a text carrier to directly reveal the mystery through induction and consciousness.It is a strong person's perception and opinion on the five elements rule.Inside, it starts from the subtle, and finally reaches the vast.

For Bu Zhongxun, this "Miscellaneous Feelings" is like a rare book that can be called a treasure.After he got it, he often studied it secretly, and he always gained a lot from it.So much so that he stayed there for many years, and his cultivation realm, which was already dead, showed signs of slowly waking up, and even if there was internal fire, there was a feeling that he wanted to make further progress.

What is the next step in the later stage of Tongxuan Realm?Isn't it becoming a fairy! ?

The fiery heart made Bu Zhongxun proud of the spring breeze, and at the same time, he also had a hot longing.So he knew that if this matter was known to the outside world, his situation would be unpredictable, but he still had no hesitation.As a monk, it is impossible for people who dare not fight at this time to exist.

Bu Zhongxun practiced secretly, he didn't know if he could break through successfully in the end, and how long it would take.But he is ready to fight for this opportunity.

But Bu Zhongxun didn't dare to show it, and even he could only practice in secret by himself.There is no way to retreat with peace of mind, this is his only entanglement.Because he is in charge of foreign affairs, there are many chores, and people will look for them from time to time.It didn't matter before, but now it's very annoying.

"Elder, is the talisman coming out this time?"

"Keep it all. Except for the part we need to keep, the rest will be sealed up and waited for by Da Hongtian's people."


Bu Zhongxun sighed.The talisman business exploded immediately after accepting another kind offer from Duanyashan.With Dahongtian as the backing and shield, the high-level talismans will not be so stressful to walk.But at present, it is only traded within a dozen or so worlds of Dahongtian, and everyone is very tight-lipped to the outside world, and the quantity is limited.It's only a few pieces at a time for a family.But even so, Changming World made a lot of money.Even this time Da Hongtian took the initiative to reduce his draw to the minimum.

However, this business has been accompanied by variables from the beginning.It's just that Bu Zhongxun didn't expect the changes to come so quickly.

Less than 50 years later, Da Hongtian stepped forward to intervene.It's not that they are not allowed to sell, nor is it that they don't want to bargain, but to accept all these high-level talismans. The price given is still fair, which is [-]% higher than before.Except for allowing Changming World to keep [-]% of the high-level talismans each time, the rest are all collected.

resist?nonexistent.Even for inquiries from other worlds, I can only say "wait for the time being out of stock", and dare not disobey other words.

But the event itself was unusual.In addition, recently, Da Hongtian has frequently mobilized experts from all over the world to conduct so-called offensive and defensive drills.It is said to strengthen the ability to fight against the Chaos Faction on the border.But is this frequency too high?In the past, it was only done once in 30 to [-] years, but now it has almost never stopped in more than ten years.

There was another thing that made Bu Zhongxun feel strange.That is, the time to collect the gold leaf is getting longer and longer, but why is there only two years in the middle of the latest one?Did Dahongtian have a new harvest channel?Moreover, these two years are still the period when Xue E, the master of the Great Hongtian, needs to retreat and consolidate his realm. Doesn't this stop for a while?

I don't know if I'm too sensitive, but recently Bu Zhongxun always feels inexplicably hairy in his heart, feeling nervous that the wind and rain are about to come outside.

"What's wrong with me?" Although he felt something in his heart, Bu Zhongxun couldn't find his way at all.You can only seize the time to do the things at hand well, and at the same time raise your guard.

This is a year and a half in a flash.This time, let alone an immortal, was nothing more than a flick of a finger to a monk like Bu Zhongxun in the Tongxuan Realm.

But just in the flick of a finger, Bu Zhongxun unexpectedly saw a person in his quiet room of daily practice that he thought he would never have the chance to see again in his life.

The Lord of Cliff Mountain, Zhang Yan! ?
It just appeared so quietly that Bu Zhongxun didn't even know when there was another person in his quiet room, and how long the other person stayed here.The smile on his face fell into his sight at this moment, which made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.Or it could be said to be the instinctive fear of the huge gap in the level of life that the worm felt when he looked up at the tiger.

"Bu Zhongxun pays homage to Master Zhang!" Almost subconsciously, Bu Zhongxun knelt down on one knee.I don’t even feel that there is anything wrong with being so obedient.

Zhang Yan smiled. I haven't seen him for many years. The aura on Bu Zhongxun's body seems to be stronger than before. Does he have more potential?

"You don't need to be too polite. I haven't seen you for many years. Your aura is faintly accumulating strength. It seems that you are ready to welcome the flowers in spring?"

"Master Zhang is too flattering to me. I am able to improve a little because of the kindness of the master, who bestowed the wonderful book "Miscellaneous Feelings of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth". Otherwise, I can only wait for death as before." Bu Zhong Xun wasn't surprised that Zhang Yan saw the change in his breath.The difference in cultivation base can't even be perceived, so what's so strange about others seeing him through at a glance?Besides, "Miscellaneous Senses of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" was given by others.

It was Zhang Yan who actually came in person instead of letting the masked envoy come over.This really surprised Bu Zhongxun, who couldn't understand what was going on inside.

"Elder Bu doesn't need to underestimate himself. Cultivation is a personal matter after all. External help can't change the root cause. If you don't have talent, it's useless to give you something more mysterious than "The Five Elements of Heaven and Earth". In the future, Elder Bu will become a fairy." I believe that the Heavenly Knife Gate will be able to take it to the next level."

"This" Bu Zhongxun didn't know how to answer the words for a while.He could hear something hidden in the other party's words.

Zhang Yan did not speak deeply.It's still too early to say that, as long as the attitude is up.

After a pause, Zhang Yan raised his head and said with a smile, "I want to borrow Elder Bu's place to settle here. Some things are more convenient here."

"I don't know if there is anything I can do to help Master Zhang. If there is, please don't be polite to Master Zhang, just do what you say." Favors from others must be repaid, and Bu Zhongxun knew very well that Zhang Yan Being in person is no small matter.

"Hehe, I really have something trivial to ask Elder Bu." Zhang Yan took out a small copper crown and put it on the table while talking.Then he said: "Please trouble Elder Bu to bring this pot of tea to Elder Li Yan in Dahongtian, and tell her that an old friend invites her to drink new tea."

(End of this chapter)

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