one's door

Chapter 839 Sword Domain

It is not that there is no such thing as a sword formation in the void world, and the sword formation itself is not unfamiliar.

But the sword array has never had any remarkable performance in the strength level of the first level of the immortal.It is just a general term for monks who simply use their own refined swords as weapons to arrange killing arrays.

A sword formation without a sword repairer has no essence.Song Shiyu once saw this sentence in a book about miscellaneous news about the prehistoric world.It was also his first impression of the word "Sword Cultivator".

Seeing the sword formation in front of him now, Song Shiyu understood that what was said in the miscellaneous news that he had read before was true at all.The sword array presided over by a sword repairer is indeed very different.

At this moment, the seven golden immortals were firmly blocked by the phantom barrier of the book of the earth. All the attack methods were used, but there was still no sign of breaking the barrier.If you want to crack it by cleverness, you have no clue at all.He could only continue grinding with brute force, hoping that the barrier of the magic weapon would collapse after Zhang Yan, who presided over the magic weapon, could not bear it.

But as soon as the sword array came out, the offensive and defensive sides immediately switched.The force led by the seven golden immortals instantly switched to a defensive position.What's more, the earth book barrier that they smashed before became an iron wall in front of them, and behind them was the threat of a sword array.

The Golden Immortal can still calm down, but the Heavenly Immortal and Earth Immortal inside cannot calm down.Facing the Sword Intent Earth Immortal and Celestial Immortal in the Immortal Killing Sword Domain, there is no possibility of resisting at all.

"These sword intents are wrong! They."

In the horror, even in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, only a few words of exclamation came out, and then he could only watch helplessly as his body was pierced by the sword intent, and his soul and consciousness were quickly shattered.

Want to resist?Except for the seven golden immortals in the formation, in less than a cup of tea time, all the earth immortals and heavenly immortals covered by the sword formation were killed.

The Bright Moon Valley is still doing well.Before this battle, Xie Wei explained it thoroughly to the participating Elder Jinxian, using "whatever it takes" as a warning.Now even if there are people who can't suppress the greed in their hearts like Song Shiyu, they dare not disobey Xie Wei's threat.So although the emotions were subtle on the surface, no one had the idea of ​​doing anything or betraying.

"The same killing intent, the same evil spirit, the only difference is the power of this formation and the way it works. This sword formation must be closely related to the ruins of the sword mound!"

So in general, even though greed was aroused by the sword array used by Zhang Yan, he could barely control himself, maintaining the most basic situation of the scene without changing for the time being.

"Sword Tomb Ruins!" Song Shiyu immediately remembered those "scenes" in the Sword Tomb Ruins.

But Song Shiyu can do it, but not everyone knows Yanshu, and can rely on his strong self-confidence and purpose execution ability to restrain the surging greed in his heart.

In the eyes of Da Luo Jinxian, who was watching so many earth immortals and heavenly immortals in one breath, it was not difficult.But they were extremely surprised, because the killing methods of the sword array actually gave them a "familiar" feeling.

Although those thoughts are tempting, although they contain countless possibilities and opportunities.But still can't resist the general trend of luck from the great changes in the void world.Song Shiyu understands that only when the general trend does not fall can it be possible to enjoy opportunities and create possibilities.If you fall into the torrent of the general trend, no matter how good the opportunity is, it will be meaningless at all.

The most basic desire of living beings is greed.All kinds of greed.Immortals are naturally no different, but the direction of greed for immortals is different from that of ordinary creatures.

What if Mingyue Valley is wrong?Wouldn't that mean missing such a rare and rare opportunity in front of me?
However, Xiu Wenqi managed to stabilize his heart in the end.It only depends on his prestige in the Yishizong, and the support of Xiu Wenqi from the Yishizong suzerain before he came out.

At this moment, Song Shiyu suddenly had a long-lost greed, and wanted to immediately capture Zhang Yan in front of him and ask if the sword formation was as he thought.Specifically, what is the connection with the large array scenes that appeared in those "scenes" in the Jianzhong ruins.Do the four legendary killing swords in the sword mound really exist and so on.
But after these thoughts swirled in Song Shiyu's mind, he was forced to suppress them immediately.Although it will not disappear immediately, it is no longer as turbulent as it was at the beginning.

Therefore, he can rely on his super perseverance and determination, as well as his firm method of extension technique, to clear away the "fog" in front of him, and point directly to the essence behind Zhang Yan.

Song Shiyu had a momentary surge of greed, and so did Xiu Wenqi.Because of the gap in understanding of Yanshu, it is much more difficult for Xiu Wenqi to control the greed in his heart than Song Shiyu.Because the only thing he can convince himself is "follow Mingyue Valley", not any specific reason.

"Hurry up! Where is this going? Even if the feldspar has something good, it can be planned slowly later, instead of turning over now and sharing it with the Sanwen sect. The face of the first sect is not like this Cheap." Xiu Wenqi also had something to say, and directly blocked all the swarming jade swords with this.

But the situation outside of Bright Moon Valley is not so secure.Especially Yi Shizong who has always relied on his own judgment to bet on Mingyue Valley and took a huge risk to stand with Mingyue Valley.Luo Xiuwenqi, who was on the scene, faced unimaginable decision-making pressure.

Song Shiyu saw it clearly.

In comparison, those top forces that were originally joined by Minghua Rongzong and then led by Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu once again used the forces that wanted to deal with Mingyue Valley and Yishizong. squinted.

"Go up to the top and lay directly between the sword array and them. At the same time, open half of the defensive array on the car, blow the horn, and all the disciples under Mingyue Valley will have all their magic weapons in their hands and prepare to fight!"

The four-driver Da Luo Jinxian's car tentatively moved a little distance to where Zhang Yan's sword array was located, to test the reactions of Mingyue Valley and Yishizong.

The attitude of Mingyue Valley here has also led to the attitude of Yi Shizong.Following Mingyue Valley's footsteps, he also put on a battle stance ready to fight.

Posture is attitude.Song Shiyu saw that Shizong did not lose the chain or turn against him because of the appearance of the sword array in front, and his momentum remained intact.Then there will be no mistakes in their promise to continue to drag the other four top forces.Because even with such a temptation in front of him, Song Shiyu dared to be sure that Sanwenzong would not have the guts to face them and Yishizong directly.

Five to one is about the same.Four versus two. Who rushes forward to block the knife?Who will pick up the bargain later?

The six top forces froze again.

But the first-rate forces below who are still on the sidelines can't hold on.It was originally planned to deal with Zhang Yan.Just now, I didn't know how deep I wanted to wait and see, but now I was scrambling to be the first, hoping to be the first to grasp the person in charge of the formation in the sword formation.

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