one's door

Chapter 840 Entering the Urn

Zhang Yan Fubing's face was lifeless, and if you carefully distinguish it, you could see that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he didn't become more nervous or flustered because of the chaos in the scene.

This subtle change in expression will only be captured by Da Luo Jinxian, who has the sharpest divine sense and vision, and will be missed even if he is not careful.

Song Shiyu must be one of the most carefully observed people.When Song Shiyu saw the smile on the corner of the dead face's mouth, Song Shiyu's anxious state of mind suddenly froze.Immediately, there was an inexplicable and absurd feeling: It seemed that feldspar was very happy to see himself being attacked by a crowd? !

madman!Is this feldspar really crazy?

Or is it that the "substitute" method in the hands of this feldspar can handle it?Or wouldn't it be to deliberately attract a siege, and then feign death to escape? !
Many thoughts flashed through Song Shiyu's mind in an instant.He even had to take some of his attention away from the confrontation with the four big Luo Jinxians who were facing him just now.He had a premonition that things might develop in a direction he hadn't expected.

Song Shiyu's hunch was actually not wrong at all.Zhang Yan did deliberately attract this siege.It was also the reason why he dared to rely on the hard power of Fu Bing in the early days of the fairyland to rush into this muddy water.

Because it is different from the defensive barrier of the Book of Earth, there is no such thing as a limit in the Immortal Sword Domain.

The origin of the Killing Immortal Sword Domain is born out of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, which is a quarter of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.Although the power and mystery are far inferior to Zhuxian Sword Formation, its essence and foundation are similar.

If the sword formation can be broken just by the number of piles, then the Zhuxian sword formation is not qualified to be called the first killing formation in the wild. During the war, the two religions could easily fill it with cannon fodder and break it. Why do you want four saints to go out?
To break through the Killing Immortal Sword Domain is the same as breaking through the Killing Immortal Sword Formation, it requires a force beyond the essence of the sword formation's power to break through.Their mystery lies in twisting the power of the sword array into a new power system, instead of using lines to build other powers like other magic circles, so that it is possible to find loopholes to break it.

In other words, in the Immortal Killing Sword Domain, which was born out of the Immortal Jade Formation, to break it can only be crushed with pure strength.

Otherwise, Zhang Yan didn't need to drag the first golden fairy here like a dead dog to provoke him in the form of "execution".The purpose is to ignite the first fire, and then sacrifice the Immortal Sword Domain for the second fire.After all, the scenes in the Immortal Sword Realm plus the sword intent are completely degraded reproductions of the "scenes" in the ruins of the Sword Tomb, so how can it not be guessed on this occasion?
"Good time!" Zhang Yan only had these three words in his mind at the moment.

Can't delay!You can't follow the opponent's pace to fight!

Almost at the same time, the ferocious full picture of the Immortal Sword Realm began to be revealed!
And Zhang Yan's weak point, the Earth Book Barrier, also slowly changed from being the main force of resistance to retreating after completing its initial mission, shrinking the defense range to within a few feet around him.In this way, if the people in the formation want to threaten him, they can only go deeper into the formation.And it is almost impossible for these golden immortals to enter the deepest part, even in the incomplete Immortal Killing Sword Domain.What's more, these golden immortals are still golden immortals with incomplete power evolution in the void world, which is far from the golden immortals in the prehistoric world.

Now that half a cup of tea has passed, more than [-]% of the Golden Immortals and Heavenly Immortal Realm among the surrounding forces have stepped into the scope of the Immortal Killing Sword Domain with a radius of three miles.Those who stay outside are the habitual back-up left by various forces, as well as immortals like earth immortals who are easy to give for nothing when they go in.This one means that habit is greater than prevention.At least in the current situation that is the case.

For example, if someone does not join the battle, they will smash the book barrier.In this way, it was like a stone grinding away his strength bit by bit.In the end, there is no escape from a "defeat" ending.

The remaining threat is the limit that the book from the ground in Zhang Yan's hand can withstand, and after this limit, the limit that his rune soldier body can persist in the "ball" repair.The two limits are his biggest threat at present.

Zhang Yan is very clear about what his biggest threat or shortcoming here is.His threat did not come from the four forces with Da Luo Jinxian.After all, it seems that Mingyue Valley and Yishizong are resisting at present, Da Luo Jinxian did not take the risk of completely ruining Mingyuegu and Yishizong's face.So this danger can be temporarily ignored.

When all the people who were supposed to come in came in, the corners of Zhang Yan's mouth raised slightly and returned to the normal dead face.

How can you benefit from staying far away?How to get credit?
In less than half a cup of tea, Zhang Yan's Immortal Slaying Sword domain expanded to a radius of more than three miles.This is also the [-]% limit that he can preside over the Immortal Sword Domain now.Leave one point as a variable.

It is necessary to stir up the "raging fire" in the shortest possible time and give the "raging fire" a blow, so that the fire is fierce and chaotic, and it burns a fire that no one can hold back and no one can follow the steps.

He didn't know that Zhang Yan didn't show real power at all in order to throw the bait out of the Immortal Sword Domain just now, but pressed his strength.

Even if you can't get the benefits in the end, at least you have participated in the battle, and you will definitely have something to say when you ask.

Those who are outside the formation will not know what kind of dangers are being endured inside the formation.Although it can be seen that there will be sword intent in it, but it is also the same as the reaction of the group of immortals at the star node before, thinking that it is similar to the sword intent in the ruins of the sword tomb, and what is eliminated is only consciousness. Although it is dangerous, it can be relied on Use the means and the number of people to offset it.

In other words, what Zhang Yan wants is chaos!
It's chaotic enough now, so chaotic people swarm over each other, scrambling to be the first, and no one wants to stay in the distance to watch the excitement, for fear that they will miss the opportunity to grasp the core benefits.

At the same time, it is also the result Zhang Yan wants: please enter the urn.

In the late stage of the first Celestial Immortal Realm, the moment when they died immediately without even screaming out the screams, the killing in the Immortal Killing Sword Domain with a radius of more than three miles began officially.

As before, the immortals in the Heavenly Wonderland have no resistance at all.From the very beginning, it was directly annihilated by the manipulative sword intent scattered by those Immortal Killing Swords in a very short period of time.And even if the golden fairies beside them want to rescue them, they have more than enough energy to save them. They are too busy to take care of themselves.He could only watch helplessly as his disciples, colleagues, and juniors died in pieces.

After ten or so breaths, the Immortal Killing Sword Domain, which was more than three miles away, was once again reduced to one and a half miles.

Without him, it's just because there are fewer people.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the scene that had just become lively because of greed was once again poured with a basin of ice water, and it was quiet again.

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