one's door

Chapter 850

Chapter 850
Jiang Ziwen was very surprised by the sudden visit of Wang Nian and the others.Because this side of the underworld is separate from the cliff mountain, it is not under the control of the cliff mountain, and it is not even directly related to it. It is directly controlled by the master.

In other words, the three of Wang Nian came here just as guests.

However, the three of Wang Nian avoided suspicion and rarely came over.Jiang Ziwen has never formally dealt with the other party alone.This time, the other party seemed to come with something to do.Just understand the situation?Why do we need to understand the situation where there are gaps in space?

But these are no secrets.Jiang Ziwen did not sell off.

"The two senior brothers and the senior sister, the basic structure of the underworld is still the same as the one set by the master. We ghost cultivators say that we are maintaining order in the underworld. In fact, the work is simple and not onerous. The main thing is to catch people in the human world. Bring back those ghosts who dared to violate the law of reincarnation to restore order.

On the contrary, the number of ghost cultivators has increased recently, and it has become more and more relaxed.Hehe, to tell you the truth, I, the person in charge, have also been free, otherwise I would not have so much time to practice, let alone be so diligent.

Of course, this is not just idle work.In the final analysis, it is the change of the underworld.

First of all, the area of ​​the underworld has become much larger than before, probably doubled, right?Then there is the evolution gain for our ghosts and the strong yin from the underworld.The change of yin qi has not stopped until now, and it has doubled compared to before, and it is not clear how far it will evolve in the end.

And our ghosts, regardless of their cultivation level, have a uniform level of gain improvement.There are mainly two aspects. One is the utilization efficiency of Yin Qi, which is much stronger than before.

The other is the gain of the soul body level.Now the soul body has become more adaptable, whether it is plasticity or fusion, it has improved a lot.Hehe, the three of you may not understand so much, let me put it another way.To put it bluntly, the change of the soul body is of great help to our practice of the method of ghost cultivation taught by our master, which is almost equivalent to lowering the threshold of various methods of ghost cultivation in disguise.Practice has become easier than before. "

"Yes, senior brother, you are right. During the period of time when the underworld has evolved, not only the underworld has been changed, but also the cracks in the entire space. When the three of you came, you should have also discovered the three newborns. Independent space, right?"

When Jiang Ziwen heard the words, he knew it in his heart.He smiled and said: "The two senior brothers and the senior sister, although the gap in this space is benefited by the overall evolution of the world. But when it comes to who benefits the most, the underworld has to be ranked last. Whether it is the gap itself or the three The nascent independent space is the focus of evolution.

But after that time, the evolution of human beings stopped.Unexpectedly, Huang Tianyu's center of gravity was really shifted here.It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.But this kind of thing is not enviable.

But Jiang Ziwen didn't let Liu Ruizhen guess, but said directly: "As you said, senior sister, Yin Qi does not make you feel comfortable. This is because the Yang Qi and Yin Qi of living beings are in conflict. But Yin and Yang must complement each other, so there is harmony in the conflict, so although it will not make the senior sister feel comfortable, but it will not feel disgusting, right? Even if ordinary people can't stand the yin, it is simply because of "loneliness" "Damage due to yin" is not harmed by yin, the focus is on a "solitary yin".

It's normal for the three of you to feel uncomfortable with the energy overflowing from those three independent spaces. "

Even the three of Wang Nian benefited a lot from that evolution.certainly.They didn't know the result of this evolution at the time, but as they gradually improved their cultivation, they gradually understood the reason when they had more control and understanding of themselves.

"Huh? Junior brother, what does this mean?" Wang Nian's heart skipped a beat again when he heard the last paragraph.

"No. Although the Yin Qi environment will not affect me, it will not make me feel comfortable." Liu Rui thought while answering, and the answer seemed to be hidden in the other party's words.

The energies they radiate have no possibility of blending with living beings at all, but are purely harmful.It is like poison in the eyes of ordinary people, or the difference between fire and water.

But those three independent spaces are completely different from the "solitary yin" of the underworld.

"I see that the cracks in the space have become so huge, has it also received the evolutionary gain from the wild world like the underworld?" Wang Nian asked a new question in his heart.

"That's right. I'm dissatisfied with the younger brother. We came here this time to find someone who was suspicious. Now that we've found this place, I feel that the three independent spaces are very unusual, and the energy overflowing from them seems to be wrong. The elder brother who lives here should know better. Is it a lot?"

Speaking of these already made Wang Nian and the three feel ups and downs in their hearts.

In addition, they are not interdependent with the human world like the underworld, and the space in the underworld must be filled by living beings. "

"Returning to Senior Sister, dare to ask Senior Sister, when you first came to the underworld, did you feel that the Yin Qi here was comfortable or made you feel comfortable?"

Seeing that Wang Nian and the other three were silent, Jiang Ziwen went on to introduce: "Although the three independent spaces are not accessible yet, you can still feel some traces of the original place evolution when you get closer. At the same time, there are some similarities with the human world. For example, I think that they are the same as the underworld in that they are filled with special energy, not Yin Qi or Ling Qi, but three different energies.

Hearing Jiang Ziwen's explanation, Wang Nian and the other three were suddenly stunned.But after a sudden, the uneasiness in my heart did not subside. Instead, after the clouds and mist were slowly cleared, deeper discomfort continued to hit.

"Oh? Is there an explanation for this?"

They have also experienced the benefits brought about by the evolution of Huang Tianyu.When the barren world evolved into the world, there was a period of time when their sensitivity to spiritual energy skyrocketed.It was also after that time that more and more monks and spirit beasts began to appear among the creatures in the wild sky.

That's why the three feel that they are not right, and make the three feel uncomfortable.In fact, as a ghost cultivator, the feeling is different. "

"That's what my brother guessed. These three, oh no, it should be that two of the independent spaces are also evolving creatures by themselves just like the human world. The remaining one is somewhat related to our underworld. It's just that the evolution in it The living beings must be very different from the human world."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Wang Nian and the three of them went blank.

A new creature that is completely different from the creatures in the world?And it evolved in an energy environment that made Wang Nian and other immortals feel uncomfortable
There is a saying that the minds of non-me races must be different. This is no longer a question of whether they are different or not, but absolutely harmful!

What does that mean?

It will only be killing!Even more brutal killings than before with the Yaozu and Yaoxiu!
(End of this chapter)

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