one's door

Chapter 851 Negative

Chapter 851 Negative
Jiang Ziwen accompanied Wang Nian and the other three to go around a few times near the independent space of the three freshmen in the space gap.

"Their gains are much faster, far exceeding the gain weight of the underworld. It seems that they are deliberately inclined to them during the evolution of the world. You two brothers and sisters, you can perceive carefully, and you can detect life from the energy they overflow The basic energy surges in it."

To put it bluntly, the so-called basic energy of life is the soul formed by the origin of the world.Jiang Ziwen, who is in the semi-immortal realm, can naturally feel it, even if he only perceives it from the overflowing energy.

After hearing the words, Wang Nian and the other three listened carefully.Their cultivation base is much higher than that of Jiang Ziwen. Although their spiritual thoughts cannot completely penetrate the three independent spaces of newborns, they can clearly detect the taste of soul formation in them after approaching as Jiang Ziwen said.

"What do you think? Can you get in?" Wang Nian asked Liu Rui and Yang Rui.

"No. The outside of these three newly born spaces is extremely tough. It should be the same thing as the barrier to the world outside the Huangtian Territory. With our current cultivation base, we can't break it at all. Let alone the body enters, even the divine sense can't penetrate it. .”

"Do you feel the inexplicable feeling of deja vu in the overflowing energy of these three newborn spaces?"

"Huh? Junior sister seems to have a little bit of words. It's just very vague."

"Me too, I can't tell."

The three of Wang Nian frowned, but Jiang Ziwen who was next to him took up the conversation with a smile, and said, "You don't have to worry about it. It's normal for the three of you to think you've known each other before, but it's also normal if you don't remember it. Because the three space energies In fact, it can really be connected with some illusory aspects of living beings."

It was a good fight with the Elf Clan back then.This meant that the three of Wang Nian never thought about negotiating with the new creatures.And the underworld cannot be avoided, and this time it might even be the first.Going back to prepare for the war is the most important thing Jiang Ziwen thinks he should do now.I just don't know how long it will take for the war to come.

Therefore, the three of Wang Nian and Wang Nian really couldn't turn around what Jiang Ziwen said at the first time.

"Oh? Junior brother has already felt something? Please give me some pointers."

"En!" Jiang Ziwen took the jade sword and nodded heavily.After that, he watched Wang Nian and the three of them move away.

"That's good. We will keep it soon. This jade sword will be used by Junior Brother Jiang as a summons. Be sure to keep an eye on it." Wang Nian said while taking out a jade sword and handing it over with a very serious expression.

"Although I can't get in, just from the soul energy spilling out, it can be seen that the evolution inside must be extremely intense. The creatures are vigorous. I just don't know if the creatures in it can also evolve cultivation methods." Yang Rui refocused The focus is on the inference of the interior of these three nascent spaces.This is the root of the problem to be faced at present.

One sentence brought Wang Nian and the three of them back to their senses in an instant.Each secretly said in their hearts: Yes!The evolution of the world is full of wonders, and things that cannot be done by creatures are not impossible at the world level.What's more, this energy is only "like" and it is not sure that it is formed by the realization of emotions?

"Of course there is no problem with this, but if there is any change, you must let the elder brother know."

"Junior brother Jiang, can you please pay more attention to the situation of these three newborn spaces, and please notify us as soon as possible if there are any abnormal changes?"

"It's hard to say. With such a large number, it's not uncommon to evolve anything. But in terms of time, it shouldn't be so fast. I'm afraid that these creatures will be like the monsters back then. They don't need to practice, and the number is enough. Just be strong."

Maybe it's because I am a ghost cultivator, and I am used to trading it back and forth.Perhaps Jiang Ziwen's mind is more open in this regard, and his thinking is more unrestricted.So Jiang Ziwen gave his own answer:
"Perhaps this is the way the world evolves."

"Where, senior brother said too much. It's not about giving advice, but it's just because senior brother and senior sister are living people and I'm a ghost cultivator, so there is a deviation in spiritual perception. Otherwise, senior brother and senior sister will surely be able to easily find similar problems. "

hostility? !
Jiang Ziwen's remarks made Wang Nian and the others dumbfounded.They didn't expect that Jiang Ziwen's sudden words would mention this aspect.

When can emotion become a kind of energy?

"Well, I am similar. And according to Jiang Ziwen's reminder, it is true that in the three newborn spaces, emotions similar to and corresponding to hostility can be found. As he said, it seems that the evolution of some of the hostility Emotions are purified.

After a pause, Jiang Ziwen continued after a few words of politeness: "Actually, the nature of the energy overflowing from these three newly born independent spaces is very similar to the hostility after death. Or it is almost exactly the same as part of the hostility. But it’s simpler than hostility. It’s like purified hostility.”

I still remember the ravages of the demon tribe back then, and everyone who experienced that scene would subconsciously feel a chill down their backs.Even the three Wang Nian who did not directly participate in the front-line killing at the beginning would not ignore the disasters that had occurred.

"Hey, it seems right and wrong are approaching! The underworld is on the front line again, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to be alone this time. It's time to prepare." Jiang Ziwen heard the exchange between Wang Nian and the three.Although he didn't open his mouth to ask the reason, he could understand that Wang Nian and the others compared the creatures in the three newly born spaces to the demon clan back then.

"It should be the danger of the space evolution of the three newborns in the cracks in the space. When I think of this place in my heart, I will feel a sense of fear, but it is a little less hasty than before."

hostility?How could the three of Wang Nian not know about this thing?That's a general term for negative emotions.The living and the dead all have hostility, and most beasts also have hostility, but hostility is not as complicated as that of highly intelligent creatures with limited spiritual intelligence.

Back on Cliff Mountain, I was still in the Meditation Pavilion.The three brothers and sisters Wang Nian got together again, but there was no teacup in front of them, and the atmosphere was much more dignified than before.

If you distinguish carefully, the emotions in the hostility corresponding to the three newborn spaces should be "evil, lust, and sorrow".Among them, "sorrow" gives me the most peaceful feeling, while the other two are extremely intense.This may be the reason why Jiang Ziwen said that one of the new spaces is related to their place.Relevant to them, not so relevant to us, and naturally the feeling is not strong. "

"Evil, desire, sorrow? These three emotions are not simple! Especially "desire" can even be said to be all-encompassing. Can the same energy be evolved in the form of energy?"

"I also think it is impossible to evolve all of the "desires", or one or two?"

"No matter what kind it is, we have to make preparations first. What do you think, let's talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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