one's door

Chapter 861 Chaos

Chapter 861 Chaos
Zhang Yan's confidence lies in the fact that although he has worked hard, the worst result will not be fatal.If it were his true self here, he would not rush into the danger that seems to have no support at all, and is all suspended from the premise described in a book.

But the description in the book appeared, and Huang Tianyu and him are currently stuck on a very delicate and important link, it really needs to be fought, otherwise the situation will be easily corrupted later.

After rushing into the so-called passageway of void collapse, Zhang Yan's heart suddenly fell back half.Because he was not killed by some kind of mysterious power or more chaotic rules and other dangers, but was unscathed as if he was in a colorful cave.It reminded him of the dead and silent road that he traveled through the desolate realm a long, long time ago.

"This thing is really a space channel! I just don't know what's on the other side." Zhang Yan looked around while exploring along the channel.

The divine mind has always been in the greatest and most vigilant state, but apart from the strange entanglement of space rules in the surrounding colorful passage walls, Zhang Yan can't detect from above what other forces are interacting in it.The only thing he can be sure of is that the construction of this channel is definitely not just something that can be done by space rules.

I don't know how long I walked along the passage, and I don't know which direction the road is moving in a straight line. I can't even tell whether Zhang Yan is straight or not.At first, he tried to use his own heartbeat to time the time in his heart, but soon Zhang Yan found that the time scale here also exceeded his usual understanding. With his mastery of the time rules, he could only ensure that he would not be caught by this chaotic time. The time scale is confused, but it can't be used to measure time.

"Huh? There is light!"

A light that was actually not bright appeared from the front of the passage.It is different from the colorful illusion on the passage wall, it looks very real, and it looks a bit like the misty light that belongs to the world in the void.

It seems that just after the thought, a flower followed Zhang Yan's eyes. When he looked back, where was the shadow of the passage just now?Disappeared!At this moment, he was hovering in a strange but somewhat familiar void-like environment.

How to go back after that?This thought, which should have been horrifying, flashed by, but it didn't make Zhang Yan pay more attention, because "Lanyouji" mentioned a way to go back, so there is no need to worry about it right now.Right now, he is more concerned about whether the surrounding environment is the chaos mentioned in the book, and whether it can match the gold leaf star map in his hand.

You feel very wrong, but there is a thread and a solid self-contained system here.It's as if you have gone to a strange country, and you see strange-looking foreigners all around you, but in fact you are the foreigner here, the strange one.Just like Zhang Yan at this time.

Being able to adapt so quickly and without rushing, that "Lanyouji" has contributed a lot.This time, it seemed that the bet that seemed to flood his brain was really the right one.It's all confirmed Zhang Yan's feelings again, "coincidence" is the key point he has to follow at present, whether it is reasonable or not is still secondary.

These points of light were mentioned in "Lanyouji".The author You Yu claimed that these light spots that look like the world are actually not sure whether they are the world.Because he couldn't get in at all, he could only find out from the outside.The final conclusion is: there is the structure of the world, but there is no breath of the world.It is impossible to determine what it is, and it is not known whether there is an inner space that can be entered and explored.

"There is a blazing storm on the left, and a turbulent flow in the void and three world light spots on the right. If this is the case, then should I be in this position now?" Zhang Yan quickly determined his position along the star map.At the same time, I am also curious about those places that coincide with the light spots on the star map. I thought they were moving stars before, but now they seem to be the places where the world exists.Is the world here also the same as in the void world?

Not long after, Zhang Yan was pleasantly surprised to find an area on the star map that is most likely to be where he is now.

In addition, the power of the rules here is orderly, but it is different from the void world. It can even be said that many places are "ordered in reverse".Even though Zhang Yan is most familiar with the rules of space, although he can feel it here, he needs to move it in a way that is almost completely opposite to that in the void outside.

"This place is indeed as stated in the book. It's weird and incomprehensible. But it seems normal. The contradictions are really impressive."

To be precise, the fog in front of him didn't make Zhang Yan feel the vitality overflowing from the evolution of the world.

While adapting to the new environment here, Zhang Yan took out a jade slip with a gold leaf star map rubbing from the storage bag to check.He made many rubbings of this kind of jade slips.

Zhang Yan's conclusion in the book is no longer used as a story, but will be used seriously as a reference.

With a thought, Zhang Yan moved away from the original place, and went straight to the edge of the world closest to him that coincides with reality on the star map.

When we arrived at the shimmering place, we couldn't tell the difference between the things in front of us and the mist clusters of various worlds in the void world just by eyesight, they were exactly the same.It's just that it is the same as mentioned in the book, although it has the appearance of the world, it doesn't have the breath of the world.

But Zhang Yan's methods are not limited to these "polite" ones, there are also rough ones.

"Can't you get in?" Zhang Yan tried many methods, and he really closed the thing in front of him that could be called a "dead world".Not only the spatial rules cannot be explored and cut in, but even a trace of the internal spatial rules cannot be seen.

Without vitality, it means that there is no life, and there will be no self-awareness and subsequent evolution of the world.Zhang Yan is very sure of this, because he often cooperates with Huang Tianyu, and he has a far better understanding of the inertia of existence at this level of the world than others.

The author of "Lanyouji" couldn't break it, but Zhang Yan thought he could try.Because he has a great weapon in his hand that the author of "Lanyouji" does not have.It is also a sharp means for rough cutting.

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Yan grasped the body of the Immortal Killing Sword, which was already slightly longer than ordinary short swords by an inch.

Then Zhang Yan slashed directly with his sword, and there was a moment of stalemate when he started, it seemed that a layer of film had bumped into the Slaughtering Immortal Sword, and after that, the cut was as smooth as oozing mud.After a few strikes, Zhang Yan really opened a gap.There is really a space to enter inside, not a meaningless dead thing.Zhang Yan even found some unusual things when he probed into it.

"Those are pavilions and palaces?! Is there anyone here?"

Surprised, Zhang Yan didn't dare to go in rashly for a while, and raised his hand, a thick stack of paper figurines was thrown into the gap
(End of this chapter)

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