one's door

Chapter 862 Ruins

Chapter 862 Ruins
The paper figurine has not been used in Zhang Yan's hands for a long time.It's just right to spread it out now.

If Zhang Yan's talisman body could live in peace inside with the fragile endurance of the paper man talisman, it is unlikely that Zhang Yan's talisman body will encounter any fatal dangers when he enters it.

Moreover, Zhang Yan's side end was attached to the paper figurine, so there was no problem with the basic detection ability.

Zhang Yan's talisman body stayed outside the "dead world", always on guard against the breach in this world, and did not take back the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand.In the consciousness, it is involved in what the stack of paper figurines saw, smelled and touched inside the "dead world".

The first feeling Zhang Yan gave back was that the space that the paper figurine entered had a very "artificial" feel.It doesn't have the roundness and naturalness in the void world at all.In particular, the construction of the space even gave this a sudden sense of seeing the context of the magic circle.

In addition, the environment here has no aura at all.But the lack of aura is extremely strange.

Because Zhang Yan quickly found wreckage similar to spiritual species in many places through the paper figurines that were thrown out.There are even some extremely rare and precious spiritual species in the Taoist books that Zhang Yan has read.For example, a towering tree that has been dead for an unknown period of time is clearly very similar to the branch tree species of Jianmu described in the Taoist scriptures.This kind of thing can only survive in an environment with extremely abundant aura.

There is only one explanation that Zhang Yan can think of: this place used to be extremely rich in aura, but then it became so dilapidated after the aura disappeared for some reason.

Moreover, the reason for the dilapidation here is probably because it has been attacked.

Because many of the pavilions, towers, pavilions, palaces and houses that can be vaguely discovered by Zhang Yan's divine sense are incomplete.Through the sight of the paper figurines, it can be clearly seen that there are still smooth marks of cutting in some broken parts.

There are many similar medicine fields on the Cliff Mountain.It is jointly maintained by Liu Rui's disciples and people from Danqitang.It's just that the medicine field in the Cliff Mountain doesn't look as orderly as before.Looking around, this mountain is almost full of this kind of medicine fields from the halfway up the mountain.The number also exceeded Zhang Yan's previous cognition.

The place where we settled was the top of a high mountain.

And beside these houses, you can see many free plots distributed in terraced fields, each of which is the same size and looks very regular.It's just that there is nothing else to be seen on the ground except black-gray gravel.

As soon as his feet stepped on the ground, there were bursts of broken stones cracking and turning into gravel, and even Zhang Yan's feet sank a few inches before stepping firmly.

If it is said that the desolate world is full of vitality, but the underworld is full of gloom.Then what Zhang Yan felt here was "nothing".It was empty, not even the slightest bit of atmosphere, not even as good as the emptiness outside.He even wondered if the power of rules here came in because he made a big cut?

Yukong flew high into the sky, and Zhang Yan nodded firmly after adjusting his position a few times.

With a flash of his figure, Zhang Yan left the high mountain where he was staying, and then came to a house on the mountainside.

After exploring with the paper figurine for a while, Zhang Yan let his body of the talisman enter officially.But he didn't go down immediately after stepping in. Instead, he took the Immortal Slaying Sword and slashed a few more times from the inside out. He was relieved only after making sure that both the inside and outside of the "dead world" barrier could be cut open by the Immortal Slaughtering Sword.

There are a total of seven houses with a simple style and the whole body is made of stone. Five of them have mostly collapsed, and the remaining two are relatively intact because they are close to the mountain. Only a part of the roof is broken.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the houses here were destroyed from top to bottom by the aftermath of some kind of tyrannical force.

However, there is no such thing as a space gap.It is simply the range that the eyes and divine sense can see.

Looking around, the spiritual thoughts burst out at the same time, and what I saw was a gray-black dead world, and the range covered by the spiritual thoughts was also the same.But this place is so huge that it is not smaller than Huangtianyu, and even the human world of Huangtianyu is much bigger here.

The divine thoughts came in completely, and the paper figurine was put away by Zhang Yan.

But this does not prevent Zhang Yan from recognizing the original purpose of these terraced fields, which are all medicine fields.

You must know that the elixir medicine field is very resource-intensive.Cliff Mountain is also considered a big family, but the resources in hand are only enough to cultivate rare or urgently needed medicinal materials on a small scale.How dare to open so many fields like the scene in front of you like planting rice?
Moreover, in Zhang Yan's spiritual thoughts, there are not only this kind of medicine fields on the mountain at his feet. If you don't count carefully, there are no less than a thousand similar medicine fields in the spiritual thoughts!

If you use your spiritual sense to distinguish carefully, you will find that, except for the peaks that were reclaimed as Yaotian Mountain, the rest of the mountain peaks are all unsuitable for being too steep or short.In other words, all the available peaks in this "dead world" have been turned into Yaotian Mountains.

Why does it have to be a mountain?Can't it be flat?
Of course, flat ground is fine, but the effect will be greatly reduced.This is related to the difference between the arrangement of spirit gathering in the mountain peak and the arrangement and gathering of spirit energy between the mountain peak and the ground.

The figure disappeared again, and when Zhang Yan appeared, there was a broken mountain around him, and there was an irregular section under his feet.Turning around and looking back, there is a "gully" about hundreds of miles long at the foot of the mountain behind him.

"This mountain is the broken part left after the upper half of it was wiped out. It seems that it was indeed destroyed by someone. But even the Chaos Sect's World Destroyer Formation can't suck out the aura of a world so clean But it doesn’t damage the space structure? How is this done? There’s also the cover barrier on the sky, which is not a world barrier, but rather some kind of means artificially arranged here.”

After walking around for a long time, I still found a lot of information items that could barely be used for analysis.For example, in the previous houses, and in some caves in the mountain, such as storage rooms, similar things were found, such as some scraps of magic weapons, and some jade slips.

Magical artifact fragments are not offensive and defensive, but more like auxiliary special equipment.Zhang Yan tried to repair it, but in the end he repaired a small part of it, and the power he found was actually a condensed spiritual energy!If it is intact, the aura condensed by this magic weapon can reach the level of liquid.What can it be used for?Water those medicine fields?

And some corners of the broken jade slips that were painstakingly pieced together also found that these jade slips did not record any books or classics at all, nor did they contain any secrets of cultivation.It's like a ledger.The names of the medicinal materials and the different quantities are recorded on it.There are also clear "in and out" records.

(End of this chapter)

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