one's door

Chapter 869 Fork in the Road

The Great Desolate World was originally a part of the Void World.According to what Da'ao said, it is to teach and protect, and if it lives here, it is not surprising at all to know the void world.

Zhang Yan could understand Da'o's surprise.After all, the Great Desolate World has been away from the Void for too long, and the Void does not know how to find it. Similarly, people from the Great Desolate World should not come here easily.Not to mention that such a vast space like a chaotic domain ran out.I'm afraid that this situation would be the same as this Da'ao's for anyone else.

"Otherwise? Hehe, but did your words say that you came from the Great Desolate World? And the Heaven Beyond Heaven and Chanjiao you mentioned here are all existences in the Great Desolate World, right?"

At this time, Da'ao floated up from the water, but less than [-]% of his body was exposed to the water, and his big eyes were full of entanglement and fear.

"How is this possible?! How could it be a void world? How did this come back?! Could it be..." He said to himself but couldn't contain his horror.But before he finished speaking, he stopped himself, turned his head and took a quick glance at the center of the sea.

At this time, Zhang Yan temporarily stopped killing in the Immortal Sword Domain, waiting to see Da'ao's reaction.So far it looks good.That final look of panic made Zhang Yan understand that the center of this floating sea area is really not simple.There must be something else besides this big turtle.And it is also considered by Da'ao that it is very likely that there is an inevitable connection with Tianwaitian leaving the great world and coming to this void collapse.

"You, Da'ao, are so good at talking! Seeing how long you have lived, you came from the Great Desolate World. Now the Great Desolate World has long disappeared, leaving you with doubts. If you can speak well, how about saving your life this time?"

Whether to kill or not to kill this Daao Zhang Yan has not yet decided, verbal temptation, first to see what the other party has to say before making plans.

That Da'ao was suddenly silent.After a while, he said: "Boy, you should go quickly. This is not the place you should come to. And there is no treasure. Even if you can kill me, you will be dead if you go forward. Why do you want to seek your own death if you are good? ?”

"Dead end? Do you, Da'ao, know how much risk I have taken to come here from the void world? You recognize me as a rune soldier, so you should know that since I am here, I am not the deity. Those you just now Words can't scare me. If you have anything to say, you can say it well, and you don't care about me in matters of life and death. Your own life is not in your own hands now. "

Zhang Yan nodded with a smile.At the same time, it really stopped the killing of the sword array.But the four killing swords were still hidden, and there was no possibility for Da'ao to break free at all.Because there is sea water everywhere, if the other party breaks free and escapes into the deep sea and he can't save it, wouldn't it be that the cooked duck flew away?

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Heaven and Heaven Forbidden Land? It's unbelievable. It's so important and dangerous. How can you be the only one guarding it? The outside is a dead world. Isn't this a ruin? If you don't To be honest, then don’t blame me for killing you and then taking your soul to check it yourself!”

In just one cup of tea, the Da'ao defense, which was barely able to survive before, appeared in a precarious situation.The tortoise shell on the dead corner was chiseled out to form a depression with a diameter of one foot and a depth of half a foot.

And once the defense of the tortoise shell is lost, the underside of the shell will be soft everywhere, and the four killing swords go in to grind the meat, and the soul will never even have a chance to escape.

"Stop! Stop, Your Excellency! Just ask! I'll tell you!"

But isolated and helpless, those Lingbao flying swords in the other party's hands are really too powerful.Da'ao understood that even though he had a strong defense, it would not be difficult for the opponent to grind it to death.At the moment of life and death, there are almost no solutions it can think of.The only thing that can be brought out to make the other party throw a mouse, but dare not open it up.Can only be in a dilemma.

Especially after hearing Zhang Yan talk about the dead silence in the chaos outside, the uneasiness in Da'o's eyes became serious again.Although it will not fully believe everything Zhang Yan said, it still understands that the situation in this forbidden area is definitely not optimistic.Otherwise, how could a mere Heavenly Wonderland rune soldier get in here?

Gritting his teeth and persisting for a while, the psychological pressure of something that he is proud of being slowly torn apart is absolutely terrifying.Especially for this Da'ao, who is still in such a helpless situation and is very likely to be given up long ago, it is even more difficult to continue to give up his life.After all, you will die when you die, and you can't count on anyone to avenge you, and even your death will not be known by anyone.Appears pale and meaningless.

"Huh! Boy, how can you, a closed insect in the void world, know the dangers in the outer world and the forbidden land in the prehistoric world? Not to mention your mere talisman body, if you miss a trace of your soul, you can get it in the hands of others." If you curse and kill, there will be no sign of your soul flying away. Even if you are a golden fairy Daluo!
Listen to me, hurry up, and don't tell the outside world about this matter.Forget about it later. "

According to the proportion of the body, the shell on the back of the big turtle is at least three to five feet thick.But if it goes on like this, it will be pierced in less than a meal.

The corners of Zhang Yan's mouth slightly pulled up on the dead man's face, as if he was smiling.It's just that this smile really makes people feel hairy after seeing it.This Da'ao is not human, but it also understands that the other party seems to have no intention of stopping.

Zhang Yan didn't care whether Da'ao was embarrassed or not.Directly command the shuriken array to start killing again.And this time, he didn't slash randomly like before, but seemed to really take his life.The four killing swords are completely useless, that is, to take advantage of the Dao's inability to dive deep, being trapped in the "narrow" shallow sea with no room to move, grabbing a tortoise shell above the tail of the Dao's tail that is a dead end for it and slamming it.


"Boy, stop!"

"How dare you! This is a forbidden area, and I'm protecting it. If you kill me, what's behind?" Halfway through, Da'ao hesitated to speak again.But attitudes have softened again.

"Let's talk about one forbidden place first. What exactly is "forbidden" here?" This is what Zhang Yan wants to know the most.At the same time, it is also the first time that he has the opportunity to make some explorations of these coincidences while being involved in the "invisible coincidence hand".

Like a marionette.I didn't have a choice before, although I don't know if I can choose now, but at least there is one more possibility.

After all, the fate of a puppet is not necessarily to be carefully cared for and maintained. It may also be used casually and thrown away after use.So even though Zhang Yan seemed to have a big heart all the time, he didn't make more moves or deliberately resist the continuous coincidences on his body.But that was all due to the situation, not because he was just so cowardly.

Da'ao shrank his neck, stuck his whole body to the bottom of the sword array, and then stammered: "This is actually a prison."

Ps: I'm sorry, I have some personal matters to delay this morning.There is one chapter left to be added in the afternoon.

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