one's door

Chapter 870 Accident


Zhang Yan Fubing's pupils shrank sharply.Surprised in my heart: Isn't this Ao Island Biyou Palace?How could it be a prison?Could it be that the person imprisoned is Tongtian Shengren, the leader of Jiejiao? !
The thought together was too scary.But it's not impossible with a little thought.

Zhang Yan thinks it is reasonable that Ao Island Biyou Palace is located in Tianwaitian.After all, it is the residence of saints.

Then in the battle of the Three Religions, the Jiejiao was defeated, coupled with the dilapidated appearance outside, the miserable state of the Jiejiao after the defeat can be seen.It can even be said that the stove was completely lifted.This can also understand why Zhang Yan's Daoist book did not mention Tongtian sage, the leader of Jiejiao.But it only exists in some market story books and is spread as imaginary stories.Even Daomen Sanqingli does not have the position of Tongtian.

It is already appalling to erase the existence of such a huge superpower to such an extent.Even Zhang Yan felt that there might be some mistakes in the legends circulating in the market.Otherwise, it is not impossible to really do not leak.

Then comes the remaining problem.

Taking Zhang Yan as an example, if he wants to kill Jinxian now, he needs to rely on Wanxiangzhu or the four killing swords in his hand.Otherwise, let alone killing a golden fairy, it would actually take a lot of effort for him to kill a heavenly fairy.This is due to the resilience of life after practice.You can beat the enemy, but it's getting harder and harder to kill them outright.

This is true for the heavenly and golden immortals, but what about Da Luo?Where is the saint?

I am afraid that when they are hostile, they would like to kill each other, but when they really want to do it, it is very likely that they will not be able to do so.

Otherwise, why do immortals often use the word "repression"?That's because it can't be killed, and it may even be run away. After the tail is too big, it will only increase troubles.

Of course, Zhang Yan's attitude towards this situation is to do it directly instead of breaking up with the other party.With a thought, the hidden four killing swords were once again caught in the sword intent and killed.The half-foot-deep hole on the back of Da'ao's back tortoise shell was dug in again for more than half a meter, which has already broken Da'ao's tortoise shell by almost [-]%.

"A saint is not a status, but a state of cultivation. Above the golden immortal is Daluo, and above Daluo is a saint. Now you know the danger of this place, right? The saints imprisoned here almost caused chaos in the six realms of the prehistoric world The number one murderer. You should leave quickly. There is no treasure here."

"Stop! I said, I said! Stop chiseling!" Da'ao yelled again.Its tortoise shell is not flesh and blood, even if it is not a fatal injury, it is very slow to recover, and it consumes a huge amount of demon energy.It will take at least thousands of years to fill up the broken hole of more than one foot.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Yan opened his mouth and said to Da'ao under the water: "Prison? Who is it imprisoning?"

The words were sincere, as if he was really worried about Zhang Yan's safety.But no matter how soft the words of the giant beast were, it would still sound awkward.Moreover, Da'ao really dared to call the sage Tongtian a murderer.And this brain is afraid that it has been washed out a long time ago?
"There is still a realm above the Daluo Golden Immortal?!" Surprise still had to be feigned.Then his tone changed and he said again: "You idiot talking nonsense! If a saint above Da Luo Jinxian is here, how can he be imprisoned? Just rely on you, a stupid person who can't even fight me like a talisman soldier ?”

The imprisonment of the saint was also done jointly by several other saints.This is also an extremely long time in the prehistoric world.I wouldn't know it if I hadn't been born here all my life.

In other words, the four swords that were confiscated in the Three Religions War were just shells, without spirits, so they couldn't be called the number one killer in the wild.So it is impossible to use it to kill the saint.

"Say it!"

"You shouldn't ask so clearly, right?" It seemed that he was still full of worries, and this big turtle still couldn't speak freely.

If this is the case, what place is more suitable for suppression and sealing than Biyou Palace?It can not only take care of the saint's face, but also suppress the facts.That"

"Don't you know?"

"Your Excellency, don't believe me. Although I protect this place, the range of protection is only this sea area. It belongs to the outer edge of the prison. It is a warning job. It is the inner circle of the prison, which is the real Ao Island. This is the heart of the prison.

But to kill the strong, mainly depends on the sharp weapon in hand.For example, the Four Swords of Immortal Execution from the Master Tongtian, and the Immortal Execution Sword Formation built by the Four Swords, are the number one killing weapon in the prehistoric world, and the only thing that can barely be used to kill a saint.

The original swords of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian were taken away in the great war, but the four sword souls survived. Now one of the sword souls is in the hands of Zhang Yan, and using it as a seed, he has reshaped the four sword souls at the same time. The sword body of the sword is gone.

"Saint? What is that? Is it identity?" Zhang Yan naturally knew it in his heart, but he still had to pretend not to know it at this time.Continue to listen to what else Daao can say next.

"If you think about it this way, the Tongtian Saint was defeated, and then Aodao Biyou Palace was destroyed. The prestige of the Saint cannot be bullied, and he cannot be killed without the participation of the Four Swords of Jade Immortal. Then the only thing left is to suppress the seal.

"Your Excellency, do you still remember the Jiejiao I mentioned earlier? This place is called Ao Island Biyou Palace, and it is the residence of the leader of the Jiejiao, Tongtian. And that Tongtian is, is a saint." Daao said as he spoke. His eyes seemed to be paying attention to Zhang Yan's eyes intentionally or unintentionally.But it couldn't make out anything out of it.

My thoughts changed rapidly.The matter started with the word "prison". Although it was horrifying, it was not difficult to deduce a possible conclusion based on what Zhang Yan knew.

"If you want to say it, don't be silly. This is your last chance. If you hesitate again, then don't say it. I'll kill you and get your soul." Zhang Yan threatened in a cold tone.

Besides, the entire prison is not just this sea.Those dead worlds that your Excellency mentioned before are actually part of the prison.Originally, there were many strong people in them.But for some unknown reason, they disappeared.Not to mention that this place actually ran into the void world.It's unbelievable. "

"So the center of this sea area is where Ao Island is? You know the way and show me there."

"Your Excellency, the closer you get to Ao Island, the more dangerous it is. There is a blockade and defensive circle arranged by the saint over there, which is powerful. If you insist on going there, I will lead the way. It's just that the sword formation around here can be opened more, It's too small to move around."

Da'ao was also reluctant, and finally agreed to Zhang Yan's request with a forced and helpless appearance, but he also wanted to gain some convenience for himself.

"Stop talking nonsense. It's not like you can't move with such a large sword formation, so hurry up. No one will save you if you drag it on!"

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