one's door

Chapter 879 Different

Chapter 879 Different
Leaving the waters of Ao Island, Zhang Yan stepped into the chaos again. When he looked back, he was a little more apprehensive and excited than when he came.

The things that were on his mind before he came and had no clue had already made him feel the context.All that is left is to go back to Huangtianyu to verify.

According to the description in "Lanyouji", the way to leave the chaotic domain is the same as the way to enter.It's just that compared to the difficulty of finding the entrance when entering, it's much easier to go out.Find the void turbulence here, choose the one with a large scale, and then approach it. You don't need to wait long to find that the void collapses similar to when you came, and you can leave as soon as you enter.

According to the author You Yu's guess in "Lanyouji", the extreme chaos of rules in Chaotic Domain makes the void turbulence here more violent, and the collision between interlacing is more powerful, so it is easier to produce a channel of collapse.

"Lanyouji" is the context that appeared in the "coincidence" before, and Zhang Yan came to Chaotic Region following it, so he is still sure about the statement in the book.After a little searching, I found a void cave and plunged into it.

It is still the same colorful passageway as when we came here, and even the feeling of being in it is exactly the same.There is no direction, no time scale, and no rules to govern.After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Yan's eyes blurred, and after looking around, Zhang Yan let out a long breath of relief.

"It's safe to come back at last." Rao even Zhang Yan couldn't help sweating for this trip.The danger is second to none, but the meaning is extraordinary.

While he was relieved, Zhang Yan's brows quickly frowned again.

Time, he didn't expect that such a long time would pass by himself this time!Seven hundred nearly 800 years!
Not to mention that the Chaos Sect's land reclamation work has already been completed.The time limit given by Huangtianyu has also passed hundreds of years.

What happened in these hundreds of years, the moment Zhang Yan returned to the void world, the [-]% primordial spirit attached to the talisman soldier immediately shared with the deity, and the situation was clear as soon as the two sides exchanged information.

It is the first time for Zhang Yan to have this kind of misplaced information exchange.There is a feeling that I am really divided in two.

"Barely, it's time to come back." Zhang Yan didn't stay any longer, and went around a big circle and finally returned to Huangtianyu to return to his deity.At the same time, he also found that before he went to Chaotic Domain, he was always being mopped up by the top forces in the Chaos faction, and the situation that he had been missing for hundreds of years had been dragged back.In the past, there were a large number of eyeliners that could always be encountered in the remote void, but none of them were encountered this time.

After returning to Huangtianyu, Zhang Yan thought about it and gave Li Dianchuan of Mingyue Valley a jade sword to tell him where he was.It is also to continue the line that needs to rely on the opponent later.

"Although Wang Nian and the others have done a good job, we still need to work hard on the fundamentals if we want to eradicate this protracted chaotic war."

Zhang Yan was not surprised by the current battle situation in Huang Tianyu.Everything had slowly evolved into what it is now under his nose.

Originally, Zhang Yan's deity could stand between the cracks in space and the human world.Even though his main body only has [-]% of the primordial spirit and does not have the Wanxiangzhu and the Four Swords of Zhuxian, it is not a joke that the cultivation base of Tianxian Realm is close to the later stage.It's no problem to block Shura and hungry ghosts who don't even exist.

But the affairs of the six realms in the future are really not something that Zhang Yan will do by himself.In addition, the three brothers and sisters Wang Nian have actually done a good job.He didn't intervene too much.I just tried the strength of Shura and Hungry Ghost a few times at the beginning, and I didn't make any more shots after sitting on the cliff mountain.

Wang Nian's three dignified people's cultivation in the middle stage of the fairyland is enough to cope.It's just that considering the uncertainty of the space level, it also happens from time to time to avoid the defense line and break through the space gap and throw it out as a disaster.The casualties accumulated over hundreds of years are still quite heavy.

The situation has froze.Especially for the original party who had to seriously consider casualties, it was extremely anxious.

The uncomfortable point is that the hard power is obviously higher than that of the red and black worlds, but the opponent is willing to die even if he is not afraid of death.Even the hungry ghosts are greedy and greedy, and they don't want to die; Shura is looking for pleasure in killing, he doesn't care about life and death at all, and if he survives, his strength will soar and it will be profitable.

Even after fighting for a long time, Hungry Ghost and Shura have formed an attack alliance tacitly.Knowing that the defense strength of going straight to the human world is too high, you can attack the underworld to attract the defense of the human world to scatter, and then find a way to find weak points to guide the key surprise attack.This approach has really allowed them to succeed a few times.In this way, the black and red worlds also gradually discovered that the underworld seems to be a place that must be saved for the human world, and there is more room and means for maneuvering.

Especially in the past 100 years, they have frequently launched attacks on the underworld.

After Zhang Yan cleared up his mood and digested the complex and important information of his talisman soldiers in the chaotic domain, combined with the situation in the desolate domain, as well as his own ability and the convenience that can be used, he realized that his top priority is to get the six rounds Get the disk out.Even if it is impossible to reproduce it now, at least we must come up with a basic part that can barely be used as the beginning, so as to try whether we can fundamentally change the current situation of Huang Tianyu.

It is not easy to make a six-way roulette. Zhang Yan now has no ready-made refining method, secondly, no reference to copy, and thirdly, he does not even know whether he has reached the threshold of refining a six-way roulette.But there is one thing he understands very well, that is, the six-track roulette he needs can actually be different from the six-track roulette in the Great Desolate World!

The latter point is very important, and it was also Zhang Yan's sudden enlightenment after he opened a "fork in the road" in the chaotic domain and did not follow the guidance of "coincidence".

Because this six realms are not those six realms!
"I found a good thing, come take a look." Zhang Yan was still on the terrace at the back of the Dengyun Temple on the cliff mountain, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, summoning the main consciousness of Huangtianyu to come.

"Huh? It seems that you really gained a lot this time."

Not long after, an eye appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, much more agile than before.At this moment, this eye saw Zhang Yan take out a giant turtle shell belonging to the ancestor of the Tunyue Ao tribe from the storage bag brought back by Fu Bing.The special texture and energy overflow on the turtle shell made Huang Tianyu quite curious, it had never seen such a thing before.

"This tortoise shell is very inclusive, it can carry all kinds of energies and random arrangements of rules, and it is large enough to engrave enough lines of magic circles, taking care of every detail as much as possible.

You said that it is used to help you build a soul that absorbs the dead souls in the three newborn spaces, then rotates into the underworld, passes through your hands again, and finally returns to their respective spaces to be reborn.Can such a cycle be sustained? "

(End of this chapter)

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