one's door

Chapter 880 Carving

Chapter 880 Carving
Five years passed in a flash, and ordinary creatures were still busy making a living, but they would subconsciously bow slightly when they ran into someone who was dressed as a cultivator from the immortal family on the road.Sometimes the other party will return the courtesy, and sometimes just nod.

The figure of Yukong passing by the sky from time to time is no longer unfamiliar to ordinary people.

Studying and becoming an official?Practice martial arts and join the army?And do business in all directions?Or fight for talent to enter the fairy gate.It is the way out of the world.Especially entering the immortal sect, anyone who is under the age of 16 will be taken by the family to try it.Anyway, it doesn't cost any money. Nowadays, there are many government-run talent temples in various places. Even if the home is remote, it is nothing more than two days of mountain walking. The baby will not let this opportunity pass.

Especially in the past few hundred years when the world has been in chaos again, the meaning of a monk can be summed up not only by the word "strong", but also "guardian".

The changes in the world cannot be hidden from people.For hundreds of years, the elders in the family have passed on the words and recorded in the book, and each case is a life lesson.Those monsters killed people more ferociously and violently than beasts.Even cannibalism is commonplace.

Ordinary yamen soldiers can't deal with those monsters at all, and only monks are the main force to eliminate monsters.

Although ordinary creatures often suffer heavy casualties.But the monk is also desperate.These are things that can be seen.What's more, there is a real front line, where the fight has never stopped for hundreds of years.Even the three immortals from Duanya Mountain are stationed there, showing anxiety.

So to say that monsters are dangerous, but at the same time, the appearance of monsters has also brought the relationship between monks and ordinary creatures closer to a certain extent.Even the feud between the human race and the monster race for hundreds of years is showing signs of slowly dissolving in a subtle way.

Ordinary people don't know the specific locations of the black and red worlds, they only know that the defense line of the human world is mainly in the two worlds mountains.

Liangjie Mountain is actually a solidified area that connects the gaps in space formed after the collapse of a new space.It was renamed because a huge mountain range traverses in the middle.

One side is the human world, and the other side is a gap in space.It has become the most intense battlefield between the human world and the black and red worlds.

The three brothers and sister Wang Nian are resident in Liangjie Mountain, and most of the internal affairs of Duanya Mountain are also tilted to this side.

The three Wang Nian, who were supposed to guard a fortress separately, did not stay in the fortress today, but went into the cracks of space together.

Creatures from the black and red worlds were scattered in the huge gap, but when they saw the fairy golden light on Wang Nian and the three of them, they all fled in horror.Even if you are bloodthirsty, you are not stupid. Why do you want to die if you know that you will end up being annihilated by waving your hands?Meaningless.This is already the consensus of the creatures in the black and red worlds: when you see a fairy, you shrink back.

"That should be Master's method?"

Liu Rui was standing on the right side of Wang Nian, and the aura on her body was now several times stronger than that of 700 years ago.Even if it is placed horizontally in the void world, it belongs to the kind of momentum that can only be obtained after a long battle.What is missing is probably the experience of truly fighting to the death with enemies who are also immortals.

At this time, what Liu Rui was staring at was a huge bowl that suddenly appeared in the gap in the space in front of him?Something like a turtle shell.

The disciple of Duanya Mountain who discovered this thing made a test immediately and reported back at the same time.It was found that apart from being unable to get close, this thing didn't seem to feel the slightest danger.It's like a quiet stone that won't affect anyone.

Anything that is abrupt and exists in the gap of space makes the human world have to treat it with caution.

The news reached the three brothers and sister Wang Nian immediately.As soon as the three people's spiritual thoughts moved, they became more and more suspicious after invading the crack to investigate. Their immortal spiritual thoughts still couldn't penetrate the vicinity of the thing, and were blocked by a special rule force.In addition, the power of rules that blocked their divine thoughts was not aggressive, it was very soft.But oil and salt do not enter.

I was curious in my heart but didn't dare to relax my vigilance, so today the three brothers and sisters came together to investigate the gaps in the space.

"I don't know. But all the changes in the Huangtian Territory are in the eyes of the master. This thing must not be hidden from the master. So even if it is not the master's means, it should be the category of the master letting us deal with it." Yang Rui went The front rushed in, and then was pushed back by Rou Jiner, frowning to give his opinion.

On the contrary, Wang Nian shook his head with a smile and said, "This thing must be Master's means."

"Oh? How could senior brother be so sure?"

Not only Liu Rui was curious, Yang Rui also turned to look at Wang Nian.Because the two of them did not find any traces belonging to the cliff mountain from the huge turtle shell.There is no means characteristic of a master.I don't know where Wang Nian got the clue.

Wang Nian didn't make a fool of himself, and said directly: "The turtle shell is very special, and the energy on it is different from all the refining materials I know so far. It is a kind of "disorder and order" coexistence of rules and energy levels. This kind of weird thing. How else can this kind of thing come from if Master didn’t bring it back? And this thing looks like it should be the remains of some kind of giant beast. It is even less likely that it evolved from the Desolate Heaven Territory.

I'm just curious that this thing suddenly appeared here and kept people away. Is it possible that Master is planning some big trick based on this thing? "

"Could it be that they want to completely solve the troubles of the black and red worlds?"

After observing for a long time, Yang Rui and Liu Rui returned to Liangjieshan Fortress after finding nothing. They did not dare to leave the fortress for too long.But Wang Nian continued to stay because of curiosity, and even crossed his legs in the crack to observe the tortoise shell closely.

As time went by, instead of feeling impatient, Wang Nian became more interested.Because after observing for a long time, he found that the seemingly immutable turtle shell is actually changing all the time.It's just that compared to its huge size, those changes are too subtle to be noticed.

Those small changes are very mysterious, especially in the eyes of Wang Nian, who can be called the number one craftsman in the Huangtian Territory.

It is different from the routines that are inherent in the crafting method or the category, and even the rule inscription known as "variable" is not as mysterious as the lines on the turtle shell in front of you.From Wang Nian's point of view, it is a brand new field.

In the beginning, Wang Nian was purely "watching the excitement", at most, he was just memorizing and marveling at the same time.The idea is to go back and see if I can combine what I have learned to improve my refining and formation techniques.

But as time went by, those subtle changes gradually accumulated little by little, after which Wang Nian tasted some flavors!

"The structure of these lines seems to coincide bit by bit with the messy veins in this space gap?!"

(End of this chapter)

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