one's door

Chapter 887 Dark Gold

Chapter 887 Dark Gold
Including the entire Void World, it is estimated that even if the Great Desolate World is included, among all the cultivating creatures, only Zhang Yan can reach the peak in just a few years after the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Not only will no one believe this, but they will also be regarded as lunatics.

But such a crazy thing really happened to Zhang Yan.And the process was too intense for him to refuse.

Once primordial purple energy and boundary force were entangled, they became inseparable.Streams of the world's original power emerged from the entanglement between the two, like a spring that gradually opened, and the water was rushing up, and it didn't stop at all, let alone stop it.

Even Zhang Yan had to stop his condensed celestial essence, but the celestial body's absorption of the world's original power did not diminish at all, and it still pushed his cultivation forward crazily.

Originally, the condensing of the immortal body is much more difficult than the accumulation of aura at the monk stage, because of the loss of the intermediate aura to the immortal essence, the loss of the immortal essence to the immortal body, and the running-in between the immortal body and the "reason".The speed of practice will slow down again and again.Even Zhang Yan, it was because of the unexpected factor of "vitality" under the blessing of the primordial purple energy, otherwise his cultivation speed would not be much faster than that of ordinary immortals, let alone his current cultivation level after thousands of years the point.

But now regarding the absorption of the power of the world, Zhang Yan is not tormented by these various "losses" at all, and can directly swallow the benefits and act on his own fairy body.It's just that in this way, although the energy was used to the maximum, it also made Zhang Yan completely lose control of this almost crazy gain.

Like a bystander, Zhang Yan could only stare blankly in the face of his rapid progress in cultivation.

It took six years for Zhang Yan to have the opportunity to sweat secretly and let out a long sigh of relief.It's not that the original power of the world in his body has begun to slow down, but because his fairy body has finally reached the hurdle leading to the golden fairy realm.And because of this, the world's original power that has been rushing out like crazy has a new place, instead of just knowing how to cultivate, so that he can easily count his actual income in the past six years.

Cultivation is cultivation, strength is strength.Zhang Yan understood this truth very well.So he needs to take a good look at the changes in his current strength, and then he needs to find some new methods in Wanxiangzhu's book hall and read some classics and Taoist collections.

But with the passage of time, the condensed changes of the fairy body began to deviate.This is different from the scarlet erosive power that was invaded during the previous tribulation, which was attachment, but this time it changed the content.

If it's just a little different in color, that's all. Didn't it also have scarlet when the power of void erosion entered the body and soul?Zhang Yan wouldn't frown.But the problem is that this time the change isn't just about color.

Of course, the focus still cannot be taken away from the fairy body, and this level must continue to be closed.

Before, the bones were like jade, but now strands of gold began to gather on every inch of the bones.

And as the change of this dark gold became more and more intense, the "yin" that should not appear on the immortal body became more and more intense.This had a huge impact on Zhang Yan.It can even be said to be a subversive cognitive change.

But do you want to say that this change caused Zhang Yan any discomfort, or that there were some loopholes and hidden dangers in cognition, body, soul, etc.?Not at all.This is completely inconsistent with what is said in the Taoist scriptures, "Extreme yang cannot be mixed with yin, if it is difficult to continue, the road will inevitably end".

But the blood changes in the body are not so sudden, because the blood has gradually changed from bright red to golden in the previous practice.What's great now is that it has become darker.

According to Taoist scriptures, "Cast a golden body and become a golden immortal".The golden body is just the most conspicuous feature in the next level of life.And in this name, the name of the Golden Immortal Realm came into being.

It is also under this mentality that Zhang Yan has the time to sort out what he has gained so far this time, and the real growth of his strength.

What Jinxian achieves is brilliance and immortality.Unless there is a catastrophe of five declines, Jinxian will not have a lifespan limit.On the energy level, gold belongs to the external appearance of "immortality" that can be carried by the physical body and the soul.

In itself, the practice against the sky also originated from this.

Then every ounce of skin and flesh also has gold gathering.So much so that Zhang Yan in the secret room seemed to gradually have a faint golden radiance, including the hair all over his body.

Yin and Yang complement each other is the most important way of practice before returning to the realm of the gods. If Zhang Yan has become a fairy, he has reached the heavenly realm. How could he go the other way?
It's strange, but Zhang Yan can't intervene in this kind of change independently.Because Zhang Yan doesn't even know the origin of these dark golds, how can he get his hands on them?

At the beginning, Zhang Yan still calmly said that although he was always different from the normal practice, he was convinced of the word "odd number".But in the end, he was still able to get stuck in the changing rhythm of his cultivation base, and he never went into a fork in the road.I have to say that his "odd number" is just right, otherwise it would be troublesome to cross the river by feeling the stones like Huang Tianyu.

First the bones.

Zhang Yan's physical body and primordial spirit have always been moving towards the extreme sun, which is also the way of most immortals.Seek yang, and expel yin, let life exist alone in "birth", that is, yang, and abandon the "extinction" that exists in "yin".In order to achieve the purpose of detaching from the shackles of heaven and earth, and living in harmony with heaven.

It was the same with Zhang Yan at the beginning, so he would feel at ease in his heart.But later, his gathered golden appearance became not so shiny, but darker and darker.It is changing in the direction of dark gold.

But Zhang Yan feels that his current path is not "seeking yang and expelling yin", and the darkness mixed with gold is not "yang" at all but "yin"!
When did the Golden Immortal become a solitary yang, but a yin and yang? !

As time went on, another three years passed.Zhang Yan even sorted out his gains from the mid-term breakthrough to the later stage, smoothed out various new and old methods, and was familiar with the weird effects he has now become.But the changes in the fairy body are still going on.It's just that after swallowing such a massive amount of the world's original power, it has gradually deviated from its original structure.

Is it wrong in the Daoist book?

Not right either.Because before this, Zhang Yan could indeed feel the rejection of "yin" in the process of pursuing extreme yang in the body method.Especially after becoming a fairy, the fairy body will become a special solid state of Guyang.If the dark side invades, the end will be the same as pouring water into a frying pan.

But now Zhang Yan does not have that kind of rejection of "yin", but feels that the mixing of yin has a kind of comfort after a long drought and rain.It's smoother than ever before.

"Looking at it this way, it's really not that the world is changing, but me. It keeps changing." Zhang Yan recalled the previous conversation with Huang Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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