one's door

Chapter 888

Chapter 888
The three second-generation disciples of Duanya Mountain returned to their own peak of Duanya Mountain five years ago, completely withdrawing from Liangjie Mountain.

The situation became more and more stable. Whether it was the Shura clan or the hungry ghost clan, the intensity of the attack began to decrease rapidly after the six-way roulette was erected.Their extremely fast reproduction speed and the almost "indestructible" characteristics in their respective spaces can no longer help them now.

After dying once, after a round of the six-track roulette, the veins of the Desolate Heaven Domain will be marked in the soul, not to mention that it will be reconstructed and appear soul restrictions.If you want to leave the Shura Realm or the Hungry Ghost Realm after that, your soul will collapse immediately, and you will die immediately and enter repeatedly.

Whether you are willing or not, for the Shura and Hungry Ghost races, their special natures doom them to be restricted.Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

It's just that after being unable to leave the space where they are, it means that the Asuras have nowhere to vent their killing intent, what should I do?Let's kill each other.

What should the hungry ghosts do if they have no way to vent their surging appetite?Eat companions.

Anyway, when the two groups die, they will be re-evolved directly by the space, so there is no need to worry about extinction.But in this way, the Shura world and the hungry ghost world will become purgatory.

Such a harsh environment will naturally be used by the six-track roulette.Before the Hell Dao was created, the Asura Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao became the places where the six-way roulette was used to punish extremely evil people.In reincarnation, those extremely evil people in the human realm will be sent in first, so that they can be baptized by killing and cruelty in it.Whether it is Shura or hungry ghost, they all like to torture and kill. If they are unlucky, it will be miserable. Words cannot describe it.

The path of beasts is less intense than the path of Asura and the path of hungry ghosts.

The animal way is actually one of the newly evolved independent spaces in the cracks in the barren world.But the animal world is actually similar to the human world, except that there are no creatures with high spiritual intelligence in it, but it is just the original jungle.It can be directly connected with the animal way that already existed in the underworld.Now it is the second-level choice of punishment in the six-track roulette.

According to Zhang Yan's estimate, until the Asura Realm and the Hungry Ghost Realm evolved to shield them from the soul restrictions set by the six roulettes, the threats from these two races could be ignored for the time being.

The three of them are already immortals, and Wang Nian is in the middle stage of the fairyland. Although it is exaggerated to say that the vertical and horizontal void is indeed exaggerated, it is not impossible to travel through the void with magic weapons.Why are you so nervous?
Just because not far in front of them is the dangerous place of the void: the turbulent flow of the void.

These three bronze mirrors are actually three parts of a magic weapon, and they can be stacked together.Now the three of Wang Nian set up their defenses with the force of the corner and rushed into the vicinity of the dangerous place that they never dared to approach before.

In the past, Wang Nian and the other three would never have dared to get close to the turbulent flow of the void.It's as if the distance has already made them tremble with fear.If it weren't for the signpost left by Master this time, they wouldn't even be able to get here.

Even for immortals like Wang Nian brothers and sisters, they rarely found a mountain pass, hunted with their own hands and roasted game with wine.Unanimously want to dilute the haze left in my heart for hundreds of years with words between each other, and celebrate at the same time.

The three of them are standing in a triangle shape, with Wang Nian as the tip and Liu Rui and Yang Rui as the wings.All three held a bronze mirror in their hands.

Many monks cried when the war was announced, and many of them were disciples of the cliff mountain.Too many fellow disciples died in this protracted war.Whether the hatred in my heart is good or bad, it will come to an end at this moment.The huge ups and downs of mood are not something ordinary people can bear.

In the void, the faces of the three brothers and sister Wang Nian were tense.In the wild world, they have never been so obviously nervous.

The monks of each sect can finally return to their own sects, and the allocation of resources from various countries can finally be slowed down without all concentrating on Liangjie Mountain.

In fact, the battle on the Two Boundaries Mountains has been rapidly contracted with the Six Paths Roulette.

"Brother, I feel the power of the rules around me being pulled forward, and at the same time, there are too many heavenly demons hiding in the dark places of the void. They are densely packed everywhere in the divine sense. How could they gather so many?"

Finally, a lookout fortress was set up, and a small number of monks stayed there, and each sect was on duty under the command of the cliff mountain.At the same time, strengthen the establishment of an after-the-fact warning system for the respective sects.

certainly.There is also a large-scale celebration, and it can be said that the scope of the wild world is full of celebrations.Cliff Mountain is also involved, but it does not include the three immortals in Cliff Mountain.

But fortunately, there is a square blank area at the edge of the turbulent void that has not officially stepped into the turbulence of the void. There is an obvious magic circle there that can resist the chaotic erosion of the surrounding turbulent void. An appointment place.If they can't even get close to this viewing platform with their own abilities, then they don't care if they don't watch this catastrophe.

"Look quickly, that piece of white ground should be the viewing platform drawn out by Master." Wang Nian gritted his teeth and walked in the front. His cultivation base is higher than that of his younger brothers and younger sisters, but the consumption still makes him a little out of breath.

"Persist a little longer, we will be there soon." Wang Nian encouraged the younger brothers and sisters on the two wings. Although they were a little more relaxed, there was still a difference in cultivation level, and the situation at this time was not much better than Wang Nian.

All he did was want to see Master's catastrophe with his own eyes.No, it should be called Void Tribulation!

"Heavenly Demon? Don't worry about them. They are going for the master, and it has nothing to do with us. But the pulling force here is really scary. Don't mess up in the back, keep pace with me and Yang Rui, otherwise this triangular method The formation will be crooked, and the three of us will die by then!" Wang Nian did not turn his head to look at Liu Rui who was behind him on the left, but stared straight ahead, with a bronze mirror in his hand on his chest.

This completely terminated the long killing war that lasted for more than 700 years.

Finally, counting the human realm, the rotation among the four realms is normal, and the reincarnation in the four realms can be circulated with each other according to the "good and evil" standard preset by Zhang Yan, so that the soul is continuously stained with the spirit of the wild world. evolutionary context.

But although the road behind is not far away, as they get closer to the turbulent void, the three of them will need a lot of strength and take higher and higher risks every time they move forward.

But in the end, the three of them, sweating profusely, stepped into the viewing stand that Zhang Yan had set aside for them.

"Huhuhu, it turns out that the turbulent flow of the void is like this. The power of the rules we are familiar with can't be used here. This time it will guide me in the future practice." Yang Rui didn't even have time to take a breath. I was very excited and told my brothers and sisters about my discovery.

But Wang Nian waved his hand and interrupted: "I'll wait until we get back. Look over there, Master should be about to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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