one's door

Chapter 889

Chapter 889

The golden body is condensed to [-]%, even if it is hidden, the dull golden color can still be seen from the skin.This needs to be completely hidden after the golden body is achieved.And if you want to become a golden body, the final level of catastrophe is unavoidable.

Breaking through the fairyland and breaking into the golden fairy, the catastrophe of this level is also not a battle that can be evolved in today's Huangtianyu.At this time, Huang Tianyu can at most evolve into a catastrophe of an earth immortal, and there is still a long way to go to evolve into a catastrophe of a golden immortal.

So Zhang Yan still had no choice but to leave Huangtianyu to respond to the robbery, and in order to ensure that it would not be known to everyone as it was when Siji Tianjie was like an immortal, he still chose to let Huangtianyu find a secluded turbulent void as a Own place to cross the catastrophe.And this time he didn't let Huang Tianyu take him in, relying purely on his own ability, he also conveniently left a viewing stand on the edge of the turbulent void for his disciples to experience the overflow of the turbulent void Wei Neng, at the same time, also used Sixty-Nine Heavens Tribulation to beat and beat the three apprentices who were a little drifting recently.

When the three brothers and sister Wang Nian resisted the viewing platform with tired faces, Zhang Yan also naturally sensed it.The three apprentices did not disappoint him. Although relying on the magic weapon, it is rare to be able to get so close to the chaotic flow of the void with the cultivation base of the fairyland.

Gathering his mind, Zhang Yan put all his attention on the slowly opening Eye of Void above his head.

Facing the Eye of the Void, Zhang Yan's mentality has changed a lot from before.

Before facing the Eye of the Void, Zhang Yan would subconsciously feel a little terrified, and at the same time, he was full of curiosity about the mysteries inside the Eye of the Void.Now when he looked at the Eye of the Void, he no longer felt terrified, and his curiosity was greatly reduced, leaving more doubts.

The eye of the void and the tunnel of void collapse should be the same thing, that is, the opening to the chaotic realm.Chaotic Domain was again confirmed by Ao Xun as Tianwai No. 30 in the Great Desolate World for three days, and its mystery is by no means comparable to that of Huangtianyu, which is still in the beginning of evolution.

"Could it be that the catastrophe of the void I experienced actually evolved from the chaotic domain?" It's not the first time that Zhang Yan had this thought in his mind.Although it seems to be compatible with his previous experience of going to Chaotic Domain, he always feels that something is not right, but he can't tell.

The shock of the scene, and after being repeatedly impacted by the turbulent flow of the void, there was only a little residual power that spread out of the boundary. The three brothers and sisters Wang Nian, who witnessed all this in the ceremony, turned pale with sweat on their foreheads in horror.

"bring it on!"

In the moment when thoughts were surging, the Eye of the Void had been fully formed, and there were obvious purple thunderballs flickering in the open eye sockets, spinning one by one as if they were distinguishing the targets below.It could fall down at any time.

The difference from the previous times of crossing the catastrophe is that the bombardment of the catastrophe did not make him feel a sense of crisis of "life and death".In other words, these few thunderstorms at the beginning of the six or nine days of calamity did not pose a threat to him at this time.

At this time, Wang Nian and the others understood the purpose of Master asking them to come to watch the ceremony.It is to keep them in awe, not to be consumed by time, to be blinded by the false "invincibility" in the desolate world.

Perhaps Wang Nian and the others will never experience the sixty-nine catastrophe, but the principle of endless practice can make them realize their own insignificance at this time.

At the moment when Zhang Yan's Dark Gold Immortal Physique reached the critical point, a wave of wildness appeared on his face, and his burning eyes affected the first tribulation thunder that fell after the explosion.
It is said in the Taoist scriptures that the golden body is different from the immortal body of the human immortal, earth immortal, and heavenly immortal. In the end, it needs more smashing and beating by the heavenly disaster, otherwise it will be difficult to form. The best way is to take the initiative to hard connect it. However, it will also speed up the formation of the golden body, thereby reducing the number of tribulation thunders in a disguised form, and also reducing the overall difficulty of the catastrophe.

Not to mention the psychological horror and feelings of the three brothers and sisters Wang Nian, Zhang Yan felt very happy.

The berserk power exploded in the chest, and the overflowing aftermath of the tribulation and thunder set off a ripple like a huge wave in the shallow layer of the turbulent flow in the void.It can be clearly seen even standing at the boundary of turbulent flow.

This is the sixth catastrophe that Zhang Yan has experienced. Although Zhang Yan's awe of the catastrophe is still there, there is no panic or nervousness anymore.Just like a veteran who has been killed for a long time, he knows that he may die next, but so what?Panic and tension can't change the danger in front of you, only calm and calm can increase your chance of survival.

If the robbery thunder in the front is easy to catch, take more beatings, so as not to be unable to catch the robbery thunder in the back when it starts to go berserk.

Thinking about it in his heart, Zhang Yan knew very well that when his golden body had to reach [-]% of the last little bit limit, it was the time for the catastrophe to come down.Only then can the power of Heavenly Tribulation be activated.And the last bit of the limit part of the golden body will complete the final transformation in the smashing of the sky.

Obviously not.If the golden body could deal with six or nine heavenly tribulations so easily, then the golden immortal would be worthless.

Is it due to the golden body?

Zhang Yan felt the key point after carrying three tribulation thunders in his life.That is the "Trinity" in his body, that is, Yuanshen, Immortal Physique, and Dao Dan. The whole body is helping him to divide the power of Jielei evenly.In particular, Dao Pill actually used the internal "vitality" that he didn't know how to breed to entangle the "Falling" in Jielei, and then the two penetrated into the Yin-Yang fusion that was about to take shape in the Dark Gold Immortal Physique.

Back and forth, the six-nine-day calamity that was supposed to be like a life-threatening talisman was eliminated by Zhang Yan again. Most of the damage was eliminated, and at the same time, all the functions were retained. The last trace of the blemishes of the fairy body was erased.

There are a total of 54 pieces of six or nine catastrophes.Zhang Yan didn't start to feel the difficulty until he reached the No.20 five.This is completely different from the previous scene where one had to desperately cross the tribulation from the very beginning.

But Zhang Yan still didn't please the Heavenly Tribulation. This time, he still couldn't complete the tribulation at 45% or [-]%, and reached more than [-]% directly. That is to say, he had to carry a full [-] thunderbolts before the Eye of the Void subsided. In the end, the heaven-sent golden light shed, making up for the not so serious injuries on the fairy body, and then completely erasing the last trace of the boundary of his dark golden fairy body.It is announced that the real golden body has been achieved, and the realm has officially entered the early stage of golden fairy!

At the same time, Zhang Yan felt that the particles of vitality in the Dao Dan in his body began to "explode" to form misty "smoke clouds", and these clouds of smoke were filled with a lot of vitality and at the same time came from the catastrophe. perishing, entangled and tumbling
(End of this chapter)

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