one's door

Chapter 890 Curtain

Chapter 890 Curtain
"Do you also have the anxiety you felt a few days ago?" Xie Wei sat in the Zhengtian Hall of Zhengtian Yuezhuang, and said to the elders of Mingyue Valley who were sitting below.

Present here includes all the elders of Mingyue Valley who have not been closed to death.Hearing Xie Wei's words at this time, they all understood, either answered yes, or nodded.

"I haven't felt this kind of fear for many, many years. Going forward, maybe the last time I felt this way was before the battle where the sect became famous."

"me either."

"It's an unfounded fear. It's incomprehensible."

It was not easy for the elders below to speak.Their cultivation bases are all between the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal, and even the late Celestial Immortal Realm is the kind of immortal who has the potential to cast a golden body, otherwise they will not be able to get the position of elders.These people are the absolute top-level power in Mingyue Valley, with the most abundant experience and judgment.

Just a few days ago, to be precise, three mornings ago, they felt inexplicable fear in their hearts.There is no beginning and no end.

Ordinary people would inevitably seek medical advice, and these top immortals of Mingyue Valley naturally would not care about it as if nothing had happened.We also consulted each other in private as soon as possible.It's just that they didn't expect that even Daluo Jinxian like Guzhu and the Great Elder would have this kind of fear at first.

I've tried all kinds of possibilities, but I can't make up my mind.In the end, they could only express their doubts, and now this gathering was called by Xie Wei to give them an answer.

"The last time you were worried was during the battle of Zongmen Lishi. The last time I was worried was even further away. That time was after the Great Desolate World suddenly disappeared without a trace. Not only me, but all the golden immortals at that time There is an inexplicable fear as it is now." After Xie Wei said this, many elders in the hall took a slight breath.

If such a big scene really starts to reappear, it will be a catastrophe.

Have you ever heard of the Era of Void Wars? "

"What does Elder Feng mean by this?"

Xie Wei nodded, and waved to Feng Yuhe who was sitting below to follow his words.

This time, as soon as Feng Yuhe uttered the words "The Era of Void Wars and Chaos", except for a few people present, they couldn't suppress the horror in their hearts, and Qi Qi took a breath, and the sound of breathing was even clearly audible.

Feng Yuhe paused for a while, and continued: "Although you may not all have experienced the era of chaos in the void, you must have understood this history. At that time, the prehistoric world disappeared, and the balance of the void world was suddenly broken. The conflict with the original ideas of the Pastoral School quickly intensified and eventually exploded into a full-scale war.

At the same time, it is also a great opportunity for me in the Moon Valley! "

The reason why it is mentioned is because under the calculation of Yanshu, we are about to face the situation after the sudden disappearance of the Great Desolate World.

Now that Xie Wei suddenly mentioned the Great Desolate World, it must not be a casual talk, there must be a reason.

Just like the Zongmen Lishi War that you mentioned just now, it is even worse, otherwise Gu Zhu would not have mentioned the long-term event of the disappearance of the Great Desolate World last time.

And in the 20 years since this jade sword came back, the luck carrying capacity of this person in Yanshu has increased rapidly, even doubled, at a speed far faster than before.And just three days ago in the morning, this person's luck doubled again on the original basis!
At the same time, it is also the time when you have inexplicable fears in your hearts.The link between the two is almost certain.

Could it be that guy appeared again?
Feng Yuhe stood up, bowed slightly to Song Shiyu and Xie Wei, who were at the top, and then turned to the elders present and said, "Everyone, fear will not come out of thin air. Since it appears, there must be something closely related to us." Something big is about to happen, and it may well mean our very existence.

It can be said that Feng Yuhe actually holds the right to speak out about the overall direction of Mingyue Valley.

Everything related to the Great Desolate World is not trivial and worthy of attention.What's more, the lifeless solitary person that Mingyue Valley has been betting on is himself an inheritor of the already obvious Great Desolate World.Therefore, compared to other forces, the news of the Great Desolate World is even more unusual.

Feng Yu raised his hand, and a jade sword hovered in front of the speaker, and she continued: "This jade sword appeared 20 years ago, and the person who came was the dead and lonely leader who everyone knows Shi. ​​The content in it is also very simple, that is to say, he came back safe and sound, and reported to us that Mingyue Valley is safe.

Seeing this scene, in the eyes of the other elders, they immediately guessed that Feng Yuhe's appearance must have something to do with the mysterious technique of reproduction, and it is very likely that he was also related to the dead and lone walker who had been missing for hundreds of years.

As for Yanshu, it is not that there are no other voices in Mingyue Valley.But Xie Wei and Song Shiyu were sitting in the town, and they only talked about their opinions, and they never dared to slack off or perfunctory if they had something to share.Moreover, although not everyone here is qualified to practice Yanshu, they have generally heard of its failure and mystery. It is a transcendent method that uses clues to find the context of the general situation and counts the days with manpower.

The war lasted for a full five Huiyuan before subsiding, and completely divided the void world into two halves, one half belonging to the pastoral faction and the other to the chaos faction.During the period, there were no casualties, and it is hard to say how many golden immortals and even Daluo were suppressed and fell.

The reason why Fengyuhe has such a high status in Mingyue Valley is largely because of her ability to expand, according to the elder, she is still above the valley master, and now Fengyuhe is in control of the main use of the technique.

"Does the owner of the valley say that this time we are inexplicably worried, but in fact it has something to do with the Great Desolate World?" Although at first it sounds that there is no connection between the two, but when Xie Wei said it, no one dared to take it seriously .

And as I said before, Changshi has extraordinary luck, and it is very likely that he is the key to the general trend.Now it seems that the general trend has become imperative, and it is very likely to be imminent. "

After this talk, everyone understands the general situation.But after all, the technique of spreading is too mysterious, not to mention that people who have never practiced it think it is unreliable, even those who have experienced it may not dare to say with certainty that it will be so and so.

So after Feng Yuhe finished speaking, people present immediately expressed their opinions.Of course, it is not to question how the Yan technique is, but to ask Mingyue Valley, since it has been predicted, how is it prepared to proceed to the next step?In the words of Feng Yuhe, how can we follow the trend?
"Gold leaf is one aspect. That thing seems to be what feldspar must ask for. It is also the most direct way for us to continue our relationship with each other.

The second is to build momentum.Since there is no guarantee that we will be inseparable from the feldspar, then change the direction, as long as everyone except us is against the feldspar.Then we are his only friendly options.At that time, it will be much easier to take advantage of this person's wind and go up."

(End of this chapter)

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