one's door

Chapter 893

Chapter 893
Feng Yuhe came out from the underground forbidden area of ​​his palace.His face was solemn.He hardly stopped in his own palace, turned around and went to Zhengtian Yuezhuang to find the owner of the valley, Xie Wei. On the way, he also sent a message to the great elder Song Shiyu, asking the other party to come and report something.

Not long after, Feng Yuhe waited for Song Shiyu outside Zhengtian Hall, and the two went in together.

Seeing the expression on Feng Yuhe's face, Xie Wei smiled and said, "Look at your posture, something big is about to happen?"

While saluting, Feng Yuhe said to Xie Wei: "What Gu Zhu said is true, I am afraid that the general trend has already started slowly, and just now the disciple used the Tianji Pillar to calculate and found that the general trend started in a different place."

Xie Wei waved his hand, asked Feng Yuhe and Song Shiyu to sit down, and then said with the same smile: "Is there any difference? Hehe, the cause of the general situation is not easy to figure out. The calculation results on the Tianji column before They are all vague, and it is impossible to tell the real direction. What's more, it is even more difficult to calculate the beginning. So no matter what, there is no word "different".

Feng Yuhe was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly bowed to admit his mistake: "Master Gu is right, the disciple is too obsessed with making calculations without omissions, ignoring that the secrets of heaven are impermanent, and the word "different" is indeed inappropriate and not right. It should be used."

The more he practiced Yan Shu, the more Feng Yuhe could feel the huge impact of this method on his practice.In particular, there is an indescribable confusion about the clarity of self-awareness.

After all, Yanshu claims to be able to calculate everything and manipulate everything.The meaning of these words can be described as insane to the extreme.And Feng Yuhe often ignores reality because of the power and potential in these extension techniques.

Just like Xie Wei reminded.Using one's own limited means to calculate infinite possibilities, what is the word "different"?Isn't this just putting yourself in a position of "I have everything under control" before looking at the problem?

Such thinking is harmful to Feng Yuhe.

For this reason, the Mingyue Valley has been preparing for a long time.The defense is that if the guess comes true, Mingyue Valley will not lose its position in the face of the chaotic situation of the general trend, and can be more calm.

"Hehe, Elder Feng, don't underestimate yourself too much. Both Guzhu and I recognize your talent in the technique of extension. Just remember Guzhu's warning today." Song Shiyu also laughed beside him.

On the contrary, Xie Wei did not directly agree with Song Shiyu's statement, but looked at Feng Yuhe who still had a solemn face and asked, "Tell me your opinion?"

But now Feng Yuhe obtained the result after using the Tianji Pillar to transfer the starting point of the next general trend from the Chaos faction they had guessed to the Pastoral faction. Not bad news, but good news.

"Reason." Xie Wei was equally noncommittal.But he wanted to hear what Feng Yuhe said in more detail.

Although Feng Yuhe did not deduce the place and time of the real rise of the general trend before this, he guessed that it should be within the sphere of influence of the Chaos faction.It is based on Li Dianchuan and Changshi that the two lucky ones appeared one after another, both in the Chaos faction.Based on this, it is believed that the Chaos faction should be the starting position of the general trend.

This is not graffiti, but an illustration of the calculation results on the Tianji column.

What Yanshu pays attention to is "things happen for a reason" rather than "inexplicable".

Feng Yuhe heard the words and continued: "Go back to the owner of the valley. The reason is actually inseparable from that feldspar walking alone. He is now more and more important in the results of the extraction technique, and the identity of the key person cannot be escaped. According to the expansion technique "There must be a cause for everything" in the book, he is very likely to be the "cause" that opened up the general trend. Therefore, the result on the Tianji column must not be such a simple one-way, I think it may be two-way."

The Tianji Pillar is a celestial artifact that Xie Wei and Song Shiyu spent a lot of energy and material resources refining to cooperate with the Diffraction Technique.Whether the derived results are accurate or not, it is impossible to directly display the results in front of you like a book.Therefore, special means are required to use and understand the feedback of Tianji Zhu.

"But how did the feldspar walk alone affect the Pastoral Sect? He has been in our Chaos Sect since he appeared, and he can only stay here if he is dead. If it is also because of him , the context here is difficult to understand." Song Shiyu also did not refute Feng Yuhe's speculation, but if it is what Feng Yuhe thinks, then the general trend may be different from what they have always thought before. No small change.

"What Guzhu said is that this result does look interesting. The people of great fortune are obviously in our Chaos faction, but the place where the general trend started is not our place, but the territory of the Pastoral faction. Tsk tsk, it seems that we were worried about it before. The pastoral situation will not happen again. The pastoral faction started first, and it will definitely not take a while to spread over. The time for preparation and wait-and-see is enough for us to make a complete response plan." Song Shiyu leaned back in his chair. Damn, although the expression is a bit surprised, but more relaxed.

In this case, even though the origin of the general trend has arrived at the Pastoral School, it can't be said to be good or bad for Mingyue Valley.There are too many uncertain factors.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your comfort." After a pause, Feng Yu crane waved his hand, and a strange pattern appeared in the hall in the form of phantom.

Xie Wei frowned slightly.The result of the extraction technique is in the air, and he also needs to ponder it carefully.But I have to say that what Feng Yuhe said is reasonable.

"Oh, it's interesting."

These weird patterns look thoughtless to others, they don't look like paintings, and they don't look like formations, but rather the result of random graffiti.But Xie Wei and Song Shiyu in the main hall could see it clearly.

Feng Yuhe hurriedly said: "The disciple's opinion is that this result seems to have nothing to do with the Chaos faction, but it is very likely to be directly implicated. Once the general trend of the Muge faction is on the same side, we may not have time to wait and see, but will follow immediately. On the contrary. In this way, there are many more constants.”

Xie Wei thought for a while, shook his head, and seemed to be relieved: "Just now you said you were obsessed with the control of Yanshu, didn't I almost turn into it? There is a reason for everything, so there must be a reason. Follow that feldspar Going alone, as for how the general trend will change in the future, it is hard to tell, and then adjust according to the trend. It is meaningless for us to worry about it now."

Xie Wei's idea is that since he is not sure about the origin of the general trend, he should stay the same and respond to all changes.Staring at the key people will not be thrown off the momentum at the beginning, right?

This is also a temporary solution.

But just as Xie Wei's words fell, Feng Yuhe's face moved slightly.After hesitating for a moment, he bowed to Song Shiyu and Xie Wei and said, "Master Gu, Great Elder, just now my disciple Li Dianchuan sent news that he has something urgent to report, and it's about Changshi walking alone."

(End of this chapter)

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