one's door

Chapter 894 Shock

Chapter 894 Shock
After meeting Li Dianchuan and Zhang Yan, he found a secluded place to calm himself down, and took a good look at this short but informative meeting.

Real body, false body.

And the jade slip that Li Dianchuan was holding in his hand and hadn't opened yet.

Originally, I just wanted to report the news, and by the way, complete the task of "making more contact with feldspar alone" given by the master.At the same time, he can earn a wave of performance in front of the feldspar.It is a two-way benefit.

But the result surprised Li Dianchuan.He never expected that Changshi Duxing would become Senior Zhang after more than 700 years of absence? !He also generously gave him a gift.It's completely different from the deadly and maverick style before.But any aspect that can be found proves that the other party is indeed not lying.The feldspar is the false body, and Zhang Yan is the deity.

"Longshi... No, Senior Zhang has hidden really deep! I don't know what is in this jade slip? It is said to be a secret method, could it be... the secret method of the Great Desolate World?!"

Thinking of this, Li Dianchuan's mood that had calmed down just now immediately rose and fell again.

After Li Dianchuan carefully learned the contents of the jade slips, it was difficult for him to calm down.There is even a long-lost feeling of being too excited and my heart beating faster.

"This kind of secret method can actually make so many mistakes and omissions in my practice! This, this can be used to prove what I have learned. This is the real value! It is not the power of this secret method itself!"

After all, Li Dianchuan is also an Earth Immortal who has experienced life and death several times, so he can naturally distinguish the doorways that Xue E can distinguish immediately.To him, understanding this jade slip meant giving him a chance to sort out what he had learned before and check for omissions.It's definitely helpful, if not exhaustive.Maybe he needs to borrow the light of this jade slip to break through the small realm below and even hit the barrier of the fairyland in the future.

But soon the sense of absurdity disappeared and was replaced by entanglement.Confused about how to deal with this matter.

Not to mention that there will definitely be contacts between Zhang Yan and Mingyue Valley in the future, and it is also possible to talk about today's gift.If he is exposed at that time, Li Dianchuan will really screw himself to death.

Feng Yuhe suppressed his excitement and handed the thing to Xie Wei, and then Xie Wei quickly looked at it and handed it to Song Shiyu.After that, the three of them were silent for a while.

"Okay, get up and talk." Xie Wei's tone was quite kind.In other words, he has always been kind to his disciples.

Feng Yuhe originally frowned slightly.At first, I wondered why the feldspar suddenly sent the secret method to Li Dianchuan?Secondly, I am somewhat dissatisfied with Li Dianchuan's exaggerated words.

Feng Yuhe saw that Li Dianchuan was quite nervous, so he calmed down and said: "The owner of the valley is kind, and the great elder is also a kind person. You are not at fault, what are you afraid of? Speak well."

"Master, there are two main things that I want to report. The first is this jade slip that I went to get as a gift. It contains an extremely exquisite secret method. The secret method itself is not important, what is important is that the disciple can learn from it. In this secret method, many practice paths since the Earth Fairyland have been sorted out and corrected.”

Is this going to meet the valley owner directly? !

Keeping it secret and stealing the benefits?Or honestly report the whole story?

But when Feng Yuhe glanced subconsciously at the contents of the jade slip, the expression on her face immediately changed.Where there was previous dissatisfaction, it directly turned into surprise and surprise.

For a moment Li Dianchuan felt absurdly hit by a pie falling from the sky.

So even though he was reluctant, Li Dianchuan could only sigh in the end, and kept a rubbing copy of the jade slip for himself, which he had to hand in originally.

After a pause, Feng Yuhe asked: "What did you encounter when you went to see Changshi?"

Li Dianchuan told everything about the origin of the jade slips and how extraordinary they are.Although the words used seemed exaggerated, they were his true feelings for the contents of the Jade Slips.

It is not an exaggeration to use the four words "extremely exquisite" to describe it.Even Feng Yuhe felt that these four words were restrained.

Feeling apprehensive, Li Dianchuan saw his master Feng Yuhe, the owner of the valley Xie Wei, and the great elder Song Shiyu present in Zhengtian Hall.Suddenly he realized that he just happened to bump into these three big bosses discussing matters, so he was called over by the way.

Li Dianchuan was flustered and nervous.He originally thought of reporting the matter to Master first, and then taking himself out.But I didn't expect that the master would directly recruit him to the owner of the valley.In this way, what's the point of him not picking himself out?
And he has no way to refuse this kind of thing.

Although I don't want to share the benefits in my hands with others.But reason is telling Li Dianchuan that it is impossible to hide this kind of thing.

You must know that although Feng Yuhe doesn't like Li Dianchuan very much in his heart, he has never treated him badly in terms of practice, and they are the best methods in Mingyue Valley.In this way, Li Dianchuan exaggeratedly praised a foreign secret method, which somewhat meant "increasing the prestige of others".

"Disciple Li Dianchuan sees the Valley Master, Great Elder, Master!" Li Dianchuan took a few steps forward as soon as he entered the door, and then knelt down as a big gift.He couldn't even lift his head without shouting.

"Thank you, Guzhu!" Li Dianchuan stood up now, bowed and stood at the bottom to listen to the training.

How could a golden fairy like Feng Yuhe not see what Li Dianchuan could see.Just the opening content of the Jade Slip made her, a golden fairy, exclaim, "How can it be like this?" Looking back, although the power of the secret method is not so great.But the context related to the secret method is really like a mirror as Li Dianchuan said, and you can really refer to and reflect on some of your own cultivation contexts in the fairyland.This is so powerful!

When Li Dianchuan saw that his master had asked this question, he knew that he had asked him to report it in front of the Valley Master and the Great Elder.It was the same as he had guessed when he came.It's just that the matter is so important that he swallowed subconsciously.While taking out a jade slip from the storage bag, he presented it with both hands.

"Disciple's name."

After thinking about it, Li Dianchuan moved back to Mingyue Valley, and immediately went to see Master Feng Yuhe.As a result, the disciples in the main hall told Master to go out, and Li Dianchuan had to wait at the entrance of the main hall to "report something urgent".But in the end, what was waiting was not the return of his master Feng Yuhe, but an order from Feng Yuhe, which directly recruited him to the main hall of Zhengtian Yuezhuang.

"The method of the Great Desolate World is indeed remarkable. This method alone may not be a big deal to that feldspar, but it is equivalent to giving our Mingyue Valley an extra foundation in this stage of the earth fairyland! It is extraordinary!"

Xie Wei was emotional, and then asked Li Dianchuan himself: "Apart from this jade slip, what is the second thing?"

Li Dianchuan nodded, bowed and replied, "There is one more thing. The person I met this time called himself Zhang Yan, and the feldspar walking alone before was his fake body."

"Huh?! You mean the other party came to see you with his real body?!"

(End of this chapter)

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