one's door

Chapter 904 Greetings

"Who is that person?"

"Huh? Make a face. Judging from Feng Yuhe's attitude, it seems that he is going to meet him. But... isn't such a big battle here arranged for that feldspar?"

"It seems that our previous guesses are not right. Not only does that person have a strange face, but his aura is even weirder. Has any of you seen this unique aura?"

"It doesn't look like the way of our Chaos faction! It doesn't look like the pastoral faction. Hiss"

"Think of it? Hmph. There are other schools in the void world besides us and the pastoral school."

"The Great Desolate World?"

"Of course. Is there anything else besides the number of roads in the Great Desolate World? This person's appearance at this moment must be closely related to that feldspar."

"Hehe, what are you guessing here? Go up and ask, the unidentified Jinxian came here, there is no reason for us to turn a blind eye, right?"

Several huge vehicles came together, moved almost at the same time, shifted their original positions in an instant, and stopped in front of Zhang Yan and Feng Yuhe who were approaching the newborn world on the side.

Feng Yuhe took half a step forward, frowned and said: "What do you mean? This is the hunting ground of our Mingyue Valley. You are provocative by trespassing without authorization. Now you are still blocking our way. Gu tore his face, right?"

The smile on Zhang Yan's face remained the same, but he didn't intend to speak, as if he was waiting for Feng Yuhe to come forward.

"Hehe, Elder Feng's words are serious. Although this is the Mingyue Valley hunting ground, it is not a place where others are forbidden to pass by. We just passed by here, and we did not intend to offend Mingyue Valley, let alone tear our faces.

But, when I was passing by, I saw a strange golden fairy with Elder Feng, who looked similar to the number of roads on the pastoral school, so I came to have a look out of curiosity.

Elder Feng won't even let us ask with a guilty conscience, right? "

Feng Yuhe snorted coldly: "When will it be your turn to take care of our honored guests of Mingyue Valley?"

While speaking, Feng Yuhe began to increase his aura, and even the magic weapon in front of him appeared.It seemed that if anyone answered incorrectly, he would do it directly.Even the disciples of Mingyue Valley behind her and around her also put up their postures one after another.

"Elder Feng, are you scaring us?"

"Scare? I, Feng Yuhe, don't know how to do this." Feng Yuhe was not bluffing.She was sure that even if there was a fight, the opponent would not kill him directly.Besides, the one next to him was Zhang Yan, who was one against more than twenty in Jinxianli, and she wished that Zhang Yan would kill a few more Jinxians in a fight.In the past, I was worried that the death of too many strong people at the level of Jinxian would affect the stability of the entire Chaos faction, and the Pastoral faction would take advantage of it.Now the place where the general trend is rising is on the Pastoral School, and soon there will be too much to take care of themselves, so how can they control others?

So Feng Yuhe's mentality is quite different at this time.

Just when the swords were on the verge of breaking out, the scene suddenly quieted down.Because a strange aura that everyone could feel suddenly covered their heads, and at the same time, strands of sword intent and sharpness also shrouded it.

Including Feng Yuhe, everyone except Zhang Yan trembled in their hearts.

"Hehe, it's not that I'm bothering you all to chat with Elder Feng. If you delay, the harvest time in the world ahead will be over. It's better for the big formation to fall early."

The voice sounded from behind Feng Yuhe, and she could tell that it was Zhang Yan's voice without turning her head.Subconsciously, she wanted to turn around, but the looming sharp locking feeling on her body made her immediately dismiss this idea.At the same time, a trace of horror flashed in my heart.

Feng Yuhe didn't dare to turn his head around and felt terrified, especially for everyone else except her.Even what they felt was not only the inescapable lock of Feng Rui and Qi Ji, but also the killing intent if it had any substance.

In an instant, all that everyone could think of was that this scene seemed familiar.

Isn't this the kind of sword formation that Changshi used when he became famous in the Chaos faction? !
Even Feng Yuhe couldn't help sighing in his heart, the danger of this sword array is indeed completely different from the outside and inside.Little did they know that the danger they felt at this time was indeed different from that when Zhang Yan manipulated the talisman soldiers to fight.At this time, the Killing Immortal Sword Domain was several times stronger than before.As long as Zhang Yan is willing, even if the opponent is the Jinxian of these top forces present, he can still kill them all.

"Excuse me, I'm really in a hurry." Zhang Yan greeted Feng Yuhe with a smile, and then went straight through the golden fairy cars blocking the way with the surrounding disciples of Mingyue Valley.Zhang Yan didn't look at the maroon on the faces of those golden fairies when they crossed, but Feng Yuhe took a few more glances with interest.

And the people who came to block the road to find out the truth from the beginning to the end didn't even dare to move the car.

In fact, although the visitors were quite angry, they were also shocked by the way the other party used such a big strategy without saying a word, but at the same time, they also found out the details of the other party.

It is impossible to learn a sword formation of this strength easily, and in the void world, except for the dead spirit named Changshi who used it before, no one else will know it at all.

Then the identity of this golden fairy with strange aura is about to come out.

As soon as Zhang Yan and Feng Yuhe left, the sword array was put away by Zhang Yan.For the time being, he has no intention of killing in the Chaos faction.

Didn't Mingyue Valley say that there is a "big trend"?He also said that he is the leader of the "big trend".Then he won't be in a hurry to move, and it won't be too late to start after he understands everything around him.


The sword array withdrew.The discomfort that was still like a glow on the back like a stick in the throat just now disappeared instantly.Turning his head, he could only see the back of Zhang Yan who was far away.Even the smile at the corner of Feng Yuhe's mouth when he looked at them when he passed by was still flashing in his mind.

Follow up and confirm?
It's not necessary anymore.Now that he has been slapped on the head, there is nowhere to put his face.Moreover, this sword array was not put on in vain to scare people, it was to shock people, and it was clearly to greet them.

So a few disciples from the Heavenly Immortal Realm were left behind, and the few Golden Immortals went back to their car and drove away without saying hello to each other.They must go back and report the news.

On the other side, although Feng Yuhe felt a little pity in his heart, he didn't see Zhang Yan really make a move.She thought that according to feldspar's nature before, if the other side dared to block the way, she would be bloody, so she just took advantage of the fact that the other side didn't know the true and false relationship between Zhang Yan and feldspar to further antagonize the relationship between the two sides.

As long as Zhang Yan kills one, then these top forces will never die with Zhang Yan, and the goal of Mingyue Valley to enjoy the general situation and cheapness will be confirmed.

"Can you make a big battle, Elder Feng?" Zhang Yan smiled and looked at the newborn world in front of him, looking forward to it a little more than before.

Ps: Ladies and gentlemen, I have to delay some things today. I will publish one chapter first, and two more chapters will be added in the afternoon.Hand over!

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