one's door

Chapter 905

Feng Yuhe came back to her senses from a moment's thoughts, she was a little disappointed that the cars behind her disappeared, but it could barely be regarded as a little bit of purpose.

At least after what happened just now, the relationship between Zhang Yan and the rest of the top forces is speeding up and slipping further.

"Fellow Daoist is right. The timing is just right now." Feng Yuhe responded to Zhang Yan with a smile, and waved his hand to the disciples behind him to signal that it is time to start descending the formation.

The Great Destroyer Formation began, and it began to quickly dismember a world that had just opened up like a storm.This scene has long been familiar to Zhang Yan.It's just that all he could use before was to open the core of the world when the world was destroyed and pull a few strands of primordial purple energy away.This time it didn't stop.

Zhang Yan carefully probed towards the core of heaven and earth, and he was quite familiar with it.At the same time, I felt that with the official start of the big formation, the original power of the world connected by the magic circle began to swarm in front of me.

In the past, Zhang Yan either turned a blind eye to these original forces of the world, or let the "round ball" come out to eat.This time the situation is different.Just when the original power of the world began to overflow along the formation, Zhang Yan began to practice as he normally breathes out the spiritual energy, and the massive original power of the world was directly absorbed into his body during his breath!

"It really works!"

Not only does it work, but it also proves that the power that Zhang Yan's current Dark Gold Immortal Body self-produces is indeed the original power of the world as he guessed.

The original power of the world is not a power that can be used directly in the void world. They need to be deconstructed and transformed before a part of them can be used as energy during practice.But now it's just storage.Either it is a specially made magic weapon, or it is a special method, anyway, first install the power and use it slowly later.

The same is true for Feng Yuhe, who is not far from Zhang Yan.She has no shortage of cultivation resources.But resources are always available to Mingyue Valley.She is not storing it for her own use now, but bringing it back to Mingyue Valley for redistribution.

But when Feng Yuhe placed the magic weapon in his hand, he turned around and found Zhang Yan not far away in a strange state.

Although Zhang Yan's state during World Harvest has always been weird.Either it seems indifferent, or it seems to have a special magic weapon in its chest and devour the original power of the world.But this is the first time that such a situation like breathing technique has appeared.

Is this a new method?

Maybe it's because Zhang Yan itself is unpredictable enough.So after a lot of strange things accumulated on him, he didn't care that much.If it was someone else who absorbed the original power of the world like him, he would have been surrounded by a group of people.How can it be ignored by people who glanced at it like now?
Zhang Yan also felt that the focused gaze on his body quickly dispersed.While lamenting luck in my heart, I also felt relieved and began to concentrate on breathing in the original power of the world.

"It's no wonder that "Ball" always clamored to come out after the first mission and tasted the sweetness. The harvest of the world's original power is indeed extraordinary. The quality of this energy is far above the spiritual energy, even compared to the immortal yuan Much higher."

Originally, after Zhang Yan reached the Golden Immortal, the original power of the world produced by his Dark Golden Immortal Body was not much, but the effect has always been obvious, and it is also the main line of practice that the Golden Immortal empress relies on.Other golden immortals still rely on their immortal essence to cultivate, but he has made a big profit.Much faster.

But Zhang Yan only had a chance now when it came to the details of the original power of the world.In the past, when the original power of the world was transformed, it was quickly absorbed and transformed by the immortal body, and the effect was obtained but there was no chance to taste it.

Now that the world is harvesting, a large amount of the world's original power is swarming in. Even Zhang Yan's Dark Gold Immortal Physique is full of power to eat, but compared to the overflow of the world's original power, it still cannot be digested immediately.A lot of power is redundant in his body, and it is at this time that he has the opportunity to savor this power carefully.

"Huh? Dao Dan seems to be more inclusive of the original power of the world?"

The big formation shattered the world structure, and the original power of the world overflowed. Although Zhang Yan was absorbing it with all his strength, he couldn't swallow it like a "ball". After the meridians in his body were filled, he couldn't absorb more. up.

But just when Zhang Yan was about to take out the magic weapon he made to contain the original power of the world so as not to waste it, after his immortal body was filled, the original power of the world, which had nowhere to go, found a new place by itself.It is in the Dao Dan in his lower dantian.

At first Zhang Yan was pleasantly surprised, but then he was a little caught off guard.

Just like the scene when Zhang Yan pulled the primordial purple energy, it seemed that the world was about to perish, and these energies also had spirituality, actively pouring into "appropriate" places.

For Hongmeng Ziqi, Zhang Yan still has a way to refuse.After all, the primordial purple qi has weight, so as much as his primordial spirit can carry at the moment, it can only be dragged away, and the unattached primordial purple qi can't be attached.So at this time, Zhang Yan was completely under the influence of the primordial spirit, and the thirteen primordial purple qi was the limit he could bear now after being a golden immortal.

But the original power of the world is different.Their existence does not have the "weight" of the primordial purple qi, so there is no attachment, and they will flow through the mouth by themselves.Unless you block all the openings.

This is Zhang Yan's current situation.The hole opened by Dao Pill became the catharsis of the world's original power. The original world's original power that could not be absorbed immediately rushed into Dao Dan from the Immortal Physique Meridian, and the world's original power outside the body was "vacant" again because of the Immortal Physique. Immediately poured in to fill it up, like a chain reaction, as long as the Dao Dan is not filled, that Zhang Yan's body will be a bottomless pit.

Although such a situation was unexpected, Zhang Yan didn't think it was a bad thing.Dao Dan is also a very mysterious existence to him.The former primordial purple qi also liked to stay in it, and the later vitality was also bred from the dao alchemy.Now it is not unacceptable to add the original power of the world.

But after all, it was the first time for Zhang Yan to absorb the original power of the world in the World Destroyer Formation. He had either never paid attention to it before, or had no chance to pay attention.So he didn't know what kind of changes would be produced in the World Extermination Formation after his Dao Pill had opened up, and with the uniqueness of his Dark Gold Immortal Physique's ability to attract the original power of the world.

In just a few breaths, all the people in Mingyue Valley, who were harvesting this world like Zhang Yan, became suspicious in their hearts. They found that the original power of the world pouring into their side was rapidly decreasing.

"what happened?"

Careful people began to check the big formation.Soon, the key to the sudden change of the formation was found.Zhang Yan, who has officially started the crazy draining mode, has done a good job here.

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