one's door

Chapter 906 Trouble

Chapter 906 Trouble
The World Destruction Formation has been used by the Chaos Sect for an unknown number of guilds.Although countless deconstruction and display methods have been changed in the middle, its most important function has always remained the same.That is to deconstruct the world while stably distributing the original power of the world that overflows after deconstructing the world.

Therefore, deconstruct the world and keep the original power of the deconstructed world stable enough, instead of directly exploding or becoming stronger and weaker, which is not conducive to collection at all.

The World Extinguishing Formation has been perfected so far.At least for many years, I haven't heard of any problems that affect the main functions during normal use.

But the big formation in front of him has not changed, but the effect of the big formation has become unstable.

"What's going on?" Feng Yuhe immediately found the disciple who was in charge of the formation.

"Elder, it's very strange. There is no problem with the magic circle at all, the internal deconstruction effect is also very stable, and the stability of each power gain point is also normal. Only the gain point of the distinguished guest is abnormal."

"Only which node is broken?" Feng Yuhe was a little annoyed.

"No, no, Elder Feng misunderstood the meaning of the disciple. Everything in the circle is normal, including the node where the distinguished guest is. The anomaly mentioned by the disciple is very strange. The specific reason is unknown to the disciple, but the result shown is that after being deconstructed The original power of the world swarming over to the distinguished guests is not caused by a problem with the magic circle, it is more like they forced themselves to go over there."

"Nonsense! How could the world's original power and unconsciousness run over by itself? Go away! Hand over the dominance of the formation!" Feng Yuhe almost slapped such a disciple to death when he heard the words. Nonsense.After she took over the dominance of the formation, she wanted to find out by herself.

As for the "honored guest".Feng Yuhe saw that the other party was still sitting cross-legged at the beginning, his breath was stable, and he was not in the slightest danger or troublesome things.For the time being, it's better not to step forward and interfere until I understand the situation.

But soon Feng Yuhe realized that he had really wrongly blamed the disciple just now.

"This is how the same thing?"

Feng Yuhe was immediately dumbfounded after taking over the master control of the World Extermination Formation.She found that, as the disciple said just now, the formation is normal from the inside to the outside, and the only thing that is abnormal is not the formation itself, but the overflow from the formation after it has been deconstructed. The original power of the world.

Originally, the Great Formation was like a stone mill, putting the world into it to grind it into the original power of the world and then flowing out evenly from the edge.But now the things ground by the stone mill don't flow evenly. Instead, they all rush towards the opening where Zhang Yan is, just like water flowing downhill.

There is even a sense of "can't wait".

Maybe energy itself has no consciousness?So how did this weird situation happen?

Feng Yuhe's judgment is: it is indeed impossible for energy to have any consciousness.The reason why they ran towards Zhang Yan could only be Zhang Yan's problem, not the original power of the world.

Just like in the principle of "water goes down", the flow of water has nothing to do with the water itself, but has something to do with the terrain.It is the lower terrain that dominates the flow of water, so the water "moves".

But right now, Feng Yuhe is sure that something happened to Zhang Yan or some method was used to cause all the original power of the world generated after the deconstruction of the world to change and go to his side.

Was it intentional or unintentional?

Inadvertently?Feng Yuhe directly ruled out this possibility.Because when she thought about it, it was impossible for the dignified Golden Immortal to have no understanding of the Great Formation of Mieshi.On the other hand, if you don't have a very good understanding of the world-destroying formation, it is impossible to go beyond the formation to change the overflow effect of the formation.

In other words, from Feng Yuhe's point of view, the current situation was deliberately done by Zhang Yan.

Why did you do this all of a sudden?
There may be two reasons.First, Zhang Yan is in urgent need of energy replenishment.Second, to test if Mingyue Valley's attitude is not tolerant enough.

Feng Yuhe felt that the target he thought he knew something about now suddenly became less understood.In all the descriptions about the Great Desolate World that I have read, there is no such method of involving the original power of the world, not at all, and there is no similar magic weapon.

And why didn't the other party do this before?Even at the beginning, he deliberately omitted these original powers of the world, but now he is eating alone?
Or is it because the other party disappeared? What happened in the past 700 years?

"Elder Feng, what should we do now?" The disciples of Mingyue Valley were at a loss.Although they don't know who Zhang Yan is, they can clearly see that the other party is a distinguished guest.Not to mention the identity of Jinxian, the domineering and terrifying way of responding to several Jinxians just now was more than enough to calm them down.So now even if the harvest of the world is forced to be interrupted, he dare not make noise to affect Zhang Yan, and can only ask Feng Yuhe what to do next.

"It's enough to keep the formation running normally. The impact on other people will be recorded. This time the world harvest is not counted, and it can be postponed to the next time." Feng Yuhe understands that every time the world harvest is rare for many disciples under his sect Chance.If you miss it for nothing, you will definitely have a lump in your heart.So don't let this sudden situation affect them.

"Elder, it seems that there is something wrong with the distinguished guest!" Before Feng Yuhe returned the right to preside over the formation, the disciples under the door rushed to report the news.

"Something's wrong? Zhang Yan?"

"Yes, elder! It's Senior Zhang."

Feng Yuhe quickly returned the right to host the formation, and then moved back to his previous position.She should have attracted Zhang Yan's attention, but she found that Zhang Yan was motionless, let alone looked over, his eyelids were closed tightly without even lifting, and beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead .

Zhang Yan is a serious golden fairy, would he sweat on his forehead under normal circumstances?
Not to mention harvesting the world, even Feng Yuhe never saw Zhang Yan sweating during the previous war.

The only explanation is that Zhang Yan is working hard at this time, and the point of the hard work is not outside but inside!
After watching for a while, Feng Yuhe made those disciples who could no longer stay at the node positions of the formation to harvest the world's original power to leave the formation, spread out and disperse.It turned the original hunting ground into a heavily guarded field.

And Feng Yuhe personally stood by Zhang Yan's side.She was keenly aware that Zhang Yan didn't seem to be in danger at this time, but more like falling into some kind of spiritual difficulties.At this time, what Zhang Yan needs is not someone's direct help, but an undisturbed environment.

(End of this chapter)

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