one's door

Chapter 909 Inhumans

Chapter 909 Inhumans
Feng Yuhe has received warnings from peripheral disciples more than once.Although this is the hunting ground of Mingyue Valley, it is impossible to deter everyone with this, at least the other companies that are also top forces certainly cannot.

At first Zhang Yan opened the sword formation to scare everyone, then those embarrassing golden immortals ran away, leaving their eyeliner to continue to investigate, also pretending.

However, accidents happened one after another, which caused another wave of events that had come to an end.

But fortunately, the previous sword formation was fierce enough to suppress the hearts of those curious, at least not daring to make any big moves blatantly.But small movements become more and more frequent as time goes by.Feng Yuhe also gradually felt some pressure.

A dead tiger can scare people at the beginning, but it becomes difficult to say after a long time.Besides, Feng Yuhe also felt that the aura of the "tiger" was too weird.

As early as more than three months ago, this World Harvest officially ended.But Zhang Yan didn't intend to stop at all.It looks like he is caught in an important juncture in his practice.Sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, the whole body feels as if it has closed itself.

Is this a dead end?

How could a normal person be closed to death under such circumstances?Feng Yuhe felt that the only possibility was that Zhang Yan had an accident.

But Feng Yuhe didn't find it strange at all, on the contrary, if Zhang Yan didn't react at all this time, she would find it incredible.The reason is: after absorbing almost a complete world of the original power of the world, after such a terrifying amount of energy, I am afraid that I will be exhausted. Isn't it normal for some accidents to happen?
To this day, Feng Yuhe still feels as if he is in a dream.

Before that, no one would have thought that someone could really take away almost all the original power of a whole world in one go.Even the magic weapon known to be the most capable of pretending is not capable of this.How did Zhang Yan do it?

However, Feng Yuhe was also certain that Zhang Yan's state of being on the verge of death for the past few months must have been caused by "eating too much".


Suddenly Feng Yuhe's thoughts were interrupted by a strange and unfamiliar breath.Following the past, it was discovered that it was emitted from Zhang Yan, who was protected in the center like a stone in the distance, and with the sudden appearance of this breath, Zhang Yan's perception also appeared.

"Are you going to wake up?" Feng Yuhe murmured in his heart, while moving closer.

As they get closer, Feng Yuhe's feeling becomes clearer.The strange breath indeed came from Zhang Yan's body.If you look carefully, you can notice that the basic foundation of this breath is still the same as that of Zhang Yan before.Vibrant and lifeless, but the two auras that are contrary to life and death can be harmoniously entangled and merged, which is very strange.At this time, Zhang Yan's aura was more majestic on the basis of this harmony between life and death.

Breath can also produce a "majestic" feeling?

Thinking of this, Feng Yuhe saw that Zhang Yan, who had been motionless for several months, first withdrew his breath, then opened his eyes with a slight movement of his eyelids, then looked over, and at the same time stopped sitting cross-legged, Instead, he stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, Zhang Yan, Elder Feng, Gao Yi! This accident, if it wasn't for Elder Feng protecting me, the matter would not have been resolved so smoothly. Thank you very much!" Zhang Yan said sincerely.The relationship between Mingyue Valley and him only exists in transactions, and there is no need for others to do this.Favors must be recognized, and once recognized, they must be repaid.

Feng Yuhe smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist is too polite. We invited you here to collect the world this time, and you suddenly realized that the need for a quiet environment is naturally the friendship of our landlords. Therefore, Fellow Daoist You don’t need to thank me. As long as the fellow Taoist’s affairs go well.”

"Elder Feng, don't worry, Zhang Yan's grievances are always in his heart. Although it is a small effort to the elder this time, it is a great favor to me. So Zhang Yan accepts this favor! Report it later!"

Zhang Yan's heart is like an arrow now.The inexplicable accident caused such a big change for himself, he needs to return to Huangtianyu as soon as possible to sort out.

So I collected this time for another purpose: gold leaf.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan bid farewell to Feng Yuhe, and moved back to the Desolate Sky Territory by himself.When parting, I confirmed with Feng Yuhe face to face that I would definitely attend the Mingyue Valley Ten Thousand Years Celebration to watch the ceremony.

Feng Yuhe didn't keep him either, the gold leaf was accepted by the other party, and he got a favor unexpectedly, this is definitely a windfall.It's just that this accident is also deepening Zhang Yan's sense of mystery.

Back in the Desolate Sky Territory, Zhang Yan didn't even use up the gold leaf immediately, but unfolded his newly changed aura behind the Dengyun Hall, and questioned towards the sea of ​​clouds outside the mountain: Are you familiar with my aura?
The wind was whispering slowly, and there seemed to be no answer.But after a while, the clouds and mist gathered into eyes, looked at Zhang Yan and asked, "What did you do again? Why is there such a breath?"

Zhang Yan didn't hide anything, and directly told what happened when he went to the hunting ground of Mingyue Valley to harvest the world's original power.The only one he can share and ask for opinions now is the consciousness of the Desolate Heaven Territory Lord who belongs to the same number as him.

But this time what Zhang Yan asked was different from before.

"The original power of the world. Explode the rules of self-generation. You seem to be changing in a direction similar to mine. But not completely similar. At least you have the seven emotions and six desires, but I can't produce them. But I can produce my own The power of rules, and you seem to have this kind of sign.

Can odd numbers be so singular? "

Even Huang Tianyu, who has always been in a hurry, couldn't help but have doubts in his words at this time.From its point of view, Zhang Yan's aura and many changes in his body at this time have largely coincided with the world like it.Not all that can be overlapped belong to a specious state.It's too weird to imagine.

"Then why do you think I can't control my Dao Dan? Even this time, if it wasn't for the lucky people from Mingyue Valley to help protect the dharma, I would definitely die outside." This is also a big question in Zhang Yan's mind.It even made him feel a little helpless.

As a result, Huang Tianyu burst out some words that Zhang Yan never thought of, which shocked him so much that he was stunned.

I heard Huang Tianyu say: "If you compare your changes to me, what do you think it will be?"

Zhang Yan thought for a while, then hesitated and said, "World evolution?"

"Of course. I evolve, you change. Do you think I can control the direction and outcome of my evolution?"

"Huh?!" Zhang Yan understood what the other party meant when he heard this.But this is based on the evolution of the world.But he is a serious creature, how could he have the ability to evolve the world?

Huang Tianyu gave his own opinion on Zhang Yan's question: Hongmeng Ziqi.

(End of this chapter)

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