one's door

910 The Way Forward

910 The Way Forward
The question in Zhang Yan's heart is not difficult to understand in Huang Tianyu's view.The premise is just to compare the changes in Zhang Yan to the evolution of the world like it.

"The purple qi you pulled merged into your Dao Dan, and a certain change occurred in the Dao Dan, making it tainted with the breath that should belong to the world. The accumulation of primordial purple qi later also exacerbated this change. Until this time you Absorbing a large amount of the original power of the world has pushed the change over the most critical hurdle at once, which is why we have the current result."

The evolution of the world has only direction but no details.Sometimes even the direction is not necessary, just let nature take its course, and it will be what it evolves.To interfere or to change, this is not an action that evolution should have in the eyes of a world consciousness like Huang Tianyu.

Therefore, it is "normal" that Zhang Yan cannot control the changes in his Dao Danli, and it is even "normal" that he has been in danger because of this.

It's just that these "normal" things will indeed look extremely "weird" when they fall on Zhang Yan.

"Has there been any creatures similar to me in your inheritance?" Although Zhang Yan did not want to admit that he was undergoing a life-level change like Chaohuang Tianyu, he had absolutely no relevant information for him to analyze.At least for now, Huang Tianyu's guess is actually similar to his own guess.

"No, if I saw you, I would be reminded of this situation. It is still blank, which means that you are also the first special case to appear in the inheritance of the world.

If you want to judge further, the best way is to find another world where you can drain the original power of the world and try again.See what else can happen to that sea of ​​stars inside you.

If the change of Xinghai is to gradually include your entire immortal body and soul, or if it is completely embedded in every inch of your soul and immortal body, then you will basically slowly become a world like mine.

If Xinghai is still cruising, or other changes, always maintaining relative independence from your primordial spirit and immortal body, then you should be taking a new path that does not belong to the level of the world or the level of creatures.How to evolve later is really not seeing the direction at all. "

After Huang Tianyu finished speaking, he disappeared by himself.Leaving Zhang Yan on the terrace of Dengyun Hall looking at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, he was speechless for a long time.

It can't be said that he was depressed, but Zhang Yan's mood must be quite complicated.

I thought I was cultivating immortals, but after practicing, I found that I was not cultivating immortals, but an unprecedented and strange way of cultivation.It is even possible that this road will be opened by himself from now on, otherwise the road ahead may be gone.

"But where is my way forward?"

Before leaving, Zhang Yan found the practice method of the golden immortal in the Wanxiangzhu.Although at the stage of Jinxian, there are very few methods and classics, but after all, there are still some for Zhang Yan to use as a reference.

Especially for the position of Daluo after Jinxian, there is a clearer context guidance.Let Zhang Yan, who is a dark gold body, still be like a bright light, not to be in the dark.

According to the Taoist scriptures, although the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian is only two more words, it is these two words that cause a huge gap between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian.

Da Luo is not a simple title, but has another meaning: Immortality!

From the beginning of cultivation, whether it is the initial Qi-Entraining Realm or the Profound Realm, or Human Immortals, Celestial Immortals, including Golden Immortals, they all have lifespan restrictions.It's just that there are huge differences in the restrictions.

The Qi Entraining Realm doesn't live longer than a few decades, and the Tongxuan Realm doesn't live longer than thousands of years.After becoming a fairy, the life span is still continuing.It's just that the time span is changed from "year" to "huiyuan".

But although Huiyuan is long, sometimes it is so long that the immortals themselves forget that they will die.But time is not in a hurry, what should come will always come.

In addition to dying, immortals also have disasters.The biggest and most widespread is the decline of the sky.

What is the decline of the sky?It can be roughly understood as "plague".A terminal illness that belongs only to immortals.Whether you are a human immortal, a celestial immortal, or a golden immortal, if you are unlucky and you will be targeted by the decline of the sky, it will take three to five years at the earliest, or more than a hundred years at the slowest, and you will undoubtedly die.

This is fate, no matter how good you are, Jinxian has to accept this fate.

Therefore, Da Luo, who is essentially different from Jinxian, is not actually an external force.Strength is the gap accumulated due to the time span, and the essential difference is the immortality represented by the word Da Luo.

It will not perish because of the fall of the sky and the earth, nor will it perish by the decline of the sky.Immortal, immortal, eternal existence, is the Daluo Jinxian!
The key to Daluo's immortality is said in the Taoist scriptures: Destiny depends on the number of days, hides in luck, avoids disasters, and avoids death, so that you can be immortal!

In just over twenty words, it seems simple, but ninety-nine percent of the world's immortals are blocked from entering.

And it was precisely after stepping into the Golden Immortal realm and seeing the Daoist classics in the realm of the Golden Immortal that Zhang Yan officially saw "fate" and "luck" fall directly on the main thread of practice in the realm of practice for the first time.It is completely different from the previous context of how to cultivate skills, how to comprehend the Tao, and how to penetrate the rules.Appears more erratic.

In fact, after seeing the main line of Jinxian's practice for the first time, Zhang Yan also understood a doubt he had always had before, that is why the people of Mingyue Valley are so keen on the technique of extension, and use it to determine the direction of their own power.At that time, he still felt that the people in Mingyue Valley were a little too clever.Only after I became a Golden Immortal did I realize that this is not the human brain axis of Mingyue Valley, but that after the Golden Immortal practice, they need to understand and practice the empty doorway about fate and luck, so they will naturally regard Yanshu as a treasure .

In fact, Zhang Yan also decided his future path in the nine words of "Destiny depends on the number of days, hidden in luck".Even though the Golden Immortal's body was dark gold back then, there is still an obvious tendency to continue walking along this road.

But after the Dao Dan exploded and became a sea of ​​stars, everything changed.Just as Huang Tianyu said, if he didn't eventually become a life form at the world level like Huang Tianyu, then he would be another kind of life that was neither a creature nor a world.It has both the characteristics of living beings and the characteristics of the world.

The blending and chaos of the two qualities will naturally overturn all his subsequent cultivation methods.

Jinxian needs to go to "immortality" to get Feng Daluo.But is there really only one way to go, "put your fate on the number of days and hide it in your luck"?

Is what the Daoist book says the only way?

Now the path in the Daoist scriptures is dead.Zhang Yan doesn't even count people and immortals, so how should the road numbers in the Taoist script be used?

Zhang Yan stood on the terrace behind the Dengyun Hall and looked at the sea of ​​clouds beyond the mountain, the sun rose and the sun set.
a few days later.

Zhang Yan suddenly opened his mouth as if talking to himself: "Only living beings perish, and the heaven and the earth naturally do not fall. I am no longer a living being, and I have the breath of the heaven and the earth. Is there another solution to this immortality?"

(End of this chapter)

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