one's door

Chapter 911

Chapter 911
The void is vast, even if it is not an unknown domain, the area that has been opened up is enough to accommodate an infinite world.There are countless creatures in this infinity, and countless evolutions.

But there are always some unusual creatures that happen to be in a delicate position.Every move may set off extremely huge waves.And they themselves are ignorant of it.

Or have a feeling, but don't know the far-reaching geometry afterwards.

Hao Xuemen.Hilltop Hall.

Xue E has not settled down to practice for a long time.This is the first time since he obtained the secret method of the Great Desolate World as his own reference, and used it to sort out the loopholes and wrong details of past practice, he has no way to calm down about practice.

This is not normal, the reason is not the trouble in practice, but something in the heart, messed up.

"How's the inquiry going?"

This is not a direct speech, but a soul transmission.And Xue E said another thing when speaking.Talk about daily affairs, but the sound transmission has other questions.

It was Li Yan, the elder who had been in charge of Hao Xuemen's external affairs, who spent so much time chatting with Xue E.

Li Yan is also one of the people in Haoxuemen who benefited from the various secret methods of the Great Desolate World.Now that she has stepped into the Earth Immortal, her cultivation base and methods have made her status in Haoxuemen directly rise.After Dahongtian replaced Yuhao Great World Alliance, she was also the first-line hero of Haoxuemen's wandering forces, and won Xue E's appreciation and trust.

In the same spirit transmission, Li Yan replied: "Master, the situation is really as you expected, something is very wrong!"

"Tell me."

"Sect Master, I have asked people to inquire about all aspects of the Yanshan Alliance. Some important places such as the Foreign Affairs Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall have asked people with different relationships, and the responses are the same. That is the internal affairs of the Yanshan Alliance. Regarding our Haoxuemen, there are still serious internal differences of opinion as before, and we cannot reach a consensus, and no one has mentioned that we will be punished or send envoys to investigate thoroughly in the near future. The arguing has to continue.

But something is wrong about Castle Peak Wonderland.I checked that Deacon Chen who said he wanted to find clues to Huang Tianyu and ran to our Dahongtian to ask for help, and finally stayed in our door for a few days.

That Deacon Chen's full name is Chen Haipeng, and he is a direct disciple of the master of Qingshan Xianwaishitang.The status in the door is not low.His status was almost the same as that of Lin Yumei who was in charge of coming to Dahongtian to deal with Huangtianyu back then.It's just that her cultivation base is slightly inferior to Lin Yumei's.

And the main forces that Chen Haipeng connected with at Qingshan Fairy Foreign Affairs Hall were from the Yanshan Alliance to the original Yuhao Great World Alliance, that is, the border area of ​​the Pastoral School including our Dahongtian.

Moreover, this Chen Haipeng likes alchemy, and he likes to exchange alchemy experience with others when he goes to a place.He is even good friends with several alchemists in the Yuhao Great World Alliance, and it is said that they often get together.

Afterwards, we broke up the Yuhao Great World Alliance. This Chen Haopeng had spoken harshly in public in the Qingshan Wonderland, and his hostility towards us was obvious.But."

Xue E took over the conversation and said: "But such a person who doesn't like us, and even has obvious hostility, is actually very kind in our door. He also took the initiative to help us arrange a lot of magic circles in the door, and Went to the various worlds below to show up and help us stabilize some of the dissatisfaction below.

Tsk tsk, it's the overall situation of the people in Qingshan Wonderland that puts the most importance on it, so don't you interfere with official affairs based on your personal likes and dislikes?Or does this Chen Haipeng have other schemes with ulterior motives?Hehe, what are they planning? "

Li Yan continued: "Sect Master, calculations are inevitable. And the plan should be not small. Otherwise, Chen Haipeng would not even hide it from the Yanshan Alliance.

But do you still remember the ins and outs of Chen Haipeng when he came to our side?In fact, looking back carefully now, there are some clues that can be used for scrutiny. "

"I remember that you were the one who was in charge of contacting Chen Haipeng all the way back then. What did you think of?" Xue E also had his own thoughts in his heart.Even after Li Yan said those things earlier, he already had some guesses.Let’s not talk about it first, let’s listen to what Li Yan said.

Li Yan nodded, continued to talk to Xue E about the daily affairs of the sect, and continued through voice transmission: "The master of the sect is right. Back then, it was Chen Haipeng who was in charge of the whole process for the disciples.

At that time, Chen Haipeng wandered around, the most curious, and the place where he stayed the longest was our teaching hall.Speaking of curiosity, Haoxuemen's method is sharp, and it has been refined rapidly in the past few hundred years, and it seems that there have been some new enlightenment discoveries.You made an excuse to get away with it.

At the same time, Chen Haipeng also repeatedly asked about all the communication between us and Zhang Yanmen before the disappearance of Huangtianyu.We have already reported these situations to the higher authorities several times.It's not unusual for him to ask repeatedly.

The disciples thought that Chen Haipeng's malicious intentions were aimed at our relationship with Duanya Mountain.It's just that the point is not clear.It doesn't seem to want to turn over old scores, but to find something new. "

Li Yan got stuck at this point.She could tell where Chen Haipeng's general purpose was.But what it is, she can't continue to push forward.

This is not a problem of Li Yan's ability, nor is it that she doesn't want to continue to deduce.Rather, there is not enough information.

But as far as the message is concerned, Xue E is much stronger than Li Yan.

"Do you still remember the news I told you when Zhang Yan's envoys came to you? For example, the deadly loner who became famous in the Chaos faction. Counting the time, you should be able to guess something here."

".Are you saying that Chen Haipeng actually came here to verify the identity relationship between Zhang Yan and that deadly maverick from the Chaos faction?! Are they suspecting that Zhang Yan has returned to our Dahongtian?!" Li Yan His reaction was not slow, and he quickly thought of the real purpose of Chen Haipeng's series of strange behaviors according to Xue E's reminder.

"The dead-hearted lone walker in the chaos faction and Zhang Yan are probably the same person. There are so many places for gold leaf. Now Zhang Yan and that dead-hearted lone walker are the ones to accept. And Zhang Yan can't stay in the pastoral school. If you go down, where else can you go if you don't go to the Chaos faction?
In addition, the reason why the deadly lone man made so many enemies and attracted the siege is basically the ruins of the sword tomb.We didn't have a chance to participate back then, but people from Qingshan Wonderland must have participated.They also have the possibility of meeting the dead loner in this matter.Perhaps it was in the ruins of the sword tomb that Zhang Yan showed his feet and was discovered by the people of Qingshan Wonderland.

There should be two reasons why Qingshan Wonderland connected us to this matter.

One, gold leaf.This is also the most direct reason.In the entire void, there is no one else who collects gold leaf in the pastoral and chaos factions except for the dead and lonely.And we were not even qualified to step into the ruins of the Sword Tomb before, let alone be interested in the seemingly useless gold leaf.So they must be aware of our secret collection of gold leaf.

Second, destroy Yuhao Great World Alliance.Our strength is insufficient, and we need helpers if we want to destroy the Yuhao Great World Alliance.Where can help come from?And why dare to help us?With Qingshan Wonderland's ability, a little research on this matter can find out the clues.As long as it is found that someone from the pastoral faction made the move, the answer will be ready. "

Li Yan was startled, and followed Xue E's words and hurriedly asked: "Master, you mean that we have been targeted by Qingshan Wonderland long ago? Long before the Gongjian envoy reminded us?"


"Aren't our secrets?"

(End of this chapter)

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