one's door

Chapter 912 Starfire

Chapter 912 Starfire
Xue E frowned, Li Yan's last sentence was exactly what he was thinking and worrying about.

The secret must not be kept.If Qingshan Wonderland had been staring at them so long ago, then every move in Hao Xuemen would not be able to escape their eyes.

In addition, even though Xue E was reminded by Gong Jian, the envoy from the cliff mountain, he still failed to detect any signs of surveillance in Haoxuemen.It's just that the uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger.

What does this mean?It means that either what Gong Jian said was just a random guess, or that the monitors at Haoxuemen's side are far stronger than Xue E.That's why Haoxuemen didn't notice anything.

According to this way of thinking, although Xue E hopes that it is the former, that is, he hopes that Gong Jian, the messenger of the cliff mountain, is talking nonsense.However, the results of rationality and exploration all show that the fact is most likely the latter guess.

How explosive is Haoxuemen's secret?Xue E himself knows best.Once these secrets are released, Haoxuemen will definitely die.A single hat of "collaborating with the Chaos faction" can doomed people.

"They didn't do anything, they should be waiting."

Xue E thinks that Qingshan Fairyland has been staring at Haoxuemen for so long but has been slow to act, and may be suppressing Haoxuemen's strangeness from the side to prevent others from discovering, its purpose is to wait for the opportunity.At least it's not yet time for them to make a move.

"What are you waiting for?" Li Yan was already feeling cold.She understands that Haoxuemen is much stronger now than it was hundreds of years ago.But in front of the green mountain fairyland, it is still as weak as a bug.At this point the situation is already at stake.

"Waiting for someone, to be precise, it should be waiting for Zhang Yan. Whether it is the secret of the gold leaf, or the inheritance of the Great Desolate World, these are all pinned on Zhang Yan. Destroy our Hao Xuemen or capture and kill a few people like bows." Seeing such an envoy doesn't make much sense. Even if you do that, you will definitely scare the snake. The gain outweighs the loss for Qingshan Wonderland."

"Disciple understands!"

Now, at the time of life and death, we can only brainstorm.

"Zhang Yan's strength is still unknown. But we can be sure that he is stronger than us. However, it is still too far away to deal with Qingshan Wonderland. But there is nothing wrong with it. Pulling him into the game can increase our choice. Besides, how could he be absent since he was the instigator?

"Go, be very careful. Anything you do or say, you need to cover up. And these covers can't suddenly change too much, you need to maintain the previous context. Even our secrets can't be because of us. Now that I'm aware of it, I deliberately avoid it.

In the end, as the elder in charge of the foreign affairs hall, Li Yan also went to the main peak hall to meet the sect master Xue E more frequently than before.When chatting, he also began to get used to leaving some jade slips as "sorting out the situation in the door" for Xue E to check.

In a word, everything we do from now on must have two sets of actions.One set is on the surface and follow the previous rules and habits.One set is placed in the dark, using the means we use to survive.Understand? "

But don't even think about the choice of taking the initiative to confess your confession.Even if we want to change the door, no one will want it.We are the bait, and the bait will be discarded in the end whether the fish is caught or not.So if you want to survive, you can only find another way to struggle, instead of praying for the other party's mercy.

For a period of time afterwards, Haoxuemen looked normal from top to bottom.The practice that should be practiced, the one that should go out should go out.Even the gathering of the gold leaf has not stopped, and it is still exploring in secret.

It is still the sound transmission of the soul.This is the most confidential way Xue E can think of.As long as the soul sound transmission distance is close enough, even someone with a higher cultivation base than him will not be able to detect their small movements.Not to mention spying on the specific content of the soul sound transmission.

This general direction cannot be wrong. "

Li Yan nodded, she understood.But it was still hard to let go of my worries.Like a sword hanging above the head, no matter how long it takes to stick it down, it is not easy to be relieved that this is a matter of life and death.

But it's not enough.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"." Xue E couldn't give a clear answer for a while.It's ridiculous to use a mantis' arms as a car, but you can't just sit and wait for death, right?

After Li Yan left, Xue E returned to his practice room inside the ice wall and sat cross-legged, as if continuing to practice his lessons.But in fact, only he knows that what he can pretend to be in his mind at this time is not related to practice, but thinking about how to break the situation.

If Zhang Yan joins directly, we will have more room for maneuver in the formulation of future plans. "

But the elders of Haoxuemen are much more diligent than before.From time to time, we get together to drink tea and chat.There was also a lot of chatting, including trivial matters in the sect, the situation of the Qingshan Alliance, and the cultivation troubles of the disciples of their respective sects, etc.There will even be some exchanges on spiritual practice.

"Yes, the master of the sect. According to the results of repeated discussions with the main elders of the sect these days, and at the same time follow the general direction you have set, it is the most feasible way to pull Zhang Yan into the water. He is not only the main reason why Qingshan Fairyland is eyeing us , but also has the power we urgently need now.

Li Yan got up with a smile, said goodbye to Xue E and left.The exchange she had with Xue E just now was actually fulfilling Xue E's request in this sound transmission.Regardless of the content of the sound transmission, she was just talking about some daily affairs with Xue E.I am not worried about being intercepted by "the wall has ears".

After being silent for a while, Xue E said: "What you and I talked about today, you go back and sort it out, and pass it on to the main elders in the form of jade slips. Let them participate together.

Xue E has always been used to being arbitrary.But the current situation is really too complicated.His own thinking is no longer enough to deal with it meticulously.So we can only hang the problem high and let the elders in the door participate together to find a way.

Of course, the perception of practice cannot be expressed in words, and the jade slips are more suitable for communication at the level of thinking.So there will always be jade slips interspersed in the party.

"So the unified idea now is to drag Zhang Yan into the water in advance?" Xue E said through voice transmission.

If we want to compete with Qingshan Wonderland, the most fundamental way is not to be ahead of us.We should know how much our Haoxuemen weighs.In addition, Zhang Yan's Cliff Mountain is not enough for others to take a few more glances.So external force is needed. "

Li Yan got it right.Some things are not suitable for her to say directly, Xue E needs to click first, so that she and the elders below can start talking.Otherwise, with Haoxuemen's ethos under the risk of overreaching, no one would dare to talk nonsense.

"Sect Master, do you mean to bring in several other forces that are similar to Qingshan Wonderland to participate?"

"That's right. If we want to survive, the pastoral school's water must be muddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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