one's door

Chapter 916

Chapter 916
Xie Wei didn't just say compliments.He has indeed admired Zhang Yan for a long time.It can even be said that Zhang Yan has become a major reference point for major decisions at the top of Mingyue Valley.

Zhang Yan represents a person who is on the rise of the general trend, and has great luck in him.Whatever Zhang Yan does, Mingyue Valley will cooperate.What you want is nothing more than maintaining an optimal position in the general trend.Decision making comes from there.

Chang Shi before, Zhang Yan now, and Xie Wei have been adjusting their impressions based on the latest information in their minds.I thought I already knew the general situation of the other party very well, but when we actually met, Xie Wei realized that he was still thinking too simply.In other words, the person he was facing was simply not someone who could be truly understood by information.

What surprised Xie Wei the most was the breath on Zhang Yan's body.

Although Xie Wei learned about Zhang Yan's strange breath from the news brought back by Feng Yuhe, he also had some psychological expectations.It can be seen that he was still shocked by the other party's weirdness.

Compared with Feng Yuhe, Xie Wei and Song Shiyu's cultivation base, he can naturally see more things from Zhang Yan, especially the aura of Yin and Yang and Zhang Yan's dark gold fairy body. How can these be hidden from Da Luo Jinxian s eyes.

After taking their seats and exchanging a few simple greetings, the atmosphere in the hall seemed very harmonious.

"Your Excellency Zhang Yan, I have always been curious about how Jinxian and Daluo are described in the inheritance of the Great Desolate World? And how different is the system of cultivation from the general one in our Void World? Of course, your Excellency can discuss specific things. I don’t want to talk about it, but I don’t know if it’s okay to talk about it in general?”

The one who spoke was a Jinxian elder who was sitting across from Zhang Yan and said with a smile, and after he finished speaking, he said "abrupt" several times in a row, anyone who saw it could understand that the other party was trying to start a conversation.At the same time, it can be regarded as exploring Zhang Yan's tone.

Zhang Yan knew very well that the Great Desolate World was of great significance to the immortals and monks in the Void World.To him, Mingyue Valley is now a serious ally.It's meaningless to stingy with some basic information, and it's too petty.

So Zhang Yan introduced: "At the level of Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian, the general understanding of the prehistoric world is basically the same as the context of the void world. The difference is only in some details. The same is true for the main context of practice, are all in the same direction.”

"Then can you tell me, in the practice system of the Great Desolate World, are there other realms above the Daluo Jinxian?"

This question was asked by Song Shiyu who had met Zhang Yan several times.When he asked, it was equivalent to Xie Wei asking.The two of them who were present were most concerned about this issue.

Zhang Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said affirmatively: "In the lineage of inheritance in the Great Desolate World, it was mentioned about the realm after Da Luo Jinxian, and it was clearly called "the realm of saints."

"The realm of saints?"

The group of golden immortals were not far behind, but Song Shiyu, who was Da Luo, and Xie Wei, who was sitting at the top, seemed a little excited. Rao, their city, which had been tempered by countless winds and rains, couldn't hold back at this moment.

The most feared thing in the long road ahead is walking into a dead end, and the most feared thing is the unknown.

From the beginning to the end of all the records in the void world, Da Luo Jinxian is the most extreme cultivation.All records have stagnated at this level.

As for whether there are other realms after Da Luo, no one has ever given a definite answer.

So many ancient Da Luo Jinxian finally chose another way in this dark exploration and endless self-doubt and even fear: rushing into the unknown realm, looking for another realm that may exist.

In addition, after Zhang Yan uttered the four words "the realm of saints", Xie Wei and Song Shiyu actually had exactly the same thought in their hearts at the same time: So there is really a saint?
Although the realm of saints in the prehistoric world is supreme, it is not a taboo topic, nor is it a little-known secret.Therefore, although Mingyue Valley seldom received a few words from the Great Desolate World, there were still some.Among them, there is no lack of mention of the word "sage".Both Xie Wei and Song Shiyu have seen it.

For the "sage" at the beginning, Xie Wei and Song Shiyu didn't think about him in terms of cultivation.Not only them, but also the strong people in Mingyue Valley all the time.It is more inclined that "sage" is a respectful title for a certain virtue and status.It's like "door master" and "pai master" have the same meaning, it just depends on how you are used to shouting.

What really made Xie Wei and Song Shiyu guess the word "sage" as the realm of cultivation was the jade slip that Song Shiyu found from the Jianzhong ruins.

There is such a description in Yanshu: Yanshu can reproduce all things in the world, and all things in the world.But only the sage is unfathomable.

A guess is just a guess after all.Now that Zhang Yan has directly confirmed that the saint is the next realm after Da Luo Jinxian, this is undoubtedly a lighthouse for Xie Wei and Song Shiyu, which seems to have nothing in front of them.But if you want to move forward by the light of the lighthouse, you are far from knowing the word "sage".More hope is ignited.

You must know that Xie Wei and Song Shiyu have never forgotten the anxiety and despair in their eyes when their predecessors had to explore the unknown.They naturally don't want to be as confused and panicked as their predecessors in the future.

"What's so special about the realm of saints?"

Zhang Yan smiled and shook his head.He didn't say he didn't know, and he didn't say he knew.This scene had a profound meaning in the eyes of the people present at Mingyue Valley.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency has been exhausted all the way, even if we have met now, tomorrow night there will be a banquet in the valley to welcome your Excellency, and it is also a coincidence to thank all the guests for tomorrow's grand ceremony. Please give me your favor!" Before Song Shiyu could continue to ask, he went up Xie Wei, who was at the head, spoke directly and brought the conversation over.I will stop entangled with the word "sage", and also draw a temporary pause for this first meeting.One is decent, and the other is to leave time for yourself to think about it.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan also stood up from the chair.I understand that this is the end of the first meeting.I also think it is very appropriate, after all, even if there is something to say, it is not enough to go deep into the conversation as soon as we meet.What's more, apart from the people from Mingyue Valley, he hasn't seen the other families yet.The extent of the discussion with Mingyue Valley will ultimately depend on the results of the meetings with those companies.

As soon as Zhang Yan left, Song Shiyu stood up from his chair in the hall.

"Sect master, Zhang Yan probably has a follow-up thread about the saint in his hand, even if it's just a directional thing, it's good for us"

"Okay." Xie Wei interrupted Song Shiyu again.In his opinion, it is not appropriate to talk about the Saint Realm in front of a group of golden immortals.

So he pressed a gesture to make Song Shiyu calm down, and at the same time said to Feng Yuhe: "You must pay close attention to Zhang Yan's every move in our valley, and you must not let go of the changes in his luck during this period."

(End of this chapter)

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