one's door

Chapter 917

Chapter 917
Coming out of the central hall of Mingyue Valley, Zhang Yan only went around to the residence arranged for him, and then followed Li Dianchuan to the nearby Qizhengchang.

"Senior, although this place is not as big as the venues outside, the things here are several grades higher than those outside. It is prepared for the guests attending the ceremony in Daqing. You also know that there are quite a few of these guests with a lot of background, ordinary treasures It may not be in their eyes." Li Dianchuan walked beside Zhang Yan and introduced the situation of this rare field.

Zhang Yan's most intuitive feeling when he was in it was that it was very similar to the shopping mall he used to visit in his previous life.

Starting from the ground, to the hundreds of feet in the air.The patchwork is full of shops.As long as it is not within the scope of the Mingyue Valley, the Xian family will use the limited area as much as possible.It made Zhang Yan feel absurd to go shopping upstairs and downstairs.

"Senior, look over there!"

"Huh? Gold leaf? Are there still scattered around these things?"

"Yes, but there are not many. These are the remaining disciples of some forces that were once good, but then perished or fell into disrepair. There are not many good things, so they are more cherished. Now they should take advantage of the opportunity of Daqing. It is to raise the price. If you are interested, senior, just ask, the master has explained that all the expenses will be charged to Mingyuegu!"

Li Dianchuan's words were respectful, which sounded serious, but in fact, it was nothing to Mingyuegu.

"Look at other things first." Although Zhang Yan is very interested in gold leaf, he is not being taken advantage of.These gold foils placed on the stalls will obviously be much more expensive than those collected before.Then he doesn't recommend letting these guys with machetes want to cut their flesh.Besides, the bulk of gold leaf is not these scattered ones, but stored in the warehouses of the major forces.Zhang Yan doesn't have to take every piece.

Zhang Yan's appearance quickly attracted a lot of attention.He could feel that no matter where he went, someone was hanging behind him.

But walking around all the way, Zhang Yan didn't find anything that he was particularly curious about.He has no need for magic weapons and elixir at all.He is also not interested in the rest of the exercises and materials.

On the contrary, Zhang Yan found that the gold foils that had been placed on the stall before were gone after he finished walking around.I asked the stall owner, and the answer was that it had been taken away.

Li Dianchuan frowned slightly, then waved, and a half-immortal disciple hurried over.

"Go and find out who is collecting gold leaf here."

Zhang Yan ignored Li Dianchuan's arrangement, and moved over to another rare field in the divine sense.Li Dianchuan followed after hastily making arrangements.

"Senior, why did you come here? This is a big market, and the things inside are mixed and uneven. It takes time and effort to find good things. Why don't you take you to another place."

Zhang Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "The rare treasures in your eyes are not the same as the rare treasures I understand. I am not interested in those rare treasures over there. Why don't you just stroll here, maybe you can gain something .”

Li Dianchuan immediately shut up when he heard the words.It dawned on him.From his own understanding, Zhang Yan really did not look down on those things in the rare treasures market before. After all, they were inherited from the Great Desolate World, so how could the idle treasures catch the eye?Maybe the things you are interested in are not necessarily rare treasures in the ordinary sense.So I really have to go around the outside field.Pure chance.

And Zhang Yan's move immediately made a group of people following him suspicious.

"Why did Zhang Yan go to the outside venue? He hasn't finished his tour here."

"Can't afford the things here?"

"Impossible. Li Dianchuan is by his side, even if he really can't afford the things here, Li Dianchuan won't let him go home empty-handed."


"I don't know. Anyway, follow up and have a look."

There are quite a few people following Zhang Yan all the way, and all this will not be hidden from Zhang Yan.Follow blatantly.

Zhang Yan didn't care about those eyes behind him.Now it is the territory of Mingyue Valley, and others here must abide by the rules.And now he is not afraid of all methods below Da Luo.Following him is nothing more than watching his every move, and it can't get in the way.I don't even bother to reason.

But although Zhang Yan didn't care about those eyeliners watching behind him, Li Dianchuan couldn't and didn't care.Even though he also did not believe that the other families dared to attack Zhang Yan in Mingyue Valley, he was afraid of ten thousand if not in case.So Li Dianchuan walked while carefully paying attention to the surrounding situation.There is a jade sword for warning in his hand all the time.

However, although his nerves were tense, Li Dianchuan still found that Zhang Yan's behavior of wandering around was always somewhat confusing.

"Ex, senior, what is the use of these copper coins?"

In Li Dianchuan's eyes, Zhang Yan was wandering around the rare treasures market outside, looking here and there, not empty-handed, from time to time he would change from some stalls or buy some inconspicuous little things.Or half a stone tablet, or a few copper coins, or a turtle shell that looks quite old, etc.

And the reason why these things can appear in the field of rare treasures all occupies the word "odd". The word "zhen" is completely out of the question, because there is nothing useful at all, and at most it can barely be called "rare". That's all.This kind of thing is the most unflattering and hard to sell in the rare treasure market.But Zhang Yan seems to be interested in this kind of thing.

"Hehe, it's just some small things, it's useless, it's just interesting." Zhang Yan responded casually.Regardless of whether Li Dianchuan believes it or not, he still goes his own way, and seems to be looking for those "little things".

"Seven ghost money! The psychic tortoise hexagram! Zhenshan stele is actually put on sale at the stall?!" Zhang Yan's calm expression was filled with surprise in his heart.The things he was thinking about were the "trash" in Li Dianchuan's eyes that he had just taken away from the stall.

"Although they are all broken, the most basic magic circle structure still remains inside these things. They can be completely disassembled and decomposed by the magic circle method of the prehistoric world, which is a rare realistic reference for the formation method. If Bring them back to the Cliff Mountain, and the disciples of the sect will use them to prove what they have learned, and then the level of the formation will definitely usher in a skyrocketing surge!"

This is the truth that Zhang Yan seems to be picking up the trash all the way, but he is actually picking up the leaks.

It's just that although these magic weapons are not top-notch spiritual treasures, even in the inheritance information of the prehistoric world, they only belong to the second- and third-rate levels. on a par.But anyway, each has its own characteristics, and it is unusual to be able to leave one's own name in the inheritance list of the Great Desolate World.It is definitely much more powerful than the magic weapons exposed in the ruins of the sword mound that were obtained by the void world as a chance.And it is more complete than most of the magic weapons in the Sword Tomb Ruins.

But where do these things come from?
(End of this chapter)

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