one's door

Chapter 918

Chapter 918
"Boss, where did you get this stuff from?"

Holding three copper coins in his hand, Zhang Yan turned around seemingly unintentionally, and went to the booth where he got them before.Tossing copper coins this time, he smiled and asked the stall owner.

The stall owner was an immortal in the late stage of the fairyland. It was the first time he had seen Zhang Yan's logo on his body, and his aura was messy and sinister. At first glance, he looked like a cold force who was not very worthy of the stage.

This kind of fairy may have a cunning side in other places, but here and now, he is afraid that the smile on his face will be insincere, he dare not even straighten his waist, and rubs his hands in an apologetic smile.He couldn't hide the anxiety in his eyes.

The stall owner may not know who Zhang Yan is, but he knows that Zhang Yan's identity must be a guest of Mingyue Valley Daqing, and he is also a VIP.Didn't you see Li Dianchuan who followed suit?The stall owner recognized Li Dianchuan, who was quite famous in Mingyue Valley, very well.

Hearing the question, the stall owner naturally did not dare to hesitate, and quickly replied: "Your Excellency, I did not receive the three copper coins in your hand alone. So I don't know their specific roots, I just heard It is from a certain ancient world wave clan."

It can already be said that he knows everything.

"Where is the former seller you mentioned, can you tell me?"

"Of course, this is the star mark of his world. If you need anything, you can go to him." The stall owner said while handing over a star chart mark.

After taking the star mark, Zhang Yan nodded his thanks to the stall owner, and then went to the next stall.After turning it around, I have several more stars in my hand.But without exception, all are not the original source.Most of the things sold by the stall owners here are not the things they found themselves, but received from the hands of others.As for the source of things is not clear at all.

"Do you know what the wave clan is in the ancient world?" Zhang Yan curiously asked Li Dianchuan beside him.Zhang Yan heard this term for the first time, and it was also mentioned several times when he was talking to several stall owners about the source of those things.

Li Dianchuan has been by Zhang Yan's side all the time, and of course he understands why Zhang Yan suddenly asked this.I'm just curious why Zhang Yan doesn't even know this?Even if you were with the Pastoral School before, there were also wavers from the ancient world, right?Never heard of this?

"Senior, the vagabonds in the ancient world are talking about the kind of cultivation force that has been wandering in various worlds, but has not been able to settle down. Generally, this kind of force has some special reasons that cannot settle in one place. Either for hunting or to avoid Enmity. Because these forces have been displaced and have existed for a long time, they will know some secrets that ordinary forces do not know. They will also have some strange collections.

In fact, your identity as a loner who walked on the side of the Chaos faction before can often be linked to some wavers in the ancient world.The longer the wandering, the fewer the number of forces.

It's just that the wave clan in the ancient world is rarely seen now.Most of the people who claim to be the wavers of the ancient world are fake, and they boast of a name to sell their value.The specifics have to be interviewed to find out. "

After a pause, Li Dianchuan said again: "If senior is curious about the origin of these things, our Mingyue Valley can send someone to investigate. There is no need for senior to go there himself."

Feng Yuhe had explained to Li Dianchuan before.Try to satisfy Zhang Yan in everything, and look for opportunities to deepen the relationship.From Li Dianchuan's point of view, this is all-round flattery.He is very familiar with this kind of thing.

But Zhang Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not necessary. It's not something important, just curious. I'll look for it when I have a chance in the future. Besides, I don't need Mingyue Valley to do this little thing."

While talking, Zhang Yan continued to change places for a stroll.He seemed to be doing nothing, but in fact, under his divine sense, there were few things in the surrounding stalls that could escape his detection.All the things that can avoid the core part and prevent his divine sense from penetrating into it are necessary for him to stop.Or some exceptions can be made that can be connected with the things in Zhang Yan's memory about the Great Desolate World.

After several rounds of the largest rare treasure field in the periphery, Zhang Yan gained a lot.There is even a bronze medal suspected to be a rain order talisman.

"Although these things are all the wreckage of the fairy artifact, they are not completely damaged. It's just that they are damaged to a certain extent and appear to be useless.

wrong.Perhaps they have been completely useless in front of the refining and magic circle methods of the void world.It's just that in my eyes there is still use value.That's why they become an addition to this rare field because of their "odd" and "rare".It has never been valued by people in the void world.

Like who cares about a pile of garbage?

But what does this mean?These things are scattered out, except that they are all immortal artifacts that can withstand the erosion of time, and there is no other gender at all.There are offensive and defensive magic tools, as well as cultivation aids, and even the legendary ordering talisman given to the Dragon King of the Four Seas by the Heavenly Court. It's too messy. "

At first, I felt that I was somewhat excited when I missed it.But as more and more things were obtained, even the legendary things like the Rain Order Talisman appeared with more symbolic meaning than practical use.All of a sudden, Zhang Yan's excitement was disturbed.

These things are different from the large number of fragments of magic weapons left in the ruins of the Sword Tomb.Most of the ruins are left from the remains of the battlefield, and they have a unified phase, that is, "things that serve the killing".It is logically completely smooth with the original three-religion war in the ruins of Jianzhong as a prefix foreshadowing.

But the half-disabled magic weapons gathered by Zhang Yan are different now.There is no mutuality at all, and there are bits and pieces of everything.Can't find a pattern at all.

It's like... there is no rule at all?

"This fellow daoist, Jin Can, the disciple of Xiaheiyuan, is being polite here!"

Just when Zhang Yan was thinking about it, a greeting came from behind him, and he turned around to see a middle-aged man in a black robe with a smile on his face, bowing his hands to him.

black abyss?Zhang Yan's heart moved, and he knew that it was one of the top powers along with Mingyue Valley, Sanwen Sect, Linglong Immortal Realm, and First Shizong.In addition to these five families, there is another Feng Mutian.

"Elder Jin? Zhang Yan returned the salute here. I don't know why Elder Jin is looking for me?" Zhang Yan also bowed his hand in return.Although it was the first time seeing this golden Zhang Yan, he still knew his name, and knew that he was a golden fairy elder in Heiyuan.Now stop him halfway to say hello.

This was the first time that Zhang Yan had contact with other top forces of the Chaos faction in a less tense situation besides Mingyue Valley and Yishizong.

"Hehe, I have been admiring your name for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to meet you. There is a little misunderstanding between us and you. Please give Jin a chance to explain. I wonder if it is possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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