one's door

Chapter 919 Irregular

Chapter 919 Irregular
Heiyuan is an absolute outlier among the six top forces of the Chaos faction.

The "difference" of Heiyuan lies in the number of exercises they cultivate, which are extremely rare methods based on resentment and blood evil.It is said that after getting started, the effect is very fast.But the more you practice, the more difficult it is, and the possibility of death during breakthrough and calamity is much higher than other methods.

The reason why Heiyuan can rush into the top forces is mainly because of their entry-level and early advantages. They use ten times or even dozens of times more disciples than other forces to pile up the output of masters.

Ten disciples of others produce a strong man.One out of two or three hundred disciples from Heiyuan.As long as the final number can barely match, no one dares to underestimate Heiyuan.

Not to mention that the people in Heiyuan have always been indifferent to life and death, with the appearance of a bloodthirsty lunatic, waiting for idlers, even the other top forces are not willing to provoke them easily.

Of course, although the advantages of madness and bloodthirsty are that others are willing to provoke them, the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, no one wants to make friends with you, worrying that you will suddenly go crazy and hurt him.

Heiyuan is such a special force.Generally, I seldom take the initiative to do anything about major events, and I always choose the method that is least likely to be isolated.In short, go with the flow.Even if you can't talk about careful planning, you will never suffer a big loss.

Regarding the issue against Zhang Yan, Hei Yuan didn't take it seriously at first.Because of the tandem connection of Minghua Rongzong at that time, Heiyuan saw that the several families headed by Sanwenzong were moving, so he naturally wanted to move too.And according to the habit, whichever side has more people, he will go to whichever side.Anyway, don't go where there are few people, let alone go out of your way.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Heiyuan didn't think about what to do to Mingyue Valley and Yishizong of the opposing team. For them, this was just one of the countless times they chose to stand in the team.

But the subsequent development soon exceeded Hei Yuan's expectations.Whether it was Mingyuegu and Yishizong's toughness, or Zhang Yan's tyranny, in the end it even forced Heiyuan to grit his teeth and suffer a face loss.

Hei Yuan's thinking also suffered a loss, and the interests represented by Zhang Yan had a fundamental change.

"What is the misunderstanding that Elder Jin said?"

"Hehe, I hope Your Excellency Zhang Yan will forgive me a lot. Jin is sincere and sincere. Please give Jin a chance and explain clearly to you."

Zhang Yan pretended not to see Li Dianchuan's wrinkled brow beside him.Pointing to a nearby tea house with a smile, he said, "Since Elder Jin has something to say, how about a cup of tea?"

"Hahaha, then thank you for your kindness. Please!"

Behind the two of them, Li Dianchuan was inexplicably anxious. What he and his master were most worried about was still coming.The four forces on the opposite side did not die hard to the end.It's just that I didn't expect that Heiyuan would be the first to bounce out.

Isn't Heiyuan always like to follow the crowd?How could it be uncharacteristic this time?

But whether it was Jin Can or Zhang Yan, Li Dianchuan had no right to speak when facing these two, their strength and status were too disparate, and he couldn't stop them from going to drink tea.So he could only wave his hand and call a disciple of Mingyue Valley, and ask the other party to report the situation here as soon as possible, so that the higher-ups can respond.

In just this moment, Zhang Yan and Jin Can had already walked to a nearby tea house.

The tea house is not bad, and it must have style and something to be opened in the rare field.The tea served alone is extraordinary.Of course, extravagance is not small.But Zhang Yan doesn't need to worry about these things, it's just a piece of tea, a golden fairy can afford it.

"Your Excellency Zhang Yan, the misunderstanding between you and Hei Yuan was actually caused by Minghua Rongzong. We Hei Yuan have always followed the crowd. Most of them took the lead, and we just followed. It was also the case before. It is true that you have neglected your Excellency and made mistakes several times in a row. Fortunately, there is no real conflict. Please forgive me."

Jin Can's idea is very simple and direct.He admitted that Hei Yuan made a mistake in choosing to fight against Zhang Yan before, and they recognized this mistake.But after careful study, Hei Yuan just stood in line and did not directly conflict with Zhang Yan.Regardless of the great battle, or the shock of Zhang Yan's return after disappearing later, it cannot be called a "direct conflict".The former, Heiyuan, didn't participate when he was on the sidelines, while the latter, Heiyuan was in a shocked position, and didn't say a word, let alone a conflict.

Empty mouth and white teeth are not the way to sincerely express apology, so Jin Can said while taking out a storage bag and putting it on the coffee table and pushing it in front of Zhang Yan.

"There has always been some idle gold leaf at home that is useless, and I don't understand the mystery of it. Before, because of a misunderstanding, I have been hesitant about how to give it to you. Now it happens that you give us face, so I will make the best use of it. I hope you will appreciate it." Don't be disgusted.

By the way, the gold leaf that you took and put back in the front of the rare treasure field was also collected by me and put in the bag.Wouldn't it be a waste for those guys outside to hold the gold leaf blindly?It's still suitable for you to hold it!Hahaha. "

Zhang Yan didn't go to get the storage bag on the coffee table, but smiled and said to Jin Can: "It doesn't matter whether you misunderstood before or not. And some grudges don't necessarily mean that you have to face-to-face conflict. The previous situation Presumably, Elder Jin knows best why the noble sect didn't directly conflict with me. Does the noble sect not want to? Or can't?

Therefore, it is not appropriate to expose a misunderstanding.And when it comes to gold leaf, although I'm interested, I won't be taken for a ride and ignore it.So Elder Jin please put it away. "

Zhang Yan's golden brows furrowed slightly and then quickly unfurled as Zhang Yan said this, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

But the truth is exactly what Zhang Yan said.Heiyuan and Zhang Yan didn't have any direct conflicts, not because they didn't want to or have a sense of proportion, but because Mingyuegu and Yishizong stood in front of them.So the word "misunderstanding" is not as easy as Jin Can wants to use some gold leaf to remove it.

"Hehe, what you said is true. Mere gold leaf is indeed not enough to quell all misunderstandings, but Heiyuan's sincerity is true. After that, I am willing to use the harvest of the ten directions to make friends with you. From now on, your business will be About our Heiyuan. What Mingyue Valley and Yishizong can do, we Heiyuan can also do for you.

In addition, if you have any needs, you can say it. As long as Hei Yuan can do it, he will try his best not to disappoint you. "

Zhang Yan was also surprised when he said this.The other party didn't put on airs at all, it just looked like lying down and admitting compensation.

This also aroused Zhang Yan's curiosity at the same time.

"Elder Jin, Mr. Zhang has seen your sincerity. I'm just curious, why did your sect suddenly change its behavior? Is this too abrupt?"

Jin Can smiled, and said after a while: "Your Excellency used a fake body to walk before. We don't know. But now I am very curious about your fake body. I wonder if there is a chance to learn more about it?"

PS: I'm really sorry, there are too many things, and there are two chapters to be added in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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