one's door

Chapter 923 Seats

Chapter 923 Seats
Zhang Yan didn't rest very well in Mingyue Valley, or he couldn't calm down and really rest.The huge moon wheel hovering above his head like a moon made him always subconsciously take precautions.

I don't know what Mingyue Valley's purpose is to hang its treasure in the sky like this, it can't be just to show off, right?
Since he couldn't calm down and meditate, Zhang Yan simply played with the rain order talisman and the Tianguan card for a whole day.The structure of the magic circle inside these two things and the refining techniques are very different from the ones advocated in Taoist scriptures.Zhang Yan's understanding is that although these structures are unreasonable, they are unique and are used to distinguish authenticity from falsehood.

"I don't know if these magic circles can be repaired?" Zhang Yan is not bad at refining weapons and magic circles, although he is not specialized.After playing with it for a while, I found that both the Rain Order Talisman and the Tianguan Card were not seriously damaged.The high probability is the overall collapse caused by the rupture of its internal magic circle structure.Just be able to find where the break is and fix it.It is not impossible to restore these two things.After all, these two things are special in themselves, and their function is not practical, but a kind of proof.It stands to reason that repairing will not be too difficult.

But he has an idea, and after some thinking, Zhang Yan feels that he should be able to do it.But the timing is not right, there is no time for him to toss these things with peace of mind.

"Senior, the time is coming."

The disciples of Mingyue Valley outside the gate reminded Zhang Yan that the time was approaching, and he needed to get ready to go to the square in front of the main hall of Mingyue Valley to have a banquet.

Zhang Yan packed up his things, and after going out, he refused the driver arranged by Mingyue Valley, and walked slowly along the road as if he were a driver.He doesn't have any ostentation to pay attention to.On the contrary, he walked slowly along the way and wanted to see how the immortals who came to watch the ceremony along the way would react to him.Count it as a psychological expectation for the big banquet later.

Zhang Yan didn't want to take the car, and the disciples of Mingyue Valley didn't ask for it either. Anyway, it's not too far to walk there, so we can't miss the time.

After going out of the small courtyard and onto the main road of the valley, there were more people, and their eyes fell in unison.Most of them are what Zhang Yan is used to, such as exploring, examining, curious, wary and even malicious.But there are also more doubts and goodwill.

"It seems that the news of my contact with Heiyuan really spread."

Zhang Yan stepped into the square, and the surroundings had been properly arranged.What a grand banquet scene.Just by approaching, the aroma of wine and vegetables wafts into the nostrils, which makes the index finger move.

"Senior, your seat is ahead, please follow me." The disciple of Mingyue Valley who had been leading the way walked ahead with a smile on his face.

"Why do you need to leave such a large space in the middle?" Zhang Yan looked around the scene, and felt that although the scene was not small, it was still quite simple, without any fancy things.Only there is a huge circular open space in the middle of the banquet venue. I don't know what it is used for.

"Senior, fellow Taoists from the Red Cloud Sect and Xiaori Gate today specially brought a lot of singing and dancing to congratulate us at Mingyue Valley. They will appear at the dinner party to help us enjoy the wine, so there is an empty space for singing and dancing later."

"Huh? Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen?" Zhang Yan was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.He has heard Li Dianchuan talk about these two forces many times.The reputation is not small.

Like the Minghua Rongzong that had been exterminated, Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen were not serious sect forces.The path of practice is even more strange.One is by illusion, the other is by charm, and the two are still very close.And it has the reputation of "singing and dancing" in the Chaos faction.

It should be explained that Hua Rongzong relies on marrying with top powerful forces to maintain its status.The Red Cloud Sect and the Xiaori Sect are actually similar in essence, and they are not even as respectable as the Ming Hua Rong Sect.

Zhang Yan has never had a good impression of this kind of force.I feel that the way is too crooked, which makes people look down upon.But Li Dianchuan has said many times that the singing and dancing of these two sects are very powerful and worth watching.Zhang Yan can still remember the look on Li Dianchuan's face when he mentioned this matter several times.There is a sense of endless desire.

So Zhang Yan was inevitably a little curious.What kind of song and dance can make Li Dianchuan, who is used to life and death, difficult to hold himself?

While speaking, Zhang Yan found that he was actually in the front row.Even the table case in front of it is much bigger than the one behind it.

After counting, there are a total of eight such large tables, which happen to be surrounded by eight directions, and the ones that are far apart form a circle.Although it looked awkward and generally inconsistent with the surrounding layout, there were still no more tables arranged in the first row, obviously to respect the status of the eight people in this circle.

Needless to say, these eight tables should be the seats for the two big Luos in Mingyue Valley plus the five big Luos who came to watch the ceremony.

And Zhang Yan was surprised that the only extra table case was prepared for him?
I was surprised but Zhang Yan didn't say anything.The master's arrangement made sense. Zhang Yan's objection now not only made the master look bad, but also showed that he was guilty and felt that he was a head short. This was not what Zhang Yan wanted in his heart.What's more, Zhang Yan never felt that Da Luo Jinxian had any great status.If he wants to fulfill his own plan, Da Luo Jinxian is a hurdle he must cross.

And looking at this posture, Zhang Yan roughly guessed that there might be some pills being prepared in the gourd of Mingyue Valley.It is estimated that this is to use him to give eye drops to the other big Luos present here!

As soon as he sat down, Zhang Yan was about to pour himself a glass of wine to taste. After all, the aroma of the wine on the table made a person like him who is not good at drinking it feel very fragrant and attractive. I don't know what kind of wine it is.

Just as Zhang Yan took a sip, he heard a greeting from the side.

"Fellow Daoist is also a native of Liquor Kingdom?"

"Hahaha, is it Elder Feng? I don't dare to be called a native of the wine country, and I don't like it on weekdays. It's all because Guizong's wine is too fragrant, so I couldn't help but taste it before the banquet, but let Elder Feng I laughed."

"Fellow Daoist, if you like to ask Dianchuan to prepare some for you to take away later, you can come and pick it up at any time after drinking." Feng Yuhe said with a low voice after talking and laughing: "Don't blame, fellow Daoist, the time has already passed Here, the fact that Gate Master Xie and the Great Elder didn’t come here is not intentional neglect, but that several other families joined hands to discuss matters this afternoon, and they are still in the hall.”

Seeing that Zhang Yan was pouring wine again, he didn't say anything, and couldn't see the change of expression on his face.Feng Yuhe could only continue to say: "I heard that it seems that fellow daoists suppressed the golden immortals of those families before, and they wanted an explanation from fellow daoists.

But fellow daoists, please rest assured that we, Mingyue Valley, will unreservedly stand on the side of fellow daoists this time.In addition, the people who came from Shizong were also acquaintances, that is, the former elder Xiuwenqi, and their attitude was the same as before.So fellow daoist, don't be impatient, if there are any provocations later, fellow daoist, you don't have to pay attention to it at all."

(End of this chapter)

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