one's door

Chapter 924

Chapter 924
dong dong dong...

In the round of the full moon above the head, bells and drums sounded melodiously, officially kicking off the prelude to tonight's night banquet.

Among the immortals, there are also those who have a good appetite.But what they are looking for is not only the taste, but also the ultimate pursuit of ingredients and cooking techniques.There are even people who study this way.

As for Mingyue Valley, as one of the top forces in the Chaos Sect, and its own family celebration, the scene naturally needs to be the top.The dishes on the table alone are not simple.

Zhang Yan's knowledge in this area is pitiful.After all, let alone the banquet after he became a fairy, he has never eaten the appetizers twice, and he doesn't even know most of the things on the table right now.You can only simply taste the taste and taste the benefits.

After eating all the five dishes on the table in front of Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan felt that the spirit energy in the dishes was enough to make a half-immortal burst to death and burst alive.

This extravagance may seem outrageous, but its presence is not unexpected.

Like Zhang Yan, there are not a few people who put their minds on the dishes on the table.But more people still focused on the huge vacant venue in the banquet center.At this time, the singing and dancing in the arena was full of joy, and even Zhang Yan had to admit that it really made people linger and couldn't help themselves.

The Red Cloud Sect relies on dancing, while the Xiaorimen relies on singing. Both singing and dancing are joyful, but there is a wonderful superimposed reaction, such as illusion, but it is not all illusion, and it directly affects the depths of the senses, which is more likely to arouse interest in watching.

"This method is really powerful!" Zhang Yan thought in his heart.At the same time, he also put away his first impressions of these two sects.These two sects can gain a foothold in the Chaos Sect, probably not only because of the appearance of singing and dancing, but also because of the fierceness under the appearance.

After one or two songs, Zhang Yan frowned slightly. Although he had been restrained from being fascinated by the singing and dancing, he did not go to the so-called appreciation.But the influence of song and dance still played a role on him.Very cryptic and covert.

"There seems to be something wrong with these singing and dancing!" Zhang Yan suddenly stopped the action of picking up vegetables, and inexplicably made a judgment in his heart.

After Zhang Yan carefully examined himself again, he became more certain in his heart: If it weren't for my Dark Gold Immortal Physique, which has a trinity of yin and yang, I really wouldn't be able to discover these little tricks!
Zhang Yan discovered that a hidden force secretly bred by the sensory impression of singing and dancing was spreading towards his body.This is the first time Zhang Yan has seen this kind of power, and it doesn't even belong to the category of energy!And they are harmless to the immortal body or the primordial spirit alone.But if the consciousness is also included, it is difficult to say, because these forces act on the emotions in the consciousness that are most affected by the outside world and change from time to time.

To be honest, if it weren't for the Dark Gold Immortal being present in the Trinity, Zhang Yan would not be able to detect this kind of hidden movement affected by the emotional intrusion.

What are Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen planning to do?Are you not afraid of being exterminated if you do this?
Zhang Yan raised his vigilance in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't figure out what the two sects who presented the song and dance performance on the opposite side were planning.What is the difference between such an act and courting death?Or were they sure that even Da Luo Jinxian would not discover his tricks?Or do you have other confidence?
"But why do these forces affect emotions in favor of restlessness?" Although Zhang Yan blocked the inexplicable force from intruding, he also figured out what this force wanted to do in his body.

Strictly speaking, there is no harm or harm. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the other party dared to use tricks in front of so many golden immortals and even Da Luo under such circumstances.If there is no harm and no harm, then there will be no obvious fairy reaction, and it will be more difficult to find.

But why stir up emotions and make them restless?Is it to make it easier for people who watch the dance and listen to the music to get confused?

Zhang Yan disagreed with this guess in his heart.Because although restlessness and desire have something in common, they are not directly equated.Restlessness covers more and more emotions.Chance amplifies all emotions.

"It seems that I don't know what kind of fun this song and dance is helping?" Zhang Yan resumed picking up food and drinking, and found in his spiritual thoughts that he seemed to be the only one present who had this awareness.Including the few big Luos next to him, they seemed to be ignorant of the tricks of Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen.

After six consecutive songs and dances, the people from Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen bowed and retreated. The surrounding applause and cheers were like thunder, and everyone's emotions were high.Even many celestial beings and even golden immortals applauded vigorously, and the unsatisfactory expressions on their expressions were not covered up.

"Is that so?"

On the contrary, Zhang Yan, who was calm from the beginning to the end, seemed weird.Even Zhang Yan noticed that many disciples of the Red Cloud Sect and the Xiaori Sect who had left the stage seemed to be unintentionally looking at him.That's all for one or two people.A dozen or twenty people were like this, and Zhang Yan understood that maybe the other party should be paying attention because of his "unaffected".

But at this time, without waiting for Zhang Yan to make any further plans, Xie Wei, who was sitting not far from Zhang Yan, had already knocked on the jade bowl on the table, and after a crisp voice, he said, "Tomorrow is the ten thousand of my Mingyue Valley sacrificial vessel." The New Year Ceremony. It is my honor for Mingyue Valley that you can come to watch the ceremony. Xie is here to represent the whole of Mingyue Valley. I would like to offer you a cup, and please drink this cup to the full!"

While speaking, Xie Wei stood up, held up the wine glass, then turned his body left and right with a smile, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp.

Xie Wei made a toast, who would dare not give him face?They all got up and looked up to finish off the wine in their glasses.And congratulations came and went.It seems that the time has come to congratulate Mingyue Valley in advance.

But after a few glasses of wine, just as Xie Wei sat down, the person sitting opposite him stood up again.

"Thank you, Sect Master, I'll come over to watch the ceremony to congratulate Mingyue Valley Daqing. I don't know if the Sect Master can feel our sincerity?"

The one who spoke was the great elder of the Sanwen Sect, Da Luo Jinxian Zhou Jialin.

Xie Wei raised the corner of his mouth, nodded and replied, "Elder Zhou, Mingyue Valley can naturally feel your sincerity."

Every force has sent Da Luo Jinxian over, and this sincerity cannot be ignored.The face of Mingyue Valley has indeed received the greatest respect.

Then Zhou Jialin said again: "Okay! Since I received it sincerely, why did the door lord still put this person who suppressed our disciples not long ago and almost started to fight with me to sit on the front line with me? Thank you Is this how the sect master treats the sincerity we bring?"

"Hehe, maybe door master thanked you for accepting your sincerity, but what you want is to give us another look?"

The last yin and yang voice did not wait for Xie Wei to answer, and it was followed by Zhou Jialin's voice as soon as he finished speaking.The one who spoke was another Da Luo Jinxian on the right of Zhou Jialin, Wang Fu from Linglong Immortal Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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