one's door

Chapter 925 Performance

Chapter 925 Performance
Xie Wei frowned when he heard this.Xin Dao and these people are not as easy to suppress as last time, even if there are more variables in Heiyuan, they still dare to put eye drops on Mingyue Valley on this occasion.The excuses he made were so crude.Even this crude excuse is the only one at present.

In fact, Zhou Jialin and others came to look for Xie Wei in the afternoon.The question was about Zhang Yan's details.Although they had guessed the relationship between Zhang Yan and the previous feldspar, they wanted to explore Mingyue Valley's attitude again, and they were much tougher than last time.

Xie Wei did not let go in the afternoon.Keep Mingyue Valley's attitude consistent.

But now Zhang Yan's interests are no longer completely suppressed by Ming Yuegu.

The inheritor of the prehistoric world.Everything that comes out is amazing.And there are still many secrets that have not been revealed.The secret of the ruins of the sword mound, the secret of the torrent in the void, and even the secret of the disappearance of the Great Desolate World.

In the past, each family didn't make up their minds.Secondly, it is not sure who else is hiding behind the feldspar.Now feldspar is a fake body, and the real body Zhang Yan has shown up, so the situation is naturally different.

"Oh? I am also aware of your grievances, but this is my Mingyue Valley's grand meeting, and our Mingyue Valley is the host. Mingyue Valley has always treated people fairly. Those things between you and Your Excellency Zhang Yan have nothing to do with our Mingyue Valley So there is no negligence mentioned by the two of you.

It's because the two of them think too much. "

Xie Wei frowned, his tone was calm.Although the Sanwen Sect and Linglong Immortal Territory continued to maintain their hostility towards Zhang Yan, and their willingness to forcibly deal with it remained unchanged, it became more and more intense.This is a good thing for Mingyue Valley.But the other party really hurt Mingyuegu's face by talking like this on this occasion, Xie Wei has already restrained himself.

"Hehe, Master Xiemen pushed it cleanly. But I just want to ask everyone present, how can a golden fairy, He De, dare to sit on the same line with me? Other golden immortals, even Mingyue Valley's own golden Xianya always sits backwards from the second row. Isn't this against the rules?
Or does it mean that Yuegu knew the rules, but just did it?Do you think that a Golden Immortal is on the same level as us big Luos? "

Similarly, this time, as soon as Zhou Jialin had finished speaking, before Xie Wei could answer, Wang Fu next to him began to speak first and continued: "Perhaps Elder Zhou doesn't know? This His Excellency Zhang Yan is in the eyes of Master Xie." His status is really the same as our big Luos. Even higher!"

When the two sang together, it was clear that they were acting.People around who knew the situation had different expressions.But farther away, those from other forces who participated in the ceremony stared with big eyes and small eyes, full of irresistible curiosity in their hearts.It even feels rare.These big Luos of the top forces would actually quarrel in such an occasion, what they did is probably not simple!
And what does Wang Fu mean by the last sentence?What does it mean that in the eyes of Mingyue Valley, Zhang Yan's status is the same as that of Da Luo, or even higher?What is the reason?
"Wang Fu, Zhou Jialin! What are you two talking nonsense here?! Your Excellency Zhang Yan is my honored guest of Mingyue Valley. We have our own reasons for treating each other with courtesy. Don't use your dirty tricks in private to gossip !" Song Shiyu couldn't hold back for a long time, and immediately stood up from his seat.

Song Shiyu knew in his heart that on this occasion, the head of his own family might not be easy to speak and scold, which would be degrading.But he has no such worries.Everyone is a big Luo, and they are all great elders of their respective sects, so what's the point of scolding?Fighting is not uncommon!
"Nonsense? Song Shiyu, do you dare to say who this Lord Zhang Yan is? Why should he be compared with me and Da Luo?"

"Hehe, brother Zhou's words are very true. But I'm afraid Mingyue Valley dare not say it? How dare they reveal their identity as the inheritors of the magnificent Great Desolate World? Wouldn't this make them lose the opportunity?"

It wasn't just that Song Shiyu didn't expect Zhou Jialin and Wang Fu to suddenly say something like this, he was at a loss for a moment, and didn't know how to respond.In addition, the other people present were stunned by the information in these words on the spot.

What did Wang Fu say just now?The inheritor of the Great Desolate World? !Can't it? !

Countless gazes instantly became hot.The discussion exploded!

The five words of Great Desolate World are enough to shock everyone.

"What do you mean?" Song Shiyu quickly reacted after the initial daze and unexpected distraction, and looked at Zhou Jialin and Wang Fu opposite him with unfriendly eyes.

Zhou Jialin glanced at Song Shiyu, who was in a state of rage and his momentum was soaring, but he ignored it. Instead, he looked around and raised his voice, "What's the point? It's just telling the truth that you don't want to say.

The inheritors of the Great Desolate World are indeed honorable.It stands to reason that it is enough to be compared with us Da Luo Jinxian.But it's so honorable that it's not convincing!It's a bit vain, otherwise I wouldn't say these words at this time.It's all about the heart, I hope Master Xie will think twice before acting! "

Wang Fu, who sang with Zhou Jialin, continued to chime in, not to be outdone, and said, "Humph! The Great Desolate World is indeed remarkable, but that Zhang Yan is just the inheritor, and the Golden Immortal is the Golden Immortal!
In terms of honor, what virtue can he have?Did it help the Chaos faction resist the attack of the Pastoral faction?Or come up with some powerful means to benefit everyone and make everyone appreciate it?

None!And at the beginning, he also used means to incarnate as a lone feldspar, killing how many golden immortals and heavenly immortals of our Chaos Sect?
So why does he claim to be noble?Could it be that the dignity in the eyes of some people who have benefited is not enough? "

I have to say that Zhou Jialin and Wang Fu's seemingly inexplicable and surprisingly fake performance is actually really good!
Those who know Zhang Yan's origin and those who don't know Zhang Yan's origin have found new focus from this performance.

The inheritor of the Great Desolate World is amazing enough, right?In connection with the saying "Zeng turned into a feldspar", it immediately gave this identity ten percent of the actual combat weight.

It's no wonder that one can fight against twenty or so. It turns out that this inkstone is the inheritor of the Great Desolate World!
In addition, although the inheritor is enviable, it can also be envied.There is only a layer of yarn between the two.And the effect of Zhou Jialin and Wang Fu talking about their identities immediately rose.

The noble status of Daluo Jinxian is not only due to their strength, but also their key role and contribution in the long years of war with the pastoral faction.

Zhang Yan, why is your contribution comparable to that of Daluo Jinxian?Or is it true that, as Wang Fu said, Zhang Yan's contribution was handed over to Mingyue Valley?That's why Mingyue Valley thinks he is honorable?
At this time, the principle of not worrying about scarcity but worrying about inequality is instantly spread across the banquet hall under the rendering of Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu, and everyone resonates!

(End of this chapter)

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