one's door

Chapter 926

Chapter 926
Be it Xie Wei or Song Shiyu, including Feng Yuhe, no one expected that Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu would do things like this.

To directly publicize Zhang Yan's identity, or to choose this occasion, is to leave no leeway and room for others to adapt.And the yin and yang in the words always bring out Mingyue Valley to talk about things, and put Mingyue Valley in front.

On the contrary, it made Mingyue Valley feel a little bit hard to get off.

The original intention of arranging Zhang Yan at the chief guest table was to show Mingyuegu's attitude and stimulate the other companies at the same time.Further provoke the conflict between them and Zhang Yan.But now it has become a hole dug for myself.

On the premise that you can't tell others about Yanshu and luck.If you continue to insist on protecting Zhang Yan, you will definitely be labeled as "eating alone".If you don't help, the relationship you have finally established with Zhang Yan is likely to crack, which will affect Mingyue Valley's calculations about the general situation.

In fact, the thoughts of San Wenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm are not difficult to guess, but no one thought about it beforehand.The actual situation is estimated to be inseparable from the contact between Hei Yuan and Zhang Yan and the rebound.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Zhang Yan and get part of the inheritance about the Great Desolate World from Zhang Yan.At the very least, relying on the fact that there are four top forces on one side, Da Luo Jinxian has the upper hand in number. If you fight hard, or try again and again, you can always find an opportunity from a place acceptable to both parties, so that you can get what you want.

But now in a blinding moment, Heiyuan jumped backwards.He exchanged Zhang Yan for a practice method that Hei Yuan wanted through trading.And it seemed that Zhang Yan was quite ready to agree.

In this way, even if Heiyuan does not go, or is not accepted by Mingyue Valley and Yishizong, they are considered to have left the ranks of Sanwenzong.

In other words, even if Heiyuan was isolated, it would be impossible to stand with the Sanwenzong and the others.The comparison with Mingyue Valley changed from four to two to three to two.And it is likely to continue to change.

In other words, Heiyuan made a very bad start.

Hei Yuan can discuss with Zhang Yan and get the means he wants, just pay some price, what is this to the top power?Which one does not have a rich family background.Wouldn't it be possible to empty out his huge family business in one transaction?
What's more, there is no need to have a relationship with Mingyue Valley to reduce unnecessary risks.Why not?
Why didn't you talk so well before?

Because I have long been used to knocking here and there with a hammer in my hand, how could I have imagined that I actually still have a mouth to speak well?

It's a pity that the hammer was swung too hard in front, leaving no room for it.Heiyuan can remember to speak well with his mouth, but Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu can't, even if he thinks about it, it's too late.

Then the current [-] to [-] or [-] to [-] may become [-] to [-] or [-] to [-] because of Feng Mutian's follow-up rebound similar to Hei Yuan's situation.The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

At that time, when others eat meat, they don't even have to drink soup.It is also possible that Zhang Yan, who has completely stabilized his position, will secretly retaliate against him.

In order to put an end to this most unacceptable situation.Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu realized in a very short period of time that they had only one way to go at this time, and that was to directly bring down all the forces in the Chaos faction.Muddle the water, and then use the inheritance of the Great Desolate World as a bait to provoke a larger confrontation.

Since you can't eat alone or enjoy a small stove, then don't hide it, why don't you all eat a big pot of rice?

In this way, taking [-] steps back, in the worst situation, both Sanwenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm can pick themselves out, and then take advantage of the chaos and find a chance to kill Zhang Yan who made them so entangled.

In the final analysis, this was a decision made by Sanwenzong and Linglong Immortal Territory as a last resort.It can also be seen from this that even the top forces in the Chaos faction like to disrupt the whole game after their calculations fail.

As for admitting defeat with a decent ending?Never even thought about it.Besides, is there really such a person?
It's not that Xie Wei and the others have never thought that the Sanwenzong and other forces will be affected by Heiyuan's rebound, and there will be changes, but they still start from themselves more, and they are happy to see chaos on the opposite side, so that they can reduce the pressure on Mingyue Valley. pressure.But they never thought that Sanwenzong and Linglong Xianyu would directly turn the table.

Now the noise around is getting louder and louder, and the scene quickly slides towards the direction expected by Sanwenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm.

"The Great Desolate World has long since disappeared. Even if there are inheritors, there is no essential connection with the Great Desolate World. It can be regarded as an opportunity. It is a matter of great importance to the entire Chaos Sect. How can it be enjoyed by one person?"

In many cases, only a small spark is needed to attract a large area of ​​raging flames.

San Wenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm don't even need to throw this spark by themselves, finding a familiar second-rate force, and then finding a few booing ones is enough to serve as the spark.

One sentence is enough, and it is not necessarily necessary for someone to follow the words immediately, because it is unrealistic after all.Who is not afraid?
But this sentence, this spark will continue to burn in my heart.

Judging from the strange scene where the voices of the surrounding discussions that were gradually getting louder suddenly stopped abruptly, it can be seen how deeply the sparks caused by that sentence are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that everyone only has that sentence in their hearts for a moment. Talk and forget your original argument.

Seeing this, Xie Wei, Song Shiyu and other senior executives of Mingyue Valley immediately said inwardly, "I'm going to suffer!".

But it is not easy to solve this situation.Even Xie Wei couldn't get along for a while to break the situation.

On the other hand, Feng Yuhe frowned, with nothing but regret in his heart: after all calculations, there will be a big change at the night banquet tonight, and it may even be the sign of a general change, and it will be different from the beginning of the Muge faction. There is a secret connection between the places.But I didn't expect this "symptom" to be like this!In this case, how should Mingyue Valley deal with it so as not to be thrown off by this general trend?

He used to think that he could master the techniques of extension and the general trend, but now he taught Feng Yuhe a lesson from the very beginning.

And the only person in the field who remained calm from beginning to end was Zhang Yan, who was still taking food and drinking wine in a leisurely manner.

Even in the silent scene, Zhang Yan's chewing and swallowing sounds could be heard if he was close to him and had good hearing.

Soon, Zhang Yan drank the last sip of wine in the jug, swallowed the last sip of food on the table, wiped his mouth, and stood up from his seat with a smile.

Without saying much, Zhang Yan, who seemed to be full of food and drink, walked to the open space where Hongyunzong and Xiaorimen performed songs and dances.

Just when everyone was staring at Zhang Yan not knowing why, Zhang Yan spoke.

"The inheritance of the Great Desolate World is innumerable and all-encompassing. It is also possible to say that it is a chance, after all, the Great Desolate World has indeed disappeared from the Void World for too long.

So, chance, those who can live in it.If anyone wants it, come and get it from me! "

(End of this chapter)

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