one's door

Chapter 929 Cold Water

Chapter 929 Cold Water
Everyone thought that the feldspar used by Zhang Yan when he walked the Chaos Sect was a way to cover his eyes, but it was not true.

It is true that the feldspar walking alone is Zhang Yan's way of blinding his eyes, but it is not all.Because there was even a period of time when Zhang Yan's self-cultivation was not even as good as feldspar's blindfold.

Back then when Zhang Yan used his body as a talisman soldier to fight against more than [-] people, he was only in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the rest of the book that he could bear was only in the realm of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.At most, count the help of the "ball" attached to Fu Bing's body at that time.But generally it will not exceed the Heavenly Wonderland.

At this time, nearly a thousand years have passed, and Zhang Yan is no longer as strong as before.Not only did he step into the realm of the Golden Immortal, but he also walked out of the trinity practice of his own Dark Golden Immortal Physique and Yin and Yang.

Now facing Wang Fu's Linglong Po, Zhang Yan was not defeated in an instant like Wang Fu expected.On the contrary, the remaining strength of the book from the ground fell completely within Zhang Yan's tolerable range, and it was not even "barely" to be called "barely".

"Is this the actual manifestation of the Trinity plus Yin and Yang?!"

Under Zhang Yan's indifferent expression, he was horrified by the series of force feedbacks from his fairy body.

The rest of the energy that originally required the immortal body to bear is now divided by Yuanshen and Dao Dan.It directly caused the upper limit of Zhang Yan's feedback on the book from the ground to be doubled.

Especially Dao Dan.Those remaining energy were actually incorporated into the sea of ​​stars transformed by Dao Dan, and disappeared among the bright or dark particles, even Zhang Yan couldn't find it.

Wanting to test his limits when manipulating the Book of Earth, Zhang Yan was a little distracted when he saw that Wang Fu blocked the so-called Linglong Po just now.So he opened his mouth and reminded: "Elder Wang, since it's all over, why don't you teach Zhang Yan a few more tricks? This half-style move doesn't even bother to respond."

Continuing to mock, even Zhang Yan put his hands behind his back.The smile on his face was more like a smile than a smile.

With this appearance, not to mention the person who was directly ridiculed by Wang Fu, even the people who watched the excitement from the sidelines vaguely wanted to deal with Zhang Yan severely.

To use the simplest words to describe it, it would be: begging for a fight!
"How courageous!" Wang Fu's majestic Luo Jinxian, none of the nearly ten Huiyuan in the Chaos Sect dared to provoke him again and again, and even his former mortal enemy had never made him so angry.

Since the Linglong energy is not enough to open the opponent's defense, then Wang Fu will continue to use stronger means to smash it hard.He really didn't think he would be able to do nothing to a mere golden fairy.Even if the other party cultivated the means of the Great Desolate World.

But time passed, and soon a cup of tea passed away.

Zhang Yan's feeling was that if Wang Fu didn't use his full strength or means of quality improvement, it wouldn't be too difficult for him to use the ground book to resist the opponent's offensive.Even the time can be extended to an hour or more.This is on the premise that he doesn't replenish the pill, otherwise it can last longer.

Of course, Zhang Yan could guess Wang Fu's concerns when he saw Wang Fu with a livid face.

This place is the hinterland of Mingyue Valley, and even the most important core of the sect.No matter how angry Wang Fu was, he still couldn't lose his mind and use all his means in this place.Not to mention how much trouble this place would be if it was destroyed.Just say that Xie Wei, the owner of the Mingyue Valley next to him, can let him go?
So Zhang Yan understood that Wang Fu should have reached the full strength that Wang Fu can exert at the moment.It can't break the ground book, and it can't consume him to death.

"It seems that Elder Wang's means are stretched, even if he is facing a golden fairy like me, it is difficult to subdue. Or is Linglong Immortal Domain just such a sect with a soft-hearted style? It is also admirable."

Zhang Yan is actually not a person who likes to take advantage of his words.He prefers to be hands on.It's just that Wang Fu used his name as an excuse to use the yin and yang to play Mingyue Valley, but in fact he had no good intentions for him, and it was even equivalent to digging a hole to bury him.Such a person, Zhang Yan, just sent back the yin and yang strange energy.

It's just that looking at Wang Fu's ashen face and red eyes, it seems that he can't bear these yin and yang words?

It is estimated that the other party was too angry to speak at this time.If Zhang Yan thinks differently, he will also be suffocated to death by the current situation.

So Zhang Yan changed the topic, thinking that the purpose of trying his own defense limit could not be realized, so forget it, just change the direction.

"Elder Wang has been attacking for so long, and he looks out of breath. He must be tired. Let Zhang Yan attack next, and let Elder Wang rest." Zhang Yan started to move his hands behind his back as he said.

As Zhang Yan waved his hands, the Immortal Slaying Sword that hovered behind him rose instantly, and the sword array immediately covered his head. He was not in a hurry, and he didn't care whether Wang Fu would run or not.

run?Zhang Yan was sure that Wang Fu had no such idea.Can't attack for a long time, and then run away immediately after hearing the opponent say that they will start to switch from defense to offense, what is this?Isn't this scary?It's outrageous that a big Luo can't break the defense of a golden fairy, and now he is still timid and afraid of fighting?Don't want your own face, don't you want Zongmen's face?
Wang Fu really didn't think about running away, and he was really angry at Zhang Yan's verbal attack.But at the same time, he knew that he was now in a difficult situation.I can only accompany the opponent to play this attack and defense, and finally see if there is an opportunity to take advantage of.

So when the Immortal Killing Sword Domain fell, Wang Fu felt that he was fully prepared psychologically.

But is it really as Wang Fu thought, is the Killing Immortal Sword Domain still the same as it was when Zhang Yan had one enemy and twenty or so?


Just the moment Jianyu started to kill, Wang Fu became suspicious in his heart.In his impression, Zhang Yan is indeed best at sword formation attacks.But he always thought that it was only aimed at the Jinxian who was in the same realm as Zhang Yan. If he entered the formation, he would break the sword formation without waving his hands, and it would not take much effort.It only needs to vibrate the space of the sword formation, use Da Luo's brute force to pry the foundation of the sword formation, and use force to break the tricks, and the sword formation will not be able to sustain it.

But when he was on the scene, Wang Fu realized that the sword formation was not simple, and it seemed that it was not easy for him to break it by brute force.Because when he swelled the power of Da Luo to shake the space, a murderous aura swept over, absorbing all his swelled power like a sponge, and then turned the murderous aura at the other end into a piercing sword intent attack over here!
what is this?Leveraging strength?I smoke myself?

Before this, the Immortal Killing Sword Domain had been studied long ago.How can those golden immortals who have personally experienced and survived not talk about the truth?Wang Fu had also learned about it earlier, and thought he could handle it with ease.But now it seems that he still doesn't understand.Because what he knew about the Immortal Killing Sword Domain was incomplete.

It is not easy to break the complete Immortal Killing Sword Realm even if Da Luo of the Great Desolate World wants to break it, let alone a Void Da Luo like Wang Fu?

(End of this chapter)

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