one's door

Chapter 930 Dangerous

Chapter 930 Dangerous
Killing Immortal Sword Domain is not considered the top killing formation in the Great Desolate World, but it is not a problem at all to call it a first-class level.

Although the Killing Immortal Sword is not yet complete.But looking at the shape, [-]% to [-]% of the reshaping has been completed.There is also the Soul of the Sword, and there are three other swords that kill the sword as an auxiliary. Even if the power of the sword field formed is not full, it can definitely touch [-]% of the power.

Used to deal with Jinxian, the Immortal Killing Sword Domain at this time is just killing randomly, and there is no way out no matter how many times.

Used to deal with Da Luo.If it was the legendary Da Luo Jinxian in the Great Desolate World, Zhang Yan asked himself that he would not be able to keep the Immortal Slaying Sword Domain in his hands at this stage, let alone complete the Slaying Immortal lore.But to deal with Da Luo in the void world, not to mention fatal, it is still possible to cause the other party to have a headache and at the same time be surrounded by danger.

And the Immortal Killing Sword Domain is just a shell. Although it is a sword formation, Zhang Yan also adds what he wants to it without affecting the structure of the sword formation itself.

For example, various rules and methods, such as the five-element technique mixed with the power of void erosion.
As long as Zhang Yan can use it now and is suitable for use in the sword formation, he will use it to try.Even if it is not suitable, he will try to make some adjustments, and incorporate the key parts of the method into the sword array.He didn't seek to create results, but just wanted to take the opportunity to see how these methods performed in front of Da Luo Jinxian.

How can such a high-quality whetstone be let go?
"Mr. Gu, will your Excellency Zhang Yan's way of doing this be too much?" Song Shiyu was dumbfounded, not to mention the completely unexpected result, but instead played with the party that everyone thought was the stronger one.

Although it didn't take long now, it was clear that Wang Fu couldn't break free from the sword formation easily, and the fact that Zhang Yan was using Wang Fu as a testing stone.

The tragic situation of Wang Fu riding a tiger made Song Shiyu happy for a while.There was no friendship at all, and in the early years, he had been planning against the general situation of Mingyue Valley and always added to the obstacles. Just now, he was eccentric, Xie Wei, the owner of Mingyue Valley.Although new and old grudges are not enough, seeing Wang Fu in such embarrassment is really satisfying.

But as the saying goes, a dog will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry.What's more, is it still a dignified Luo Jinxian?
Even if Wang Fu was in such a difficult situation, Song Shiyu didn't think that Wang Fu really had nothing to do with Zhang Yan.Among them, he is also very clear about the constraints that Wang Fu has to worry about.It was about Mingyue Valley, even if Song Shiyu hoped that Wang Fu would continue to be teased like this, he would not dare to be less cautious.So after being happy for a while, he sent a voice transmission to ask the owner of the valley, Xie Wei, whether he should intervene at this time.

"Passed? Why do you think it's passed? He, Wang Fu, dared to give us such a thing at the night banquet on the eve of my Mingyue Valley's Daqing, and finally ended up personally bullying the small, so he didn't want to lose face. Why should we give him the truth? ? I know what you are worried about. One yard counts for one yard. From the beginning to the end, he, Wang Fu, chose it himself, and he had to eat it himself. I'm a little pissed off. Hmph."

Compared with Song Shiyu's caution, Xie Wei is more domineering and arrogant.Regarding the damage of Mingyue Valley, he has no idea of ​​"absolutely impossible". On the contrary, he thinks that as long as you dare to damage it, I will take the opportunity to deal with you.It can be seen how dissatisfied Xie Wei was with the changes caused by Sanwenzong, Linglong Immortal Territory and Feng Mutian this time.It's just because of face, Zhengchou has no excuse to do it!
When Chuanyin heard Xie Wei say this, Song Shiyu understood.No longer worrying about Wang Fu jumping over the wall in a hurry to damage the vegetation of Mingyue Valley.Just watch it as a big joke that is rare in ten thousand years.

As for Xie Wei's ruthless words about wanting Wang Fu to look good to him once he jumps over the wall in a hurry, Song Shiyu didn't doubt it at all.Although they are all Da Luo Jinxians, the strength gap between Da Luo Jinxians can also be huge.As long as Xie Wei thinks, it is not impossible for him to suppress Wang Fu on the spot.

This is the huge difference in strength between the suzerain-level Da Luo Jinxian and the general Da Luo Jinxian.

The people of Mingyue Valley here quickly discussed and decided to watch the show with their arms folded.But it was hard for Wang Fu who was riding a tiger and even felt that he might not be able to get off.

In Wang Fu's feelings, Zhang Yan, who was so close in front of him, was a dog skin plaster that could not be shaken off or torn off.He can persevere, but his face is no longer a question of whether to lose it or not, but a question of whether or not he can pick it up.

Do you regret it?Wang Fu can't talk about it yet, he only blames himself for being too self-righteous about the means of inheritance in the Great Desolate World.At the same time, it added to his desire to grasp Zhang Yan to obtain the inheritance means of the Great Desolate World.

A mere Golden Immortal can rely on the means of the Great Desolate World to defeat the majestic Da Luo to a certain extent. What will happen if Da Luo masters the means of the Great Desolate World?I dare not think about doubling the strength, is it impossible to gain [-]% to [-]%?
At that time, whoever eats more and gets more will inevitably increase in strength.For the top forces, it is absolutely possible to become the strongest out of thin air.

This temptation is not small.Whoever dares to stop them will really face the possibility of a big fight.

In fact, there are many people present who have the same desire as Wang Fu.Maybe I still care about gains and losses in normal times, but after an inexplicable restlessness in my heart fueled the flames, my thoughts jumped a lot to the risk zone.

The inheritance of the Great Desolate World is not just that Da Luo's cultivation base can reap benefits, but the entire context, and every realm will not be left behind.In other words, as long as Zhang Yan is handled properly, everyone, everyone can benefit!

Of course, this idea still has many difficulties to overcome.But under the surge of desire, it is like playing dice, a huge profit is enough to make people take risks.

But at this moment, all the people who can think of going behind are not in the sword formation.

Although Wang Fu in the formation also had desires, he soon lost his mind to think about it.Because he found that the strength in the sword array began to increase rapidly.In particular, the killing intent stirred up in the formation, even a faint blood mist emerged, as if it had substance!
This is because after Zhang Yan has tried all the methods he has now, he has a firm mind, and then starts the last self-exploration, which is to test how far he can climb to the killing end with all his strength. , How much trouble can it bring to a big Luo Jinxian like Wang Fu?Can it really hurt the other party?

With the thought together, the four killing swords began to show their fangs completely, and Wang Fu naturally had a very different sense of urgency when he fell into the formation.

Wang Fu's sense of urgency is not mainly from the sword formation itself, but from the weird space power that is everywhere in the sword formation and completely beyond Wang Fu's understanding.Unexpectedly, there is an abrupt vitality and an equally abrupt destructive aura at the same time, and the superposition of the two phases has penetrated into the power of space rules harmoniously, and many methods involving him have been greatly constrained by it.

(End of this chapter)

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