one's door

Chapter 931

Chapter 931
While Wang Fu's current embarrassing situation was taken as proof that the means of the Great Desolate World were superb, it also made San Wenzong and Feng Mutian, who were advancing and retreating with him, feel ashamed.

But it is similar to the embarrassment faced by Wang Fu.San Wenzong and Feng Mutian couldn't easily intervene.When is the time to "save people"?Or is it "to bully the few with the more"?

At the same time, I also had some opinions on Wang Fu: Seeing you rushing up so quickly, I thought you could give that Zhang a little color.In the end, you were lucky and put yourself on it instead.Now that I can't step down from the stage, let's not say it, everyone will lose face if they follow you!
Even Wang Fu's strength will be rearranged among the Da Luo Jinxian of the Chaos faction after this time.

"Thank you, Guzhu, now that things have come to an end, do you have to worry about the face of Linglong Immortal Territory? Wang Fu's hands and feet are tied up because Mingyue Valley is in front of him. It's embarrassing at this moment. It's not appropriate for Mingyue Valley to keep watching the excitement from the sidelines?"

It was also the sound transmission of the soul, so Zhou Jialin of the Sanwenzong had no choice but to ask Xie Wei for a temporary compromise.

Xie Wei naturally heard Zhou Jialin's words.But not only did he ignore it, he didn't even look at Zhou Jialin.Did you ever think that this place is Mingyue Valley when you used secret methods before?And it was the eve of the Mingyue Valley's big celebration.Why didn't he think of Mingyue Valley's face at that time?

If the suzerain of the Sanwen sect was in person, Xie Wei might have to take care of his face and respond.What is Zhou Jialin?Even if you want to ask for a compromise, you should speak up and let everyone present know.What does sneaky mean?
Seeing that Xie Wei ignored him, Zhou Jialin's face became even more ugly, and he glanced at Da Luo who was next to Feng Mutian, and he could see the entanglement and helplessness in the other's eyes.If this is the case, there is no other way, and in the end, I guess I can only talk softly.You can't let Wang Fu, who is trapped in the formation, speak up?Doesn't that mean begging for mercy directly from a golden fairy?No one can stand empathy.

"Huh?" Just when Zhou Jialin and Zhou Jialin were about to worry about Wang Fu's face and find a step for each other, the sword array in the field suddenly changed, and under the agitation, they forcibly drew their attention away, and There was a slight sense of threat from the bottom of my heart.

What's the meaning?Can the sword array still threaten Wang Fu? !
It feels ridiculous.But this feeling of absurdity is not limited to Zhou Jialin and the two of them. All the big Luo Jinxians around them have almost the same feeling.The difference is only that suzerain-level Da Luo, who is stronger than Xie Wei, will be relatively slight.

Out of curiosity, the idea of ​​finding a step for Wang Fu was temporarily suppressed.I think we should look at the situation again to see if the sword array can really pose a real threat to Da Luo.This means a lot.

Seeing that Wang Fu, who was just trapped in the sword formation and couldn't escape for the time being, suddenly changed the previous situation where he was irritable but coped with it with ease. It was dangerous and dangerous to avoid the sudden and fierce sword attack.

"What's wrong with Wang Fu? It seems that his body's movement is restricted?"

"It's not as simple as being restricted! Look at his dodge just now, he obviously had a small movement to block with his hands before, but he stopped suddenly, and then changed to dodge, and his body movement was obviously not smooth. It should be Even the use of means must be subject to certain restrictions. Otherwise, this situation would not be possible."

"The sword formation didn't show such constraints before? Could it be that the sword formation was fully unleashed at that time, but is it now?"

"Now it seems that the sword array must not have fully activated its power that time before. But right now... how do you know if it is fully activated? Or is it still not fully activated?"

"Then let Brother Wang try again inside?"

"That's all it takes."

It was at the time when Zhou Jialin and the two of them transmitted these few words in private.The situation in the sword array began to become even weirder.Originally, Wang Fu could still resist the sword intent head-on, even if the sword itself was hidden in it, he could still knock it into the air.But now suddenly Wang Fu didn't seem to dare to stand in the way anymore.Dodging again and again but at the same time facing the gradually shrinking area of ​​the sword array.The embarrassment was obvious, and at the same time, it could be seen that there was a three-inch long cut at the hem of the robe on Wang Fu's body.

Xie Wei frowned.It's one thing to watch a joke, but witnessing the scene where Jin Xian threatened Da Luo still shocked him with an inexplicable sense of crisis.

"Wang Fu may not be able to bear it anymore!" Xiu Xing made a judgment in his heart.Although he didn't know why Wang Fu suddenly became more restrained in the sword formation than in the beginning, it seemed that he was not only concerned about Mingyue Valley, but also that he himself was directly restrained, so many methods could not be used smoothly.

How did Zhang Yan do it?Is it also caused by the power of the sword array?Or is it another method to fill in and superimpose the effect?

Suddenly, Wang Fu's body was surrounded by sword intents looking around, his speed was as fast as thunder, and it was impossible for him to be caught in the already narrow range of the formation.After waving the magic weapon in his hand to block three of them, the remaining one stabbed backwards from behind diagonally downwards, found Wang Fu's gap, cut open Wang Fu's robe again, and splashed a trace of golden blood at the same time!
Da Luo's blood? !
Wang Fu was injured! ?Was it really hurt in the hands of a golden fairy? !
Although this scene passed in a flash.But to all the immortals present who watched the battle with divine sense, it was as eye-catching as ink marks on white paper.

And this scene is enough to subvert the cognition of everyone present!
"Hmph! Wang Fu can't take it anymore! I want you to look good today!"

Xie Wei was also surprised, but he would not be distracted by the changes in front of him.Because Wang Fu is the background board for overturning cognition, the shock and aggrievedness in his heart are naturally immeasurable.At this time, it is obviously impossible for the other party to swallow their scruples.The rest must be an explosion of madness.It will not be a problem to break free from the sword array at that time, and it will inevitably cause damage to the banquet venue and even the surrounding temples of Mingyue Valley.

So Xie Wei is already preparing to make a move.Once the formation was broken and the palace of Mingyue Valley was damaged, he would have an excuse to take care of this Wang Fu in Linglong Immortal Territory.To be honest, he was a little impatient.

But at the moment when Wang Fu roared angrily, and set off a torrent of brute force and rules with all his strength, and was about to squeeze the Immortal Slaying Sword Domain from the inside, a sudden figure appeared in the sword formation without knowing when. , while cutting open Zhang Yan's Immortal Slaying Sword Domain with a wave of his hand, he pressed his hand on Wang Fu's shoulder.

Like a pot of cold water poured on a fire, it was instantly annihilated.

"Wang Fu, don't worry, messing around here is easy to attract people's gossip. Today's humiliation, just find another opportunity to double it and get it back."

(End of this chapter)

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