one's door

Chapter 933

Chapter 933
Although Wang Fu didn't take the initiative to mention it, he was quite haggard under the repeated rubbing of emotions in his heart.This feeling has not appeared in him for many years.

Even the huge ups and downs of emotions, as well as the inner aggrieved and forbearing, the complex emotions formed after several intertwinings are all experienced by Wang Fu for the first time in his life.It can be described as indescribable.

Only by carefully pouring out all the causes and consequences in detail can I ease the entanglement in my heart that is difficult to calm down at this time.And the audience was the wooden cane who took Wang Fu away from the Bright Moon Valley just now.

"So, it wasn't your original intention that you confronted Zhang Yan first, nor was there any grievance between you and him, it was purely out of curiosity, wanting to know the secrets in his hands, and what kind of person was that at that time?" Minghua Rongzong's lobbying only started to make trouble with him, right?"

"Yes, Master Mu."

"Later, you thought you were sure of winning, and wanted to take this opportunity to cheat Mingyue Valley and Yishizong, but in the end, Zhang Yan counterattacked, which directly broke your alliance of forces, and even greatly damaged yours. Save face. So you held grudges in your hearts. At the same time, it was also at that time that you discovered that the secret in his hands came from the Great Desolate World.

Later, that Zhang Yan miraculously rushed into the torrent of the void. Everyone thought he was dead, but he reappeared after disappearing for more than 700 years.Have you changed your identity? "

"Uncle Mu, we did make repeated mistakes in this matter. So much so that we lost the sect's face. But now we have dragged the entire Chaos faction into trouble. In the future, Zhang Yan will be unable to move an inch, and the secret in his hand will be destroyed sooner or later." Dismembered!" Wang Fu said harshly.He was already filled with hatred in his heart.After suffering such a big loss, I have made up my mind, and I must get revenge, otherwise my thoughts will not make sense, so there is no need to talk about this practice.

If it hadn't been for the wooden cannon to stop him just now, Wang Fu would have lost his hair.But the consequences, he can guess after calming down now.

"I came back this time and I thought about it. I thought about it later, and I felt that I had no energy and couldn't fight anymore. Tsk tsk, I don't want to see another village. I just came back to see Mingyuegu Daqing. Thinking of Mingyue Valley’s Qingyue Niang, I haven’t drunk it for many years. I wanted to ask for a glass of wine. In the end, I ran into a fight between you and the inheritor of the Great Desolate World. This opportunity is like a gift .

Time is fate! "

It's different from Wang Fu's mood.At this moment, Mu Tong was full of joy in his heart, and there was still a kind of indescribable absurdity.

Back then, Mu Tong left the void world to wander and hone in the unknown realm, like all the ancient immortals, he went there with a determination to die, in order to find even a few words of the way forward in the endless river of time.Everything starts with despair but runs toward hope.

To be honest, at the beginning, Mu Tong boasted that he, like all the ancient immortals who had the same choice, had a pioneering spirit and a more sacrificing spirit.After all, all the ancient immortals before Mutong had no examples of returning from the unknown domain.Without exception, there is no news as soon as they go.

The danger of the unknown domain is definitely not something that can be described by what I experienced when I opened up the frontier.The danger would be more than ten times higher.

Let’s talk about Mu Tong, his ability to live up to the present is actually not entirely due to his strength, but more due to his luck.Relying on luck, Mu Tong kept improving his cultivation, trying to find an opportunity in the dark for a new realm that might still exist.But there are also countless times when his life hangs by a thread, and there are many times when he was seriously injured and hammered to death.

And in the depths of the unknown domain, apart from all kinds of dangers beyond the limit of imagination, another fatal point is the "no sense of direction".It is impossible to use stars to mark the route like in the void world, and gradually form a clear path with coming and going.

But stars don't work in unknown domains.Not only is it extremely difficult to set up, but it will also be distorted to nowhere by the twisted unknown space.Maybe you just set up a star mark with great effort, and when you need to use it, you realize that the star mark has already gone elsewhere, and it is possible that it may even lead you to a dangerous Jedi.

And Mu Tong didn't know how other ancient immortals overcome this trouble, and said that like him, he couldn't think of a way to overcome it.In the end, repeated attempts failed and had to give up.I can only put all my eggs in one basket, hoping that I can find a new way to break through the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and when I look back at the constraints in the unknown domain, I should have a completely different understanding.

But even now, Mu Tong has not found any opportunity to be regarded as the realm after Da Luo Jinxian.Although his strength is much stronger than when he broke into the unknown domain, he is still within Da Luo, and there is no glimmer of light in sight.Even despair has eroded his fighting spirit, and he feels that he should die quietly in a certain corner of the unknown domain like all the ancient immortals who disappeared in the unknown domain.

Perhaps the unknown domain is the most suitable tomb for Daluo Jinxian.

And just when Mu Tong had expectations for his burial in the unknown domain, and even felt that he was relieved, he found that he had actually turned out of the unknown domain. Others find it ridiculous.

Is the unknown domain also a place where you can just wander around?So many ancient immortals didn't see any of them come out?Is he so lucky?

Then Mu Tong's fate followed what he said to Wang Fu.

Opportunities that cannot be found anywhere in the unknown domain are now brought to your nose in one fell swoop.

Great wild world!When it comes to the realm after the Da Luo Jinxian really exists in the world, the most clear ones are only the inheritance of those strong men in the Great Desolate World.

In the past, when the Great Desolate World was still in the Void World, no one could touch it.

Soft, no one cares about you.Hard, you can only die if you go.

Until the Great Desolate World disappeared, the things about the Great Desolate World in the Void World still remained in legends and some vague records.

But there is one thing that an ancient immortal like Mu Tong is certain of.That is, no one of Da Luo Jinxian who is more powerful than them in the prehistoric world dares to call their ancestors their ancestors. Their status can be regarded as "upper class" at best, but it is definitely not the ultimate.

This shows that in the prehistoric world, there is likely to be a higher realm above the Daluo Jinxian.Not even one!
"Uncle Mu, that Zhang Yan is now protected by Mingyue Valley and Yishizong, and he can't tell the difference from Heiyuan who jumped back. It was a bit tricky at first, but now that you are back, our Linglong Immortal Territory must It is the strongest force in the Chaos Sect, and we will take this great opportunity in the Great Desolate World!"

Mu Tong smiled, nodded slightly, and then said: "It's not just a chance, the relationship between you and Zhang Yan must be carefully calculated."

(End of this chapter)

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