one's door

Chapter 934 Wake Up

Zhang Yan bid farewell to the high-level officials of Mingyue Valley early in the morning, and Song Shiyu personally sent them to the star node outside the world of Mingyue Valley.

"Mingyue Valley and Your Excellency are already inseparable. If your Excellency has any problems, please let me know!"

"Hehe, Zhang Yan must remember what Elder Song said."

"In addition, Heiyuan's family is extremely rich, and your Excellency will be able to grow up when you open your mouth."

"Hahaha, thank you, Elder Song, for reminding me. Then I'll leave now!"

Song Shiyu also smiled and said goodbye, watching Zhang Yan move away in the blink of an eye.Afterwards, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he shrank timidly when he looked around at the pairs of staring eyes.

After this farewell, Song Shiyu knew very well that when they met again, the void world might not be as "calm and calm" as before.

The one who most directly felt the huge difference between one round and one round was Zhang Yan himself.

When you came here, it was just a few stalkers, they probably wanted to find out where you came from.When he returned, it was not as simple as "stalking", but with obvious hostility.It's like a group of hyenas are hungry and want to besiege a lion. Although they are afraid of the lion's minions, the strength of the group gives them the courage to surpass their individual combat power.And once you find an opportunity to take advantage of, you will never hesitate, and you can start killing at any time.

At the beginning, Zhang Yan didn't care about these guys following him.But as the number of times of moving increases, the number of followers not only does not decrease, but the range increases.It can even be called blatantly staring.

When did some human immortals and earth immortals have the courage to follow a golden immortal blatantly?

"Looks like Linglong Immortal Realm, who took the first step, is really not idle. No news is spread out without any delay. Do you think that trapping me in the sea of ​​people can restrain my hands?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan suddenly had a thought in his heart, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and when his figure moved again, he deviated from the original moving direction again.It seems to be circling a huge void area?
"What is this guy surnamed Zhang doing? Walking us to play? He has been going around in this void for four or five times."

"There are so many people following, you are the same. Let's go, follow, if you lose your follow, how will you go back and explain to the higher authorities?"

Such conversations are not rare.Anyone who is not stupid can see that Zhang Yan is deliberately playing around with those stalkers.From time to time, he will suddenly change course and rush out of the circle, causing a kind of surprise and gnashing of teeth to follow.Then Zhang Yan went back again.And so on and on.

After sixteen or seventeen circles had been counted, Zhang Yan suddenly jumped out of the circle again, and suddenly stopped in a small area where he often jumped out like this before but didn't stay longer.

"Huh? Why didn't he move?"

"Hey! This round and round and sudden stop made everyone play hard enough, hehe, it's all neatly stuffed here?"

Soon someone discovered that he suddenly changed his form and then stopped suddenly. In the sudden pause, almost all the tails that were following him were caught in one place by him, and all of them stopped subconsciously during the sudden change of speed. Together, the scene looks strange.

There are also sensitive people, especially after seeing the strange situation formed between him and the target after almost all the stalkers on his side stopped, he suddenly felt uneasy.

Because at this time, it seemed that a large group of forces from various sects and sects gathered together to surround Zhang Yan.And before that, he went around a dozen laps in an area.If you really want to connect the two things together, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a premeditated plan to besiege the other party, rather than simply stalking.

"I don't think it's right, why don't we step back?"

There are quite a few people who have this kind of thinking, and even more people don't even ask the people around them, they immediately make a judgment, and run away if they feel something is wrong.

But Zhang Yan spent so much effort going around, how could it be so easy to let these "not at all polite" scouts go away so easily?
So almost at the time when the first batch of sentries who thought of leaving this place quickly were about to move, they found that they could not move.Because there seemed to be some strange things in the surrounding space, the moving method couldn't be used normally at all.

"The void is locked?!"

Suspicious and terrifying thoughts exploded in my heart.All those who wanted to leave here had two words in their hearts: Suffer!

The distance in the void is moved by means of teleportation.Because the void is too vast, ordinary flying in the sky is not practical at all.Can't really move effectively either.

But right now, these frightened people can no longer care so much, and want Yukong to leave.But soon they found that even Yukong couldn't leave their original position too far away, and the others, who counted only a few hundred feet, would be surrounded by invisible barriers, making it difficult to leave.

"Your Excellency Zhang Yan, what does this mean?"

If you can't run away, the only thing left is Zhang Yan who is standing still in the middle with a half-smile, as if watching a joke, which is the key to the solution.

"What do you mean? You followed me and besieged me. What do you mean by asking me? What I mean is to kill you idiots who don't know what to do and want to hit a stone with a pebble."

Zhang Yan has long been annoyed by these people watching him.In the past, it was fine to hang far behind, and I didn't bother to waste time and effort to pay attention to it.Now he has become so unscrupulous because of the news from Linglong Immortal Realm.Is this being dazzled by interests?

If so, then Zhang Yan is willing to use the lives of these people to wake up the unconscious forces.Let them know that even if there is a great opportunity in front of them, they are not qualified to reach out.

"Zhang Yan, how dare you attack all of us!? Aren't you afraid of becoming the target of public criticism and having no place to stay!"

"Your Excellency Zhang Yan, we were wrong. I was just curious for a while. Please forgive me this time if you have a lot of adults!"

There are all kinds of languages.Begging for mercy, threatening, etc.But these words will not change the desperation that all of them will face at this moment.

Zhang Yan can make a name for himself with a murderous spirit as Changshi alone, and the same thing can be done several times for him now that he has appeared in his real body.He is worthy of being a great Luo Jinxian, let alone the hundreds of human and earth immortals right now?
Not interested in answering at all.With a thought in Zhang Yan's mind, streams of regular streams began to appear in the surrounding void with a radius of hundreds of feet.This is the method of ordinary golden immortals.It's just that these methods will be very different if Zhang Yan of the Dark Gold Immortal Physique uses them.While destroying the dead, it can also leave no gaps for the unlucky ones present to exploit.

For a moment, the void did not change.Zhang Yan also disappeared.

What was left were hundreds of broken fairy corpses.

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