one's door

Chapter 935 2 Difficulties

Where you are determines what you can see.

Ants can only see between square inches.But the eagle can overlook the entire mountain and river valley.

The inheritor of the prehistoric world appeared in the void!
This news is not only circulated in the Chaos Sect, it was actually among the Pastoral Sect at the earliest.It's just that at that time, some people in the pastoral school wanted to eat alone, so they prepared to do it secretly, but they gave the other party a chance that shouldn't have been given, and missed the opportunity. In the end, the inheritance thread of the Great Desolate World was interrupted.

But because of the existence of the gold leaf, the Pastoral School also received the news that the inheritor of the Great Desolate World appeared in the Chaos School, and compared it with the previous identity.Finally determined to be the same person.

And this series of news, not many people in the pastoral school know.Whether it was Da Hongtian, who was in direct contact with the inheritor of the Great Desolate World at the beginning, or Qingshan Wonderland, who wanted to hold it in his hands later, they all chose to remain silent and conceal it.

Such a choice naturally does not want good things to be shared by too many people.

And as a pair of eyes that the Pastoral School has been staring at from beginning to end, Qingshan Fairyland noticed the change of the situation at the first time.

But the development of the situation was not all smooth sailing.This is true no matter for Dahongtian or Qingshan Wonderland.

Dahongtian originally found another opportunity because of the reappearance of the cliff mountain, and with the help of the cliff mountain, he overturned the "Yuhao Great World Alliance" that had abandoned them before and replaced it.

On the other hand, Da Hongtian launched an all-round power infiltration, and completed the combing and domination of the following worlds in a short period of time by adopting the method of combining softness with rigidity.Although it may not be able to win people's hearts, there is no "dissent" on the surface.

On the other hand, Da Hongtian used a submissive and cunning strategy to deal with the Yanshan Alliance.On the surface, he is submissive, but secretly conceals resources and deducts resources to enrich himself.At the same time, he aimed at the Yanshan Alliance, using personal contact and reciprocity to create differences within the Yanshan Alliance, so that he could gain benefits.

At the same time, Da Hongtian's ambitions are also rapidly expanding under the situation of double income.I even hope that with the help of the cliff mountain deal, I can help myself to a higher level in the future.

But Da Hongtian's calculation was doomed to fail from the very beginning.Because the eyes and ears of Qingshan Wonderland have been watching them for a long time.Keeping silent is not stupid, but just playing a long line to catch big fish.Only Dahongtian was kept in the dark, dreaming sweet dreams.

If there is no accident, the only way for Da Hongtian's ending is to perish.The difference is only sooner or later.Even Qingshan Wonderland didn't bother to care about the details of Dahongtian's development.After all, in the eyes of Qingshan Wonderland, Da Hongtian is just a bug.What they care about is the front line of the cliff mountain that carries the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.

But it was also the carelessness of Qingshan Wonderland that gave Da Hongtian a chance to survive from desperation.

Under the reminder of Fu Bing Gongjian, Da Hongtian responded quickly.Coincidentally, the strategy given is almost the same as the strategy chosen by the Sanwen Sect in the Chaos faction: drag more people into the water.

"Sect master, now Yunlanyu, Qingxitian and Guishicheng have clearly expressed their willingness to discuss with us on the exchange method of secret arts. We can choose the time and place, and they even agreed to save time and join hands. .Only Feng Leitian did not reply to the message."

Li Yan bowed and reported the latest situation to Xue E in the hall.There was no obvious change in her body, but the gloom between her brows was obvious.

Like Li Yan, Xue E was also not at ease.Even Xue E's body is not only gloomy and obvious, but also has an unusual bruise on his face.It seems that he suffered an internal injury not long ago and has not yet healed.

Hearing Li Yan's report, Xue E nodded, then took over the topic and said: "Feng Leitian generally doesn't like to move first, and likes to wait and see, so let them wait and see. Here, we will increase our attention to the three secret arts that agreed to discuss." The sweetness has already been given to them, and the rest is to follow the normal path. Although we don't have to make a lot of money, we still have to pay for our hard work, and we can't short the price of the cliff mountain. One copy. You must deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"It's the head of the sect. This disciple must make an agreement with those three families as soon as possible." After a pause, Li Yan continued to ask: "Then when do you think it's appropriate to have a face-to-face meeting with them?"

Xue E stood up from the chair, paced for a while before saying: "The risk of meeting them is still difficult to control! Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, so don't pretend to be anyone.

Facing the inheritance methods of the prehistoric world, Da Hongtian had to release some secret techniques obtained from the cliff mountain as "sweetness" in order to protect himself.The key point is the top forces in the Pastoral School mentioned by Li Yan earlier.Three of them said they were willing to accept the proposal, but the details still need to be interviewed.The rest of the family kept silent and neither refused nor agreed.

It is no problem to start trading with the three companies. In fact, Da Hongtian can do this at any time, and if you count the "sweetness", it has already started to do it.

But to meet and talk in detail, and to come together to talk together, Xue E couldn't help but be careless.Because once the other party comes over, it means that Da Hongtian has officially jumped out of the control of Qingshan Wonderland.Although it is not obvious to set up another banner, in fact, I no longer regard myself as "one of my own".It is very likely, or in other words, it is bound to be hit immediately.It may be the Yanshan Alliance, or it may be the Qingshan Wonderland who made the move.

In other words, although Da Hongtian has already felt the oppression from the Yanshan Alliance and the Qingshan Wonderland, he still has not completely torn his face.At most, there are some methods secretly.Although it was difficult, for the time being Xue E could still withstand it.

But once the three companies are formally welcomed in, the situation will be quite different.Without the name of "one of our own", that is the enemy.Isn't it a lesson from the past to deal with the alliances that disappeared inexplicably in the enemy pastoral faction?
How could Li Yan not understand the difficulties involved?But no matter how difficult it is, there must be an explanation.

So Li Yan thought it over and said: "Master, Da Hongtian has no way out now. Qingshan Wonderland has made it clear that it will not accept our surrender, and it is impossible to tolerate our previous concealment behavior. Now we have not directly acted but just have to wait. It's just news about Cliff Mountain. This can be seen from the fact that they secretly let the Yanshan Alliance attack our Hao Xuemen at night.

Now the only option is to find another security.Otherwise, Haoxuemen's end is afraid."

Xue E shook his head, and said in a cold tone: "Qingshan Wonderland will not let us go, there is nothing to say about that. What kindness can the other three families have? They also eat people and don't spit out their bones.

Continue to send news to Duanyashan, and also report the situation of the previous attack on the door, saying that it is urgent.

Now the most suitable and the most promising one to help us break the situation is Cliff Mountain.”

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