one's door

Chapter 937

Chapter 937
For Zhang Yan, what is important is not Haoxuemen or Dahongtian, but to have an opening in the pastoral school.

Only when there is a hole can we gather gold leaf from the Pastoral School and reshape the four killing swords in our hands.Otherwise, the gold leaves in the pastoral school will never be collected, and the complete reshaping of Killing Sword may be in the foreseeable future.

But Zhang Yan really couldn't sit idly by for Haoxuemen's troubles.The twists and turns inside are not just as simple as "if there is no opening, open another one".

If Hao Xuemen were left alone this time, it would be absolutely impossible to have a reliable ally in the Pastoral Sect in the future.Lesson learned, no one is a fool.

But the trouble of Haoxuemen this time is actually a rare opportunity for Zhang Yan.After all, in the past, relying on Haoxuemen to gather gold leaf could only be sneaky, and the situation could not be opened up, which was far behind the speed of gathering gold leaf in Chaos faction.This is determined by Haoxuemen's status in the pastoral school.Relying on Haoxuemen alone seems to be stretched to open up the situation.And this time, if it is used well, it may completely change the situation.

Therefore, facing Haoxuemen's request for help, what Zhang Yan considered was not "whether to help" but how to help in his best interest.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yan returned a jade sword to Haoxuemen and gave him his own strategy. It depends on Haoxuemen's answer.

The jade sword broke through the space, and within a few days, it was in the hands of Li Yan of Haoxuemen who was far away in the area of ​​the Pastoral School.

After reading the content on Jade Sword, Li Yan's expression was lost in thought at first, and then he gradually frowned as if a little more angry.But the decision was not something she could say, so after thinking about it for a while, she put it away, and hurriedly reported the things to the head of the sect, Xue E.

Like Li Yan, Xue E frowned after reading the content on the Jade Sword, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.It's just that the anger didn't last long, and disappeared after a while, leaving only a little helplessness.

"It seems that in the eyes of Duanyashan, our Haoxuemen will be used as an opportunity to profit for them this time. Our position in the Pastoral School will be subtle and unpredictable."

Do you regret it?Xue E didn't think there was anything to regret.From the very first day when the Dahongtian Alliance was established, Haoxuemen has never regarded surviving in mediocrity as the keynote of its own existence, and has always been holding back its energy and striving to climb upwards.It was not a wrong decision to use the opportunity of the Great Desolate World to overthrow the "Yuhao Great World Alliance", and using the power of the cliff to achieve the goal can be said to minimize the loss.

As for the subsequent changes, that is not within the calculation.Haoxuemen couldn't predict it either.

The luck in the current misfortune is that Qingshan Wonderland is still obsessed with wanting to get the inheritance of the Great Desolate World, otherwise Haoxuemen would have been crushed at this moment.

It's a pity that Duanyashan, who had simply helped out last time, didn't continue to be as straightforward this time.Maybe the opponents are different, so there are other considerations.But judging from the news on this jade sword, it is more of a different kind of scheming mixed in it.

Li Yan understood Xue E's meaning, sighed in his heart, and echoed Xue E's words: "According to Duan Yashan's intention, they are willing to participate in the interview with those three forces. Xuemen, as an opening in the pastoral faction established by their cliff mountain, negotiated deals with the three forces. This is equivalent to forcing us to stand in line. At that time, we will lose everything we have managed in the pastoral faction. What will happen to the situation? It’s really unpredictable.”

Now it's almost a situation of lifting the clothes and revealing the bottoms, and it's all at the last minute.

The wording of Cliff Mountain in Jade Sword is as gentle and euphemistic as ever, just like a polite suggestion between friends.But in fact, there is no room for Hao Xuemen to choose these suggestions, and they don't even have the qualifications to bargain.As long as they don't want to be overwhelmed by the angry and angry forces in the end, they must accept this "suggestion" from the cliff mountain.

"Let's call all the elders and core disciples. We need to give everyone a briefing on this matter." Xue E didn't hesitate for too long. He knew very well that he had no choice anyway, so he accepted it.Then listen to everyone's ideas and see if we can find some loopholes that can be used and used for maneuvering in the new situation that we have to face.

This discussion lasted for a full day and night.

In the end, after Haoxuemen analyzed it up and down, even Xue E was not as helpless as he was at the beginning.Because although the proposal of the cliff mountain directly ruined Haoxuemen's long-term ambition and direction of efforts, but from another perspective, becoming the only force in the pastoral faction that has made contact with the cliff mountain and has been designated as the mouthpiece, something has been lost. At the same time, you will also gain something new.

So there is really no way to draw a conclusion right away.

After Haoxuemen finished the internal discussion, they replied to Duanyashan, and at the same time, the three elders of Haoxuemen took the three invitations and sent them to three top forces that had already contacted Haoxuemen. .The time and place were specified in the invitation, and the three top forces were invited to gather at Haoxuemen two months later to discuss the specific details of various secret law transactions in the Great Desolate World.

The invitations have been sent out, and the attitude is irreversible.Now the ball is at the feet of Qingshan Wonderland and the other three top forces.Hao Xuemen is going to put all their eggs in one basket, how should they deal with it?

That is to say, at the same time when the three elders of Haoxuemen left Dahongtian with their invitations, the invitations with the same content were sent back by the eyeliner of Qingshan Wonderland, and immediately arrived in the hands of Lin Xiao, the master of Qingshan Wonderland.

After making Haoxuemen complicate things because of contempt, Qingshan Fairyland almost no longer missed anything in monitoring Haoxuemen.Except for the words of those voice transmissions which are difficult to learn, the rest will be sent back to the faction and reported to Lin Xiao in detail.

"The invitations are all on the way? It seems that Xue E of Haoxuemen should have obtained a guarantee from someone else, otherwise he hesitated for so long before, and he couldn't have made this decision suddenly. You said the guarantee he got was Who gave it to him?"

After Lin Xiao read the first-hand jade slip information, he passed it on to the following elders, and at the same time took a sip of the tea in hand.

After a while, after the circulation, one of the elders said: "Yunlanyu, Qingxitian, and Guishicheng. The worst relationship with us is Guishicheng, and only Guishicheng has the possibility of tearing us apart at any time. So this disciple thinks that Gui Shicheng made some promises to Xue E that strengthened his courage."

The rest of the elders also echoed.

However, one elder had a different opinion: "Patient Master, although Gui Shicheng has the confidence and possibility to tear us apart, but do they have the need to tear us apart for Haoxuemen?"

(End of this chapter)

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