one's door

Chapter 938

Chapter 938
The location of Haoxuemen is considered remote in the pastoral school, but it is unique in that it has rules of extreme cold that are not found in ordinary worlds, and it is the basis for the cultivation of Haoxuemen.

So even if Haoxuemen succeeded in replacing the "Yuhao Great World Alliance", it did not move its position, and continued to lay its foundation here.

In the past, Haoxuemen's biggest ostentation was to accept the century-old inspection of Yanshan Alliance.Once every hundred years, the top and bottom core members of Haoxuemen have to show up, and they have to show up, otherwise it will be disrespectful.

But just half a month ago, outside the world where Haoxuemen was located, battles had already begun, or to be precise, it should be a guard of honor.The specifications are even larger than when the inspectors of the Yanshan Alliance were greeted.

Moreover, there was no logo about the Yanshan Alliance at all in the ostentation and guard of honor this time, which meant that it was not a guard of honor prepared for the Yanshan Alliance.

Just half a month later, as if it had been discussed in advance, it was almost the difference between the front and rear feet. Three large teleportation ripples appeared from the void not far from Haoxuemen's world, followed by the wave of teleportation Three huge alien beast cars were exposed from the inside.Looking at the specifications, it is the car of the Three Golden Immortals.At the same time, this is also the first time that Haoxuemen has Jinxian in person.

Looking at the heraldic logo on the car, three different forces came.They belong to Yunlanzong, Qingxitian and Guishicheng respectively.That is, the three families that Elder Haoxuemen personally came to deliver invitations to.

Half of the Haoxuemen elders other than Xue E greeted them outside the world barrier in person.The leader is Li Yan, the foreign affairs elder who directly contacts these three families.

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Yan led the three families of golden immortals who got off the car, as well as disciples of heavenly and earthly immortals, and entered the world, and arrived at the main peak hall in the gate of Haoxuemen Mountain surrounded by colorful guards of honor all the way.The door master Xue E was waiting outside the main hall.

"Haoxuemen Xue E has been waiting for you seniors for a long time!" Xue E bowed and cupped his fists from a distance, with a very polite attitude.

"Hehe, Sect Master Xue is too polite, let's go in and talk about it?"

"Okay! All of you, please!"

Xue E could feel the indifference in the other party's attitude.There was only one person who even opened his mouth to respond to his courtesy, and the other two Jinxians just nodded their heads in return.

In fact, Xue E could have guessed the opponent's neglect before.After all, he was not much different from the ants in front of the Golden Immortal. For another occasion, for another reason, people would not even bother to look at him, let alone greet him.Given the huge gap in identity, Xue E knew very well that this interview would definitely not go smoothly.

Moreover, the expression on Xue E's face was calm, but there were some bruises from unhealed internal injuries, nothing else was unusual.But in fact Xue E's heart was not calm, even anxious.Because before that, Cliff Mountain said that it would send people to participate in this interview, but until now, there was not even a single person.

What does it mean?
Xue E didn't believe that Duanyashan would play tricks on him in such a matter.What he was worried about was whether there would be any sudden changes in the cliff mountain, which would make it impossible to participate in this meeting.If this is the case, then Hao Xuemen is really in big trouble.

Because without the participation of Cliff Mountain, it would be very difficult for this interview to have any substantial results.Because what the three top forces asked for was not what Haoxuemen itself could give.After all, it is still necessary for the cliff mountain to open its mouth to implement it.

But now the Golden Immortals of the three top forces have arrived.With the arrow on the string, Xue E had to deal with the situation first even if he felt uneasy.

"Master Xue, if you have the courage to invite us here, you must have already made a decision. You should be able to see the sincerity of our three families. So, let's forget about those silly things and go straight to the topic. what do you think?"

After some simple greetings and introducing their respective identities and titles, Yang Wenxi, the Golden Immortal of Qingxitian, smiled and speeded up the progress of the conversation.Basic etiquette is enough, and they are not interested in chatting with Xue E, an ant on a hot pot.Want to get to the point quickly.

"Of course." Xue E originally wanted to procrastinate for some time.But I didn't expect the opposite party to cut straight to the point.He spoke happily, but his heart became more and more empty.

And how could Xue E's guilty conscience escape the three sword immortals present who had been fighting for so many years.Even though Xue E's expression was impeccable, the changes in his soul fluctuations, and even the abnormal tone and speed of his speech made them discover the clues.

Frowning slightly, Li Qing, the Golden Immortal of Guishi City, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interrupted: "Master Xue, it seems that you are restless and a little anxious. It can't be the Honghuang who contacted you. Is there something wrong with the inheritor side of the great world?"

As long as the problem can be detected from Xue E, combined with the purpose of the meeting at this moment, there are not many things that can make Xue E restless. The first guess is naturally what Li Qing said.

As soon as Li Qing's question came out, Xue E's heart felt bitter, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain today.

"Senior Li, the younger generation won't listen to what Senior Li said"

"Master Zhang is here!"

Xue E's words were interrupted by the slightly trembling roll call of the disciples outside the door before he could finish his sentence.When I turned my head, I saw the door open, and a man in black robe walked in with a big square box in his hand with a smile on his face.With such an appearance, isn't the soul fluctuation on his body just the Zhuanyan of the Duanya Mountain that Xue E has not seen for a long time!
It's just that the "Master Zhang" was stuck in Xue E's throat, so he couldn't shout it.Because although the other party has the same appearance and the same soul fluctuations, the aura on his body is no longer what it used to be.

Is that the breath of Jin Jinxian? !
Jinxian has a golden body, even if he is restrained, his breath will have very obvious characteristics.Although Zhang Yan in front of him still had a very unique and weird aura mixed in, it still did not conceal the fact that he was a Golden Immortal.

Didn't you see that the three golden fairies who were sitting on the chairs just now stood up immediately?How could Zhang Yan Jinxian's cultivation base be false?

"Master Zhang!" Xue E still came to his senses after all, and hurried forward to meet him.The shock in my heart can only be suppressed forcibly, and the complicated expression on my face is also reluctantly contained, and it looks normal after a few steps.After three or five steps, he bowed and saluted.It's just that the moment he lowered his head, the emotions in Xue E's eyes were extremely complicated.

Zhang Yan didn't really ask Xue E to give a big gift. He held the other party up with his hand and said at the same time: "Master Xue is too polite. Zhang was delayed because of some things just now, so he came late. But he brought a gift as compensation, I think everyone After seeing you, I can definitely understand Zhang’s delay.”

(End of this chapter)

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