one's door

Chapter 939

Chapter 939
Zhang Yan greeted Xue E with a smile, and nodded to the three golden fairies who stood up. They didn't know each other yet, so it was naturally inconvenient to greet them directly.But the marks on the three people's bodies have already clearly revealed their identities, Zhang Yan naturally knows it well.

And it's not that the three golden immortals who stood facing Zhang Yan had no clue about Zhang Yan's identity at this moment.

Just now Xue E called "Master Zhang".And the doorkeeper Zhang also said, "It's too late."That is to say, today's interview needs the participation of this sect master Zhang.And combined with some previous information, what I want to talk about today, the identity of the sect master is about to be revealed.

This time, the root cause of the matter that gradually involved the entire Pastoral School was the inheritor of the Great Desolate World, and this inheritor was surnamed Zhang, and he was also the head of a sect called Duanyashan.

The Zhang sect master in front of him should be him.

After exchanging simple greetings with Xue E, Xue E, as the landlord, began to introduce the three golden immortals present to Zhang Yan.

Return to Li Qing in Shicheng; Yang Wenxi in Qingxi Tian; Sun Wen in Yunlanyu.

After that, Zhang Yan sat near Xue E.The other three are on the other side.This seat once again confirmed the speculation of the three people on the opposite side, and understood that the subject of the interview with them this time should be this sect master Zhang instead of Xue E.

To be honest, this change is really big enough.The three of Li Qing never thought that the inheritors of the Great Desolate World would appear in Hao Xuemen in person.In this way, today's interview level was directly raised to the highest level.All issues can be discussed in an open and in-depth manner.

The level of the interview and the depth of what can be said have changed, which also disrupted the general tacit understanding that Li Qing and the three had formed with each other before they came.

Although the three of them are smiling now, they are all making quick calculations in their hearts.Think about how to get the best position for the formal conversation that will start later.

"Hehe, it's really surprising that Master Zhang is in person!" Yang Wenxi, who seemed to like talking the most, was speaking.

"Oh? Why did Elder Yang say that?"

"Master Zhang, don't blame it. As long as it is rumored that you were an earth immortal in the pastoral school more than a thousand years ago, and now these days have passed, you have already become a golden body. Such a speed of practice has opened us up. At the same time, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion! Hahaha, don't blame Zhang sect master, it's just a feeling. But it seems that the sect master's practice speed is unimaginably fast with the means of the prehistoric world!"

Unlike the Chaos faction, the Muge faction is much clearer about Zhang Yan's low strength at the beginning.In addition, unlike the Chaos faction, which has feldspar soldiers as a transitional buffer for people to accept, the people in the Pastoral faction saw Zhang Yan's golden immortal cultivation at first glance, and the span and time were really too large.This is definitely not justified by "the inheritor of the Great Desolate World".After all, although the Great Desolate World is mysterious, it was not completely without contact with the Void World a long, long time ago.

If it was possible to turn an earth immortal into a golden immortal after thousands of years, then there would be as many golden immortals as dogs in the prehistoric world.And that's not the case.

Li Qing's doubts were not alone.It's just that the result of asking about this kind of thing is the same as not asking about it.Because the inheritance of the Great Desolate World does not necessarily have such an effect, Zhang Yan must have other methods to increase his cultivation so quickly.But will people tell you why?
"Elder Li, the world is impermanent, and there must always be some odd numbers. You can just treat me as an odd number that is rare in the prehistoric world. It's meaningless to ask the bottom line."

How could Zhang Yan not know how amazing his practice speed is?Not to mention Li Qing, he was often scared by himself.There were even a few surges in cultivation that were not what he wanted, but the result of one after another "coincidence" that had to come together and forced it on him.

And judging from Li Qing's speech and attitude just now, Zhang Yan hadn't encountered such a situation in the Chaos faction for a long time.Not to mention that Jinxian dared not talk to him like this in the Chaos faction, the ordinary Da Luo would not directly put such a question in his face like this.

But it makes sense when you think about it.The people of Chaos faction were not so honest and well-behaved in front of Zhang Yan from the very beginning.It wasn't because Zhang Yan repeatedly killed and subdued those dishonest and ignorant people.

After a pause, Zhang Yan seemed to remember the square box he had been holding in his hand.So he said with a smile: "Everyone, Mr. Zhang should have arrived first, but there are some things that need to be dealt with first, so he came a step late. However, the matter was handled satisfactorily. I specially left some prizes for you to come back as a meeting gift. It can be regarded as an apology for being a step late before, and I hope the three of you will not be disgusted."

While speaking, Zhang Yan pushed the square box in his hand forward, and Li Yan who was present hurriedly stepped forward and put the box in front of the three people opposite.

The three of Li Qing looked at each other, not understanding what Zhang Yan was going to show them.He also kept saying that it was an apology.

If it's really an apology, will there be a gift for three people?There must be other reasons, but it's just a casual statement of apology.

The moment Li Yan opened the box, the eyes of all the people present followed, and at the same time they were shocked by the contents of the box and gasped.

head!Inside the box is a dead head!

The head alone is not enough to make so many immortals gasp in surprise and become speechless for a short time.But although the head was dead, its appearance was clear, and the luster of the corpse on it and the special texture that had not dissipated made everyone recognize who it was.

"This is Huang Ziqing, the Elder of the Golden Immortal of the Green Mountain Wonderland!?"

Jinxian's corpse is the easiest to distinguish.Because the uniqueness of the golden body is impossible to forge.That is to say, first of all, the head in this box belongs to a golden fairy.Secondly, the appearance of the Golden Immortal is clear. The person who killed him obviously avoided his head on purpose, as if to make it easier for people to distinguish.

Yang Wenxi's exclamation was a little more apprehensive, and when he looked at Zhang Yan, who presented them with gifts, his eyes were a little more wary.

"Oh? Is this person called Huang Ziqing? That's not clear. On the way here, this person was sneaking outside the Haoxue Gate, and he didn't look like a good person. So in order to ensure the safety of the three in the Haoxue Gate, we will not I was harassed by these irrelevant people, so I killed him. The body is still floating in the void. Bringing a leader back is counted as a meeting gift and an apology for the three. I hope the three don't dislike it. .”

Hearing these words, the three of Li Qing almost jumped up.

I shouted wildly in my heart: Did you leave the body in the void on purpose to prevent others from knowing that you killed a golden fairy in Qingshan Wonderland?Or did you deliberately leave the corpse outside?You killed to protect us?Then we still have to thank you? !
(End of this chapter)

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