one's door

Chapter 940 Conditions

The corpse of Jinxian floating in the void was quickly taken away.It was done by the heavenly immortals of the three forces who got the news, and the disciples of Haoxuemen were watching in surprise, but they were not allowed to approach.

The most affected thing this time was the atmosphere in the main hall at the top of Haoxuemen Peak.

The three families and Xue E received reports from the disciples collecting the corpses in the void almost at the same time.The death of Huang Ziqing, the Golden Immortal of Qingshan Wonderland, has already been concluded.

Although the scene is not appropriate to delve into how a golden fairy was killed so silently.But this didn't prevent everyone in the hall from feeling suddenly inexplicably chilled.

Li Qing and the other three who were present knew how difficult it was to kill a golden immortal.What's more, he cut off the head so quietly, and put it as a gift in front of people in a calm manner.

This is not only the fierceness and viciousness in the means, but also the mentality that does not take Jinxian seriously.Such as slaughtering pigs and dogs, violent corpses, and beheading, it all depends on preference.Even as the other party said just now, it's just "smooth".

Looking at the smile on Zhang Yan's face that didn't seem to have changed now, there will always be a butcher's ferocious feeling.Especially the three of Li Qing, even their sitting postures became upright.

Or is it like sitting on pins and needles?
"Master Zhang, Huang Ziqing is dead now. Are you doing this to scare the snake and cause trouble?" Although Yang Wenxi still smiled, the smile was a bit forced, and the relaxed and freehand feeling before his words disappeared.There is a taste of daring to speak out.

"Elder Yang, don't worry too much. With the three of you here, Huang Ziqing is just to blame, and he died in a righteous way. He doesn't dare to do anything to us in Qingshan Wonderland!" Zhang Yan took a sip of the freshly brewed tea, the taste was so-so Let it go again.But the understatement seems to really ignore the life of a golden fairy.But the light and shade in the words made the three people on the opposite side unable to sit still.

"Master Zhang, what do you mean? What does Huang Ziqing's death have to do with us? We don't even know that he is outside."

"Hehe, Elder Sun, you don't have to be polite. I've done everything for the safety of the three of you. The three of you sent disciples to collect the corpses. It's already a good thing. Everyone is talking about things behind closed doors, so there's no need to be so polite."

"Master Zhang, you..." Sun Wen's eyes bulged for a while, and he lost his voice again.It dawned on him now that it was not just a brutal and rampant violence, but a hole dug for the three of them!

This method, this calculation, stunned Xue E who had been watching, and at the same time felt a burst of joy in his heart.Didn't these three words block most of the previous choices of Li Qing and the others?With this as the beginning of the conversation, the rest will be much easier.There will be no room for Li Qing and the others to be perfunctory or pretend to be stupid.

Li Qing, the Golden Immortal of Guishi City, hadn't said much. At this time, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Master Zhang is so deliberate here to link Huang Ziqing's death with our three families. It's too simple. This kind of It's really hard to agree with you. If you don't be more frank, I don't think there is any need to continue talking about this in today's long interview."

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, Yang Wenxi and Sun Wen immediately agreed with him.The three of them seemed to have a tacit understanding again, making a gesture that they might leave at any time.

"The three don't want to talk? Then you can leave at any time. I also just saved my time, and I have an explanation to Master Xue. After that, I can develop in the Chaos faction with peace of mind. Now it's okay to run at both ends. It's very troublesome." Zhang Yan smiled and indicated to Li Qing and the others that the gate was right next to them, and no one would stop them if they wanted to leave.


As a result, no one got up and left.Even if he wanted to put on a show, he didn't dare to try again after hearing the second half of Zhang Yan's sentence.

A lunatic who was able to kill a golden fairy "smoothly" said that he didn't want to trouble him, but it was possible that he would never bother with the Pastoral School in the future.When the real hooded head develops in the pastoral faction, judging from its trading methods with Haoxuemen, it will inevitably benefit many forces in the Chaos faction.Under the ebb and flow of each other, what will happen when the Chaos faction with the blessing of the prehistoric world will face the Pastoral faction?
Even if this is only a possibility, it is not an inevitable result.But who dares to bet that it won't happen?

"Master Zhang, let's get straight to the point. You suddenly showed up and gave us such a big blow as soon as you came. You can't just want to embarrass us, can you? Let's just say it, let's see what the relationship between our three families and your cliff mountain can be." Talk about something."

Zhang Yan smiled and nodded. He didn't need a heavy hammer to play the drum. Today he took the life of a golden fairy in Qingshan Wonderland as a stepping stone, and this is what he wanted.He learned a truth from the Chaos faction, that is, you can't hide your clumsiness in contact with these so-called top forces in the void world, at least you have to show something from time to time, otherwise you will be pinched as a persimmon and waste a lot of time.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point." Zhang Yan formally expressed his intention of coming this time with a smile: "I can hand over the means in the Great Desolate World to your forces to a limited extent, and I can guarantee that you will It is the only transaction party in the pastoral school. Of course, Haoxuemen will serve as a transit, which is beneficial to both of us.

And what you need to pay is still gold leaf that is useless to you.Of course, if you have any other ideas, you can bring them up, we can discuss them."

On the surface, there is nothing new about these words.Li Qingsan had already had these expectations before coming here.The reason why they agreed to Haoxuemen's invitation to go to the appointment was because of the "sweetness" that Haoxuemen had fed them.Including what Zhang Yan said about positioning Haoxuemen as an intermediate channel, this was also within his expectation.

But there is only one point, the three parties have tasted some taste at this time.That is the fairyland of green mountains that Zhang Yan didn't mention.

If you don't mention it, it doesn't mean you can ignore it.

There are a total of five top forces in the pastoral faction.Among the three families present, there was another Feng Leitian who chose to wait and see and not talk about it for the time being, the rest was Qingshan Wonderland.The benefits have always been uneven rather than limited. Once the Qingshan Fairyland is excluded, and Haoxuemen is nominally their affiliated power line.It is a strange thing that Qingshan Wonderland can let it go.

But Zhang Yan slaughtered a golden fairy in Qingshan Wonderland as soon as he came here, and there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.So how should Yun Lanyu and the other three, who joined later, deal with the sensitive relationship between the two parties in this way?That's the point!
So after Zhang Yan finished speaking, Yang Wenxi briefly exchanged a few words with the two people around him via sound transmission, and then asked tentatively: "Then how does the sect master plan to resolve the conflict between you and Qingshan Wonderland?"

"Hehe, the three of you are joking. The world is changing and not normal. It used to be good without the Qingshan Fairyland Pastoral School, so why must there be a Qingshan Fairyland in the future? Right?"

PS: There are two more chapters to be added in the afternoon.Excuse me.

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