one's door

Chapter 944

When he came here, Lin Xiao explained that any unusual or certain situation should be sent back immediately.The two Jinxian elders did not dare to neglect.

"You two, it looks like they are Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Guishicheng. It's the same as what the intelligence said. Should we surround them first?"

The one who spoke was the Great Elder of the Yanshan Alliance, who was also a Golden Immortal.He is the leader of the people who came out of the Yanshan Alliance this time.Together with him, in addition to two golden immortals and five heavenly immortals in the Inner Yanshan Alliance this time, most of the combat power has been dispatched except for the manpower of the main camp.It is also because of the presence of two golden immortals in the Qingshan Wonderland that they attach so much importance to it.And guess what this time should be a tricky thing.

Sure enough, why did the disciples of Qingxitian, Yunlanyu and Guishicheng appear outside the world of Dahong Tianhaoxuemen?Still building the magic circle?

Although the Yanshan Alliance has also received news that Haoxuemen is plotting to uncover the power line of Qingshan Wonderland, but looking at the situation now, I am afraid that it is not as simple as just digging out the power line.Especially with the appearance of Guishicheng's disciples, it's no wonder that Qingshan Wonderland seems to want to destroy Hao Xuemen.

As soon as I saw it, there were not many disciples from the three families on the opposite side, and the arrangement of the magic circle had not yet taken shape, and it should have only started not long ago.Therefore, the Great Elder of the Yanshan Alliance suggested to encircle them first. It doesn't matter to Miehao Xuemen, but it is most appropriate not to have a direct conflict with those three families as much as possible.

I thought this strategy was the safest, but it was directly rejected by the two golden fairy elders in Qingshan Wonderland.

"Don't get too busy, just explore the surroundings of Haoxuemen's world and see the situation before we talk. Let's spread out first, and warn the police immediately if there is anything wrong!"

"Is that so? Okay."

The cautiousness shown from top to bottom by the people in Qingshan Wonderland also made the staff of the Yanshan Alliance, who had seen that there were not many disciples in the three schools in the world and were of average strength, also have to be nervous.They obviously found that the people in Qingshan Wonderland didn't seem to care about the nearly [-] disciples of the three families who arranged the formation in front, but seemed to be searching for something else.

Also looking at each other from a distance are the disciples of Qingxitian, Yunlanyu and Guishicheng who stayed at Haoxuemen's formation.

"Sure enough, it's here! So fast!"

"It's not too soon. How long have we been collecting Huang Ziqing's body? The people in Qingshan Wonderland must have thought about it before setting off. Didn't you see that people from the Yanshan Alliance were also there? It seems that they also have expected."

"Prediction? Hehe, it's useless for them to be so cautious if Da Luo really exists. It's just that they are here, so they must be sure that there is no Da Luo. So this is looking for something other than Da Luo that can kill Huang Ziqing?"

"It must be so. Hehe, even if they racked their brains, they would never think that the one who killed Huang Ziqing would be Zhang Yan, the inheritor of the Great Desolate World. But speaking of it, that Zhang Yan is really terrifying. "

"Huh? Wait a minute, look over there!"

Nearly a hundred disciples from Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Guishicheng who arranged the magic circle discovered the strange behavior of those disciples from Yanshan Alliance and Qingshan Fairyland far away at almost the same time.

"What are they doing?"

"Should want to disperse, but... trapped?!"

"Also, did you see that? That man...why is he there?! Why haven't I noticed?!"

Originally, it was impossible to detect how far away in the void by relying on vision, and generally rely on divine sense to search and detect the surrounding environment.This is far wider and more detailed than the field of view.But it is clearly nearby, although it will not go beyond the field of vision, but the divine sense has never relaxed that area.But at this moment, there was an extra figure.Even if they only saw the profile, the disciples of the three families present could still identify the person.

The Lord of Cliff Mountain, Zhang Yan! !
Although it is not clear why Zhang Yan appeared here, and it seems that he has been hiding for a long time.But the purpose of Zhang Yan's appearance at this time is not difficult to discover.Because the power raised by Zhang Yan and the sword formula in his hand have already shown that he is using means at this moment.As for the target, it must be those Yanshan Alliance and Qingshan Wonderland people who have just arrived and are about to disperse!

"What is Master Zhang doing?!"

"Why did he trap those people? And there are four Golden Immortals inside, and more than a dozen Heavenly Immortals. Here."

The first thought in everyone's mind is "don't understand".Even though they were horrified not long ago that Zhang Yan could kill the Jinxian of the same realm and do so quietly.But such an outrageous thing as one against four is not within their cognition.Of course, if they knew what Zhang Yan had caused in the Chaos faction, they wouldn't have so many suspicions.

"I don't think Master Zhang wants to trap those people, he, he wants to kill them all!?"

Thoughts start from the death of the first life.In other words, at that moment, many people trapped by Zhang Yan lost their vitality.

One against four?Bring hundreds of Earth Immortals and Celestial Immortals?This may seem like a fantasy to others, but it is not too difficult for Zhang Yan.The Four Swords of Jade Immortal in his hand don't even need to participate in the sword formation, it only needs that the Killing Immortal Sword and Sword Soul participate in the host.

Even this scene is not enough for Zhang Yan Liucheng.What he is doing now is collecting some interest.At the same time, it is also necessary to come up with a sap and knock the green mountain fairyland unconscious, so that the opponent will not dare to press all-in easily.This can also help Haoxuemen overcome the initial difficulties.Of course, there is also the meaning of helping Qingxitian, Yunlanyu and Guishicheng make up their minds.

In less than a meal, nearly a hundred disciples from Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Guishicheng had already frozen in place like wooden sculptures with horrified faces, and the work of arranging the magic circle in their hands had completely stopped. The scene I saw subverted my cognition and was terrified at the same time.

Until Zhang Yan moved over with the heads of the four golden immortals.The disciples of Qingxitian, Yunlanyu and Guishicheng hurriedly bowed and saluted with awe and a bit of horror.

"The three elders, Li, left in a hurry before. They didn't have any souvenirs to bring back, and they couldn't have a good chat with the three elders. I just came out and met a few people who were not open-eyed. They cut off their heads and counted them as my gift to Qingxi. , Yunlanyu, and a meeting gift from Guishicheng. I will leave the things to you, and I think you should be able to pass them on to me.

OK, let's go. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan threw down the four heads, smiled and nodded to the nervous disciples of the three families as farewell, and then he really left the Pastoral School and returned to Huangtianyu with a flash of his figure.The disciples of nearly one hundred and three families were left behind, looking at the four heads suspended in the air, and the hundreds of corpses of disciples from Qingshan Fairyland and Yanshan Alliance in the far distance, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

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