one's door

Chapter 945 Hesitation

Zhang Yan had asked Song Shiyu before about whether there was any tacit understanding between Da Luo Jinxian in the Chaos faction. Otherwise, if the conflict between various forces was taken by Da Luo Jinxian, would it be necessary for the entire Chaos faction to have other forces?
Song Shiyu did not shy away from Zhang Yan at the time, and directly admitted that there was a tacit understanding between Da Luo Jinxian.As for the reason why Da Luo Jinxian did not completely carve up the Chaos faction, it was actually "unnecessary" and "inappropriate".

Since the Da Luo Jinxians of the Chaos School have a tacit understanding with each other, there should be no Da Luo Jinxians of the Pastoral School.

So Zhang Yan was not worried at all that Da Luo Jinxian from Qingshan Wonderland would go straight to Hao Xuemen.As long as they didn't do this at the beginning, it would be even more impossible later on.Because Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Da Luo from Guishicheng would stare at him steadfastly.It won't let Da Luo in Qingshan Wonderland easily use his crushing posture to destroy some new variables that have finally appeared in the Pastoral School.

In Qingshan Fairy Territory, the elders and faction leader Lin Xiao who were still gathered in the main hall and waited for the news first received the first report from Elder Wang and Elder Xu.They said that they had already arrived at the location of Haoxuemen, and they saw nearly a hundred disciples from Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Guishicheng from outside the world building a defensive circle. Haoxuemen has reached a consensus, and has already expressed the intention of driving to protect Haoxuemen.

In this way, the return of the first information also made part of the guesses in the hearts of everyone in the hall come true.Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Guishicheng really hooked up with the inheritors of the Great Desolate World represented by Haoxuemen, and began to build an alliance to resist and protect Haoxuemen.

But just after this information came back, a major change happened that no one expected.

Hasty footsteps sounded from outside the hall, and then rushed into the hall with a panicked voice in horror, completely forgetting the solemn requirements of this place not to make noise.

"Pie master! The life cards are broken! Elder Wang and the others' life cards are all broken!"


Immediately, Lin Xiao's figure flashed, and he moved away from the main hall, followed by all the other elders.

When everyone rushed to the side hall where the life cards were collected, they were taken a breath by the pieces of jade life cards that were shattered on the table in front of them.

"Everything is broken?!"

The life cards of the two golden immortal elders were shattered, and the life cards of the disciples of the Heavenly Immortal Realm and the Earth Immortal who followed them were all shattered as well.

"It's exactly the same as when Huang Ziqing was killed before. No one was spared, and there was no warning. Either they were all killed at almost the same time. Or they were killed in a special environment that prevented them from escaping. , and could not return the relevant warning information. Combined with the arrival time of the previous jade sword information, it can be determined that Elder Wang and the others were killed shortly after they arrived at Hao Xuemen. Even when they just sent back the first information It could be attacked immediately after that."

As soon as the incident happened, even the most radical elders would no longer clamor to immediately destroy Haoxuemen.

Killing a golden fairy can be said to be a sneak attack or other insidious means.But now Qingshan Wonderland lost two golden immortals.And there are many heavenly and earthly immortals accompanying him, as well as the two golden immortals and hundreds of disciples of the Yanshan Alliance. This power can be wiped out in an instant, so it cannot be explained by "insidious means" .

Just like a golden immortal can easily slaughter hundreds of heavenly immortals, golden immortals are not the top power in the void world. In front of Da Luo, four golden immortals plus hundreds of earth immortals and heavenly immortals can't make waves at all , will be extinct in an instant.

"Master Pai, who do you think did it?"

The eyes of a Jinxian elder under Lin Xiao's hands were bloodshot from anger.His voice was calm but visibly trembling.angry.

Lin Xiao didn't answer.But another Da Luo Jinxian beside him, the Great Elder of Qingshan Fairyland, shook his head and said: "This matter may be much more complicated than we thought. What is certain is that this time it is not the other four Any big hands out there."

"What?! Great Elder, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Xiao took the conversation, and brushed the broken fate cards on the table with his hand, his face was so gloomy that he was about to freeze.

"What the Great Elder means is that Qingxitian, Yunlanyu, and Daluo Jinxian from Guishicheng have no possibility of doing anything. They are still in their respective sects at this moment."

Da Luo is an existence that hides himself in his fate and entrusts him to be immortal, and there is a certain mutual induction.Especially in the case of checks and balances, they don't want to hide their own existence, and show their attitude to each other secretly, which is also restraining each other.This is the tacit understanding between Da Luo.This is true in both the Chaos School and the Pastoral School.

This is a secret, but it is not a secret to the top forces that themselves own Da Luo.So what Zhang Yan learned from Song Shiyu was "tacit understanding", but in fact it was not just a simple tacit understanding, but a real-time constraint on each other.

"What about the wind and thunder sky?"

"It's not them either." Lin Xiao dispelled all the guesses of the elders below.It was clear that it wasn't those big Luos who had been involved with each other for a long time who killed the four golden immortals and hundreds of main disciples on the line of Qingshan Wonderland this time.

Return from the side hall where the life token is stored.The atmosphere in the hall was even more depressing.A depression about to erupt.

"It wasn't a few of them, then. Patriarch, do you think those guys from the Chaos faction invaded? After all, Zhang Yan went to the Chaos faction after he escaped our restraint for the first time. Although he doesn't know the specific situation, But they are related to the Chaos faction. Coupled with the heritage of the Great Desolate World, it is not completely impossible for a big Luo to help."

Da Luo is terrible.And the ones that are more terrifying than Da Luo in the Pastoral School are naturally those in the Chaos School.Once it is invaded by Da Luo of the Chaos faction without knowing it, this is definitely the worst possibility for Qingshan Wonderland.

But Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "No. Although the magic circle on the border seems loose, it has an absolutely sensitive detection of Da Luo Jinxian. This is a detection that all of our Da Luo can't avoid. Once there is a big Luo When Luo crosses the magic circle, or even approaches, we will immediately feel it. Moreover, entering the territory of our pastoral faction alone is also risky for those big Luos of the Chaos faction. Once we are jointly suppressed by our side, it will be a big loss. So I don’t think Da Luo from the Chaos faction crossed the border.”

Not the Da Luo of the Chaos School, nor the Da Luo of the Pastoral School?

"Either it was the work of Da Luo, a new breakthrough in our pastoral school, or we guessed wrong, and this matter was not done by Da Luo."

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