one's door

Chapter 958 Guidelines

Chapter 958 Guidelines
The moment Zhang Yan released the Sword Soul of the Slaying Immortal Sword, a pulling feeling beyond his connection with the Sword Soul appeared, pulling the Sword Soul, and then leading him to move quickly around the seabed of Ao Island.

This reaction calmed down Zhang Yan's gradually anxious mood in an instant.

If there is a change, it means that the appearance of Sword Soul may indeed be the key to triggering a new "coincidence".At this moment, Sword Soul was being pulled towards one direction, Zhang Yan followed, guessing it should be the actual trigger point of the next "coincidence".

"Is there anything special here?"

Zhang Yan had been to the place where Slaughtering Immortal Sword Soul stopped for the last time.And after turning around twice before, I didn't find anything strange here.If there is any difference, it is that the terrain here is a little higher than the surrounding area of ​​Ao Island, and the bottom is full of mountains and ravines.Compared with the other directions of Ao Island, it can be called "precipitous".But the range is very large, and it should be formed by the mountain trend of the seabed.So even now Zhang Yan didn't feel that there was anything strange here.

But since the Killing Immortal Sword Soul stopped here, there must be doubts here.It's just because Zhang Yan doesn't have the ability to see the essence directly.

Moreover, after the Immortal Killing Sword Soul stopped, it did not stop at the limit position near the energy field closest to the island base of Ao Island.On the contrary, after it moved, it led Zhang Yan back, that is, it retreated nearly two miles in the opposite direction from the base of Ao Island.Finally, it hovered over a raised submarine hill.

Without waiting for Zhang Yan to make more guesses, he subconsciously stepped on the surface of the hillside, and the shattering feeling of stepping on a piece of crisp shell immediately caught his attention.

clack clack.
It was as if the sound of the shattering mirror began to spread rapidly from Zhang Yan's feet. The speed was so fast that before Zhang Yan could think more, the crackling sound spread all over the seabed, mountains and ravines.It gave Zhang Yan a feeling of "massive momentum" and "a big battle".

In the meantime, the sword soul of the Immortal Killing Sword didn't move any more, it just hovered in front of Zhang Yan.It seems that the mission has been completed, but it seems to be waiting and watching?
"This is.?"

With the crackling sounds around, the mountain ranges that looked like they had faded away from the gray covering of the mountains, revealing a strange texture of black and red.

It doesn't look like rocks, or metal, but silk? !

Zhang Yan unconsciously blinked vigorously, feeling a little dazed by the scene in front of him, and subconsciously wondered if he suddenly had a hallucination or something like that.

After blinking a few times, coupled with the repeated consideration of his divine sense, Zhang Yan was finally sure that what he saw was not a hallucination.It can only show that the scene is mysterious.

The texture of silk and satin, and spread out, the field of vision is probably not dozens of miles below.

But these black and red colors in the divine sense are not all over, nor can they be said to fit perfectly.Instead, there are some structural combinations that form a very weird shape.

Zhang Yan took a long time to distinguish before he could confirm from the bird's-eye view of the divine mind that the black and red silk and satin-like thing actually looked like a banner! ?

And Zhang Yan was standing in the middle of this huge banner right now.In front, there are six blood-red lines on the flag surface.Behind him is the black belt of the flag fluttering, and a flagpole stretching out like a mountain range.

Although the scene in front of me is mysterious and shocking, I don’t know what kind of material the black and red silk-like thing is made of. Now it is better than Zhang Yan’s stepping on the gray shell on the surface and still overflowing with streams of light in the water. It is extraordinary at first glance. things.

Like a banner, it is on the bottom of Ao Island, and the saint on the island is involved.This series of messages immediately converged into three words in Zhang Yan's mind: Liuhun Banner!
The reputation of Liuhun Banner is no less than that of Zhuxian Sword Formation in the prehistoric world.Even vaguely above the Zhuxian Sword Formation.Because the applicable scenarios of Liuhun Banner are much wider than that of Zhuxian Sword Formation.It can be said that it is the most important innate spiritual treasure of the leader of Jiejiao, Tongtian Saint.

Moreover, in the legend, in the end, the Master Tongtian set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation to fight four against one. In fact, relying on the six soul banners, he almost turned the tables and counterattacked.In the end, the relationship between the traitors fell short.

In other words, the Zhuxian sword formation plus the six soul banners actually allowed the Tongtian sage to barely reach the point of one against four.

This shows that the Six Soul Banner is very important.

But the question is, is this huge banner-like thing really the Six Souls Banner?Why is there no breath of Lingbao at all?
As soon as I thought of this in my heart, the Immortal Slayer Sword Soul hovering outside the "cocoon" suddenly moved.He plunged into a circular pattern in the middle of the huge banner in front of Zhang Yan, and then slipped out after a while.But at this moment, the entire seabed began to shake, but the amplitude was small and not violent, as if something was being torn from the surface of the seabed.

Zhang Yan quickly backed away from the range of the banner pattern under his feet.From a distance, I watched the black and red flag float up on the bottom of the sea.At the same time, the ban in the outer sea area also began to attack the huge floating flag like crazy.Thousands of water dragons appeared out of thin air, roaring and roaring, trying to tear the huge banner apart.

But there is almost no effect.

Because no matter how those water dragons shuttled and roared, even the five-element water attribute methods or rules that aroused terrifying power, passed through the flag directly like passing through the air, leaving no damage.

On the contrary, this scene made Zhang Yan's scalp numb, and he was stuck on the bottom of the sea and dared not move.But if he is found, these water dragons can easily tear him apart, and he can't die anymore.

Fortunately, the "cocoon" around his body was strong enough to hide, so Zhang Yan was able to watch from a distance that the huge banner was unscathed under the attack of tens of thousands of water dragons, but began to shrink, changing from huge to hundreds of feet quickly. Small, and slowly erected.It also made Zhang Yan see more clearly.

"It seems that the banner is absorbing the attacks of the surrounding water dragons, so as to awaken its true colors?!"

Although he couldn't explain the reason behind it, Zhang Yan clearly found that with the shrinking of the banner and the bombardment of tens of thousands of water dragons, the banner that didn't have the slightest wave of magic weapon began to rapidly fluctuate strangely, and the rapid fluctuation rose. Surpassing ordinary magic weapons, and finally reaching the unique fluctuations of Lingbao that Zhang Yan felt on the four-handled killing swords gradually took shape.

The gloomy impact on Qi's body, like the nine heavens falling and the yellow spring hanging upside down, poured into his forehead, making Zhang Yan feel numb all over.

Needless to say at this moment, Zhang Yan understood that the banner in front of him was another innate spiritual treasure of Saint Tongtian: Six Soul Banner!
Looking intently again, it seems that there are still a few illusory characters floating on the six soul banner:

The place of fate, the place of soul!
(End of this chapter)

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