one's door

Chapter 959 Purpose

Zhang Yan just took a few glances at the eight large characters of illusory light, and then he wrote them down and disappeared, as if these characters appeared specially for Zhang Yan.

"The place where the fate is sent? The place where the soul is based? This should be the main line of practice mentioned in the Taoist scriptures about the golden immortal's journey to Daluo! Why does it appear on this six soul banner?

Or is this the "coincidence" guide that I came down this time? "

Zhang Yan will never forget why he happened to get into the chaos this time.To put it bluntly, the strength is still weak, and there is no way to rely on the wrist to pull with all parties to stabilize the situation. In the end, he was forced to get into the chaos and adapt to the "coincidence", first to avoid, and second to find opportunities to open the situation.What they are looking for is a method and confidence to stabilize the situation again.

Although it has increased its strength by devouring it all the way in the chaotic domain, it has not solved the fundamental problem.

Facing Da Luo, Jinxian is always just a Jinxian, and there is no essential difference between strength and weakness.Not to mention "repression" or "killing".Perhaps it is still possible to wait until the remodeling degree of Zhuxian Sword Formation is higher.But that needs to wait until the sword is complete, and go back to the ruins of the sword tomb to find the remaining three sword souls, which is still very early.

Now the most direct way for Zhang Yan is to close the distance with Da Luo from the realm, which is the best solution right now.

Therefore, according to the origin from the beginning, the eight imaginary characters on the six-hundred spirit banner may really be the guidance given to Zhang Yan by this "coincidence".

But the problem is that what the eight characters say is the key to Jinxian's journey to the Daluo realm.It is related to fate, and only by entrusting and hiding fate can we see immortality.But how to hide and how to entrust it?This is actually the key.But it didn't say it directly between the lines.

"Is the key still on the six soul banner?"

Zhang Yan vaguely guessed something.But whether it is exactly as he guessed, we have to wait for the situation of Liuhun Banner to stabilize at this time.

With the shrinking of the six soul banners, the fluctuations of the terrifying magic weapon on his body also began to appear, and the strange power spread out and retracted circle after circle.Just as it was released and retracted, the water dragons gathered around it were all pulled to pieces.After repeating it several times, all the power of the six-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-spirited banner froze, completely silent, like an ordinary banner planted on the bottom of the sea.There is no longer any further stimulation of the surrounding bans.

But I don't know if it's my own illusion.Zhang Yan felt that the pressure around him was not as heavy as before.

After the surrounding area calmed down, Zhang Yan still lay on the sidelines and waited and watched for a long time before standing up and walking slowly towards the location of the Liuhun Banner.Be more cautious along the way.

Zhang Yan didn't feel the fluctuation of Lingbao on the banner until he was less than ten feet away from the banner.And the eerie coercion against the primordial spirit, it seems that its existence is the natural enemy of the primordial spirit or the soul.

But when Zhang Yan got a few feet closer, the oppression at the level of the primordial spirit was reduced a lot.It's not that it disappears, but that the six soul banners are obviously restraining Zhang Yan.

"It knows me?" Zhang Yan's reaction was surprised, and he immediately guessed that the spirit in the six soul banner seemed to have woken up.But when he saw the Slaying Immortal Sword Soul hovering outside his "cocoon", he suddenly understood that maybe he didn't know him, but the Slaughtering Immortal Sword Soul.On the contrary, the weapon spirit in the Six Soul Banner should really exist and has awakened.

Sure enough, Zhang Yan saw that the standing still flag seemed to be swaying, and the six flag whiskers were fluttering and swaying, as if they were paying tribute to Zhang Yan.

I can help you!

A consciousness suddenly rushed into Zhang Yan's mind.

It's the weapon spirit in the banner in front of you!It is sending the message!
Qi Ling, this is not the first time Zhang Yan has come into contact with it.Killing Immortal Sword and Sword Soul is the spirit of the weapon, and it is also the spirit of the spirit treasure.But the spirit of the weapon is also divided into high and low.This kind of situation has never occurred in the Immortal Sword Soul.From this, we can also judge the level of the two spirit treasures.After all, the Slaying Immortal Sword is one of the Four Immortal Execution Swords. If the banner in front of him is really the Six Soul Banner, it would need a complete Immortal Execution Sword Formation to compare with it. There is obviously a certain gap between the soul of a single sword.

But at the same time, Zhang Yan also had to be more wary of this.

"What can you do for me?"

Zhang Yan was silent for a while, and asked Liuhun Banner.He has also read some miscellaneous notes about the exchange of spirits in Taoism, and there is a Tao in it that makes it clear.As long as the problem is not too complicated, a powerful tool spirit can communicate normally.

"It can help you entrust your fate."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yan understood.I also understand that this "coincidence" should end here.With results.

Although Zhang Yan still doesn't know how the Liuhun Banner can help him entrust his fate.But since the other party is so straightforward, there must be some remaining information instructing it to do so.Besides, even up to this point, Zhang Yan's anomalous function has not really been used.So there is no such thing as digging a hole.

The pit will not appear until the ultimate goal of the "coincidence" is completed.

In addition, who can say clearly now whether the final result is a blessing or a curse?

In other words, this time Zhang Yan had to cut into the vicinity of Ao Island, and then take the six-hundred-soul banner, and then use the six-hundred-soul banner as a new starting point to start the next stage of soaring strength.

As for how to entrust fate in the last paragraph, it is up to Zhang Yan to comprehend and try.There is no detailed description of these in the Taoist scriptures, it only says to find a way to hide and entrust fate.The specific method has to be found by yourself.After all, there are thousands of people, and what is suitable for others may not necessarily be suitable for you.

But judging from what Liuhun Banner said, it can be tolerant and help Zhang Yan complete the hiding and sustenance of his fate.

"How to do it?" Zhang Yan didn't hesitate.What should be asked should be asked immediately.This place is not an ordinary place, and what he needs to consider is not just the six soul banner in front of him.You must know that Ao Island is not far away.It is not clear what the situation of the suppressed person above is now.

At least at this moment Zhang Yan did not dare to show the slightest hesitation and resistance to the "coincidence".So far, many things need not be said, but they can already be seen very clearly.

"Refining me, I can help you."

Zhang Yan understood that the question he might ask was a bit complicated.So Liuhun Banner's answer was relatively vague.But there is always a clear direction.That is to let Zhang Yan take it away.

The reluctance in my heart, and how many worries I have, these need to be put aside for the time being.At least not right here and now.

So Zhang Yan didn't say much anymore, and directly approached the Six Soul Banner, and then began to form a cocoon again, forming another cocoon outside his own "cocoon", which was enough to fit the Six Soul Banner.Only in this way can he leave with the Six Soul Banner without lifting the original "cocoon".

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