one's door

Chapter 963 Numerology

The identity of Liuhun Banner can already be determined.But just like what Ao Xun said before, this thing is not something that can be easily obtained, so one must be mentally prepared.

Lingbao Zhang Yan has more than this one in his hand.And the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.But compared with the Six Soul Banner, there is still a big difference.

First of all, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian were not intentionally placed in the Jianzhong ruins, and the reasons for it are complicated.Although there is the subjective behavior of the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian Shengren, there is also the objective fact that Jiejiao was defeated in the war of the three religions.There may even be reasons why Tongtian Saint was banned and suppressed.

The combination of other factors finally formed the open "relic" of the Jianzhong ruins, making it a way of "take the bait of the willing".Even so far, Zhang Yan is still a long way from truly mastering the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

The Six Soul Banner is different.It's not just that the place where it appears and the way it is taken are very different from the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.More critical is the meaning represented by the six soul banners.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian were broken by someone when facing the enemy, and the sword was taken away to escape the sword soul.So what Zhang Yan is doing now is to gather the sword spirit and reshape the sword weapon.

And the Six Soul Banner is in the hands of Tongtian Shengren, the leader of Jiejiao.Even if Ao Xun said that "it seems to be taken away by people's teaching and teaching", how can this kind of thing be clearly explained by the word "like"?What's more, if it was really taken away, how could it appear on the bottom of Ao Island?
So Zhang Yan felt that there might be another version of the story about Liuhun Banner that was completely different from what Ao Xun knew.

At least for now, like the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, the Six Soul Banner definitely has a close relationship with the Tongtian Saint.Even it must be part of the "coincidence".

Are you still calling it a "coincidence"?Zhang Yan is just a subconscious respect, or awe, for the saint and the unknown.

Zhang Yan heard a famous saying from a long time ago.This sentence is divided into two paragraphs.He always felt that the previous paragraph was useful.Now it seems that the latter stage is slowly getting closer to him, and even fell on him early.

All things are equal in front of the heaven and the earth, just like the humble dog, there is no difference.It is absolutely fair and absolutely ruthless.

Furthermore, heaven and earth are to all things; sages are to the common people.There are also many sayings here.

Of course, there are also some monks who look at "Tao" and "heaven and earth" together.Whether this view is right or wrong depends on your own specific cultivation base geometry.

Monks are below, heaven and earth are above, and saints are above heaven and earth, and above that is the "Tao".

In front of the sage, the common people are like dogs, there is no difference.This is not about fairness or unfairness, but a kind of power overriding.Because the saint is also separated from the "common people", and the cold details in it make people feel cold through the body.

Now after the Golden Immortal, the fate is seriously placed in front of Zhang Yan.Solidly belonged to a way forward that he couldn't ignore, and he still had to delve into it.

If we add some legendary and practical "diffusion techniques" in the prehistoric world, as well as some real force intervention similar to the interference of heaven and earth with ordinary creatures, the fate will become relatively less untouchable Touched.

This is actually easy to understand.The higher the cultivation base, the clearer the fate will be, and the easier it is to ponder and think about "coincidence".

For a golden immortal like Zhang Yan, heaven and earth and Tao are two absolutely different things.Tao is the most reasonable.But heaven and earth are a higher form of life different from creatures.

Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu are now converging with each other, and in a state of false harmony, Zhang Yan can almost see all the changes in the domain from the perspective of the consciousness of Huang Tianyu's master.As long as he wanted, Zhang San could slowly grow from a beggar on the side of the road to a wealthy businessman, or become a prince of a country.

This is the magic weapon of the Tongtian Saint.Refining?Zhang Yan didn't even think that he could hold it firmly, let alone refine it.And after refining, is it impossible to think about it even if you get on the boat?

If it was in the past, Zhang Yan always felt mysterious about fate, and he was not even that interested in Yanshu.Because none of these have real power to be intuitive and enjoyable.Even after knowing Mingyue Valley's abacus, he was a little secretly funny, thinking that the people of Mingyue Valley were a little paranoid by the Yan technique.

This is not a dream, but a controllable part of the real fate.

That being the case, instead of tossing about it secretly, it is better to put it on the bright side.

This level of progressive relationship has been running through the practice of the prehistoric world.

Of course, heaven and earth are also divided into high and low.A world like the Great Desolate World is naturally not comparable to ordinary worlds.But in essence they are the same, they are both a level of life.Although it is closer to "Tao" than living beings, it is not after all.Therefore, in Zhang Yan's view, a sage transcends heaven and earth.

It's just that Zhang Yan has to figure out how to go this way.

The two paragraphs before and after seem to have the same meaning, but they have a progressive relationship that monks only understand.In other words, this progressive relationship can only be understood by monks in the Great Desolate World.

Now the latest "coincidence" is the six soul banner in front of him, and the statement given is the key to Zhang Yan's promotion to Daluo.He also gave a way: refining first.

certainly.The fate of not all creatures can be controlled.There are also thresholds.

Not to mention saints, even a golden immortal like Zhang Yan, or a heavenly and earthly immortal who is not as good as Zhang Yan, it is not difficult to really wipe out a world with all hands.

The weaker the life, the simpler the number of lives, the fewer variables itself, and the easier it is to be controlled and changed.Conversely, the more powerful a creature is, the more variable its hit is, and the more difficult it is to control and interfere with its fate.

What is involved is not only the level of strength, but also the fate involved in the dark.

Inexplicably, he appeared from the earth in the barren sky at the beginning, replaced the identity of an unlucky guy and started the road of practice all the way to the present.Now when Zhang Yan looks back at the road, he can clearly find that there are "coincidences" helping each key node along the way. The higher the level of cultivation, the more obvious the "coincidence" is.It seems that they are deliberately putting pressure on Zhang Yan.Force him to choose.

The world is not benevolent, and all things are straw dogs; the saints are not benevolent, and the common people are straw dogs.

The universe evolves all living beings. Although the fate is ethereal, but directly intervening in every bit of it, the accumulation of small things becomes more, and the fate changes direction.

There are some words and some things that Zhang Yan dare not say or do in the chaotic domain, and he has a lot of worries.But in the wild world, his hands and feet are much wider.

Ask first, then ponder after asking.Wait until you think it over before choosing.

And "coincidence" doesn't just have a thread.

but two.

It's just that the vein of the Liuhun Banner is thicker, so that Zhang Yan has been focusing on it all the time and didn't notice anything else.Now that you taste it carefully, you can taste other flavors.

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